Resolution - SID 19 RepealR7SOLUTIaU TO REPRAL THE EABL I SH ¢ BE !T RNSOLUDZ' TIE CIT17 COVYCIL-07 T CITY OF YALISAIL, NTANA: That a olutk passed on 74y Athp 19051 for the estari - Mont of Sf6bial Impray6ment District 16. 10, with We following boundarlys, to -wit: 6ommenc Ing it a pairk where the Lilly between Fifth and. dixth Whitssaid City of KaUspelly ant , interiects ChB deAter . lice of Washington StreeQ tn. i ;" Street, withshe iota Cite of l- i ., -1a, t the intermect& kith toeline if t Al- ley between F . o0th aid Fifth Avenues `fast, of said City4f Kalispell, Mo xt k; Ahence South &long the 511ter line of said 1111ythe WAS , tr eet, l Bird City of Xalispel;, Son ta na , 1 48061 of Wi iont Street to the interaec- tion , 'f is he revoked and nets sa led. SS AND APPROVEDb this City Couqc11 thig 13th duy of j§one, A.D. # 190B. N.� B. - H ILA TE , ;o, r. o 4 W".z c1pro.