Resolution - Sewer Construction District 5141i A RESOLUTIaR PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTEAUTIM OY A SEWER 1Y SEWER DISTRICT NO. 51 THROUGH BLOCKS 167 and 168 OF ADDITION N0.1 TO THE CITY OY FAIISPELLI MONTAKA. WHERXAS it is the sense of the maj ority vote of the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, that it is necessary for sanitary purposes that a sewer be constructed within Sewer District No.5; be it therefore resolved thit a sewer 8 inches in diameter be constructed according to the plans and specifications of A.L. Ja- queth, Engineer, beginning at the North and of the alley in Block 167 of Addition No.1 to the City of EAlispell, and from thence run- ning in a southerly direction through said alley to the south end of said ulley in Block 168 of Addition No.! to the City of Kalispell,and from thence in an easterly direction along Fourth Street to a point where a sewer zo built will connect with a sewer heretofore built in the alley between Fourth and Fifth Avenues West. Said sewer shall be constructed under the supervision of an engineer to be employed by the City at the expense of the adjoining property. Thensterail to be of vitrified sewer pipe, the total cost of construction being es- tinated at the sum of 0 I and said sewer shall be con- structed by contract let to the lowest responsible bidder after due notice for bids, as required by law. B7 & FURZEER RESOLVED that to defray the cost and expense of the construction of said sewer the said cost and emVense shall be paid and apportioned among the lots in said Blocks 167 and 168 of Addition No*l to the City of Xalispell, and hat a levy be made for the construct .on of said sewer against each of the lots in said blocks, share and share alike, requiring the payment of the cost in three equal annual ins tallyments, the first of which shall be paid in the year 1908, and all deferred paymerztwz to bear interest at the rate of Six percent. per amum, pa )-able annualy. -BE IT —oURTIM RESOLVED, that notice be published in one issue of the lispellJournal at'; least fi7e days before the day of 1 1907$ notifying all concerned that the City Cotm- cil will meet at, the City Hall on that date at 3 o'clock P.114. , to hear and ent�artain objec-'Cions to the construct -ion o-f said sewer either 'fir the o%mers or agent-s of the property to be al"fected or benef itted thereby. W.11, GRIFFIN; - Mayor Attest W.B. 117&'-oades, City Clerk. Finally passed and approved this day of _J1907. W. H. GRIFFIN; Mayor. Attest) W.B. maodes' City Clerk.