Resolution - SID 2310 1 A RESoLUT-101T TO ESTABLISH SRECIAL Il'�MROMMTT DISTRICT ITO.23. BE IT RRSOLVFD BY THE CITY COUNCIL 07 THE CITY OF '.V.LISPRLL: That it is 'the intention of said city council to create a new Speclual Improveme.-at District to be known as Special Improvement Dis- trict No.23, for the purpose of iiTprovin" the avenues therein, to establish gr,ades, curbs and construct grass plats, sow grass seeds and plant trees therein and to grade the avenues therein, the bolzi- daries of Vhich said Special Improvement District are to be ae fol- :Lows$ to -wit: Beginning at a point Where a line drawn through the center of the alley between Sixth and Seventh Avenues Wes-C, intersects a line dram through the center of Fourth Street, and from thence in an eas"Lerly direction through the center .of Fourth Street to a Point on a line dramn through the center oJ1.-' the alley between Sixth "nd Fifth. Avenues West and from thence in a southerly direcClion through the center of said alley to a point, on a line drawn through the center of Sixth Street , and from thence in a Wes-terly direct ion through the ez Sixth th i-�-er of Sixt Street -'Vo a� point or. a line drawn thro-agh e center of the alley between Sixth <'Md Seventh Avenue WeFi-'L; "ind from thence to the place of beginning. Said Speciall Improvement District herein above descrilbed to be im_-Qro! as follOWS: by establishing a grade upon Sixth AvenUe West within the li'mil-AS described, Constructing g Curbs within, said bou-ndaries on both sides ofsaid -avenue, graveling, --,rAdin-- and bou- 1�vardin,g the sane, eowing, grass seeds and planting trees in the gran qplats, grading up the center of said avenue between s.1,id cul'ba, Vnich said curbs shall loe eight teen feat .iron the property , _U brinrpimc, the Avenue ""o �-rade �.ne, gravel then "i'ving it a rotmd(xT and smool.-h appearance and s-urfa-ce,and also by estlab'lishing and puV",inf.?, in croesways whererer the sane may be necessar" mie apparoxin"ate cost of sal d improvements is the sun of $10-SO-00, and 'C"he saane sl"I.l be paifl by special upon all of the assessable property within said S,-9ecial Improvement District, exel"a- sive of s-11--reets, alleys and public places, and each piece or parcel of 14nd wi-rhin said district shall pay -thlat proportion of the cost of said improvements as t-he area there f bears to the area of 11,311 e entire d is tr ict , exc 1--us ive of streets; al"Leys and pifol ic place z . Be it further resolved -'Chat notice be published in the Kall�- pel Journal for at least one issue for the full time required 'by law therelf'or, said *,Kalispell jrournal being a newsp"per of general c ire Ul&t 4 on in said City of Kalispell,Montana., giving notice o4L-' the 71 the part - Intention o Of the said Cit-Y Council to make said -,M- Proveldent-S,notifi,ing all ow-ners or agents of the property within said Special ItIpro7emient District No .23, to be af-J'-'ected or benefit- ed thereby; that said City Council of the City of Kal4spe7l Tfill meet on the 3rd day of September, 1907, at 8 0101-OCT-z P.14. in 1-1he Ccsvmzc-­' chambers at the city F-an to consider any objec- tions tea the final establisliment of said Speo J&a!_ Improve-meinl" D 11,9- trict, 101_1.0-h said o'bJections must be written and filed with the Cit'v Clerk on or before said date. It is further ordered by the Cit.-v Coil, , that all assessmer-tts leTisd aEainst said pro-perty within said Special Improvements D-J's- trict No.23, shall be P"id in three equal, instal"Alments or p .1 ay- ment-z, the first of Which sliAll be paid in the year 1307, and F-11 deferredpayments to lbear intere s,",- at the rate of per annin, pay - able annup-11y. Passed and aDproved this Ih day of AuZ, I I,zt 1907. Attest, T.B. Mioades, City Cleric. `F,111. GRIFFIN, TJ�yor.