That it is ;he Intention of said citir council to create a new
Special improvement District to be known as Special likorove.-rierit
District No, 33 for the purpose of improving the aveniies t1orein, to
establish grades, curbs and const-ilct grass plats, sow grass seeds
and plant trees therein and to grade the avenue therein, the
boundaries of thick said Special Improvement District are to be as
follows, to-wvit:
Commencing at the in ter section of the center o'f Sixth street
with the center of the alley -Ln block No. 100, thence south through
the center of said alley to the intersection of the center line of
said alley with the center of Seventh Stre�t, thence West through
the centerof Seventh Street to Its,interseration with the center line
of the alle-v in Block No. 99, thence north through the center of
suid alley to Its i-I-Itersect.-Ion.pith sixth street,, thence east
through the center of sixt-h street to the 1p�iace of beginning. Said
district to include the East half of Block 99 and the west half of
Block 100 of the 0r2- inal Townsite of Kalispell, Montana.
Said Special I'mprove-ment District herein above described to be
improved as follows; by establis'hin-p- a grade, upon said Fourth
Avenue East within the ldzuits abov I e described, constructing curbs
wlthin said boundaries on both sides of said Fourth Avenue East
graveling, gnading and boi-t1evarding the sane, sowing grass seeds and
plantinv trees in the grassplats, grUding up the (.-;enter of said
Aven-kle between said curbs which said curbs shall be eighteen feet
fron, the property lines, bringing t'he Avenue to grade and placing.
gravel tIrreon, giving it a rounded and s-nooth appearance and sur-
face and also b_y establishing and pi-ztting in crossin.Els wherever the
sax.qe L,11ay be necessary.
The approximate cost of said ix.,provements is the sum of
$780.00 nd the su_qe shall be paid by special assessments unon all
of the assessable property within sLtid Special i9proveynent District,
exclusive or streets, alleys and public places dnd each piece or
p,a,rcel of land within said district shall pay that proportion of
the cost of said improvements as the area thereof bears to the area
of the enti-r—, district exclusive of streets, alleys and public places
Bd it further resolved that notice be published in the Kalispell
Journal for at least one issue for the Pall timie required by- law the
theref"or, said Kalisrell Journal being a ne-ispaper of general cir-
cultion in said Ci;,y of Kalispellf Montana, givint� notice of the
intention on the part of said Cit�r Council to make said improve_,,Ients
notifying 14 ying all owners or agents of -tihe 7-ropert-, w.-ithin said Special
Improvement Dis'r'ct No. 33 to be, affected or benefited V 'il;
that said City Council of the City of Kalispell willmeet
moar It
2nd dl.ra of July 9 1908 at 8 o'clock P. M. An the Council cha.-mbers at
the Cit-y- hall, Kalispell, Montana, to consider any objections to
the finU e stab I i s'itment of said Special Improfement District,
which said objections imist, be written and Ciled with the City
Clerk on or before said date.
It is further ordered by the City Conncill-that all assessments
levied against said property within said Special Improvement
District No, 33 shall be paid in three equal installments or payments.
tha first of which sYia'1-1 be paid in t?n year 19084 and all deferred
payNaents to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per anaum,,
pajable annnally.
Passed and approved this 22nd day of June, 1908.
H. A. Kendall,
B. Jonesv