Resolution - SID 25179
That it is t -he inttioof said City Couiacil to create �, en�0 n
a new Special Improvement District to be laiown as Special Improve-
r�ent DistrIct Nlo*25, for the purpose of inijoroving the avenues there-
in, to establish grades, curbs and const-rue't gr�tsq pIats, sow grass
seeds and Plant trees therein and to grade the avenues therein, the
boundartes of which said Special Improvement Dig +.r*-*c4w, are to be as
fo'o A.lows " t-wit
3eginnin,g at a point where a line drawn through the center o.-117
Second street would intersect, a line drawn -'throtw-,h the center o--':-* the
alley between Third and Fourth Avenues West, and from t-hence r-imning
in a 6out-herly direction through the center of said a' -ley to a point
in the center of Fifth Street to a Point Vnere a line drawn through
the center of the alley between Fourth and Fifth Avenues West would
be intersected, and from thence in a northerly direc4tion through the
center off 5aid alley to a point in the center of Second Street and
from thence to the pl&ce of beginning.
Said Special Inprow ercent District herein dezcribed to be im-
proved as follows: by establishing a grade upon Yourth Avenue West
wit'hin the "units above deBeribed, construe ll;irz curbs within said
boundaries on both sides a"C' said Avenue, gr",veling,grading and bou-
levarding the sanne, zzowing grass seeds and pLant-ing trees in the
g-Miss Plats, gr74ding up the center of said Avenue between curbs
w ich said curbs zha3l be eighteen feet from the property lines,
bringing the Avenue to grade and placing gravell thereon, giving it
a rounded and moot h appearance and surfce and e.1,90 by establishing
and putting in cro-s-sings wherever the same may be necessary.
The approximate cost of said improvements is the sun of 01980,00
and the same shall be paid by special aseessment upon all o'f the
assessable property within said Special Improvement District, ex-
clusive of streets, alleys and.public places, and each piece or
parcel of .and within said district. shall pay the proportion of
cost o3l' said improvements as the area thereof bears to the area of
the entire district , exclusive of streets, alleys and public placer.
Be it further resolvei that notice be published in the Kalispell
Journal for at least- one issue for the full time required by law
there,,E'Or, said Kalispell Journal being a newspaper of general cir-
culation in the City of 'al ispell.MonMara, givintg) notice of the in-
tention on the part of said City Council to m4ke said improvements,
notify ing all owner.- or agents of the property within said Special
Improvement District To. to be affected or benefitted thereby, taht
said City Council of the City of Kalispell will meet on the 61V-h day
of January n
�,�.1908 at 8 o'clock P.YL,, in the Council "erg ithe
City Hall, Xalispell,Montana, to consider any objections to the
final settlement of said Special Txiprov emwt District, which said ob-
Ject,ions nAust be written and filed, with the City Clerk on or "before
said date.
It is -further ordered by %a.%� tA.Lty Council, that all assessmente
levied against said property within said Special Improvement Dis-
trict No.25, shall be paid in three equal ins tallmentz or payments,
the first of which shall be paid in the year 1908, am-d all deferred
pay ments to bear interest at the rate of 611 -per an payable etnnually
Passed and approved this 2rid day of December,1907.
W. B.Moad e s
City Cirk.