12-31-15 Site Development Review Committee MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, December 31, 2015 Lower Level Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Jeff Clawson, Building Official Keith Haskins, Senior Civil Engineer Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Jarod Nygren, Senior Planner Rick Parker, Building Plans Examiner Tom Tabler, Senior Civil Engineer P.J. Sorensen, Chairman GUESTS: James Freyholtz (Montana Department of Transportation); Mike Havila (Flathead County); Mark Johnson (w/Oral Surgery); Fran Quiram (CTA-County); Dave Prunty (Flathead County); and Mike Pence (Flathead County). HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. OLD BUSINESS: Spring Prairie Phase IV — overall site development plan. Planning did have a discussion with Blumenstein. There was also a follow-up e-mail. Jentz noted that she is okay with going back to the original design where you come off the right -ins. She is wanting to confirm that there is nothing in the ground so as to make these changes with little cost. Discussion was held. This will be on the agenda for next week. Kalispell Oral Surgery —180 Timberwolf, new clinic. Sorensen and Johnson met last week on this. Sorensen gave him a list of concerns but is not sure where our other departments stand with this project. Johnson addressed two of Sorensen's concerns. He gave him the photo metrics and a clarification on the pole height on the parking lot lighting is a 20' pole with a 3' base. Johnson received comments from Fincher and he forwarded those onto the landscape architect. They still need to apply for a Driveway Permit and an Encroachment Permit. The dirt work contractor is doing the Stormwater Permit. Parker is still working on this. No other questions for Johnson. This will be on the agenda for next week. Immanuel Lutheran — 185 Crestline; Phase 113 expansion. Sorensen stated they received some revisions. They adjusted the portico because of the setback issue. We had talked with them about adjusting some of the parking. Haskins noted that Public Works is waiting for their first review to be resubmitted. This will be on the agenda for next week. NEW BUSINESS: None. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Vista Village — Bruce Wederspill is putting together an environmental assessment. Nygren received Haskin's letter stating that it will be okay for them to connect to sewer and water. They are going to try to have it ready for the February Planning Board, so they may be submitting here next week. Sign Program — Regarding Immanuel Lutheran. OTHER REPORTS: Historic Courthouse Street Crossings — Quiram stated this is a preliminary meeting to get some initial feedback from the City. They met a couple of months ago with Freyholtz and some others from MDOT to discuss concerns and goals from the County. They are doing significant improvements with the jail and all the improvements that occurred with the Courthouse. One thing that Pence is pushing for is pedestrian safety. As part of this new design they are improving all the plaza area that is in between the Courthouse and the jail. The amount of traffic that is going to those areas will increase significantly. The goal of the County is to identify and improve ADA access and make the crossing the main crossings into the internal area. They would like to improve the lights with rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB) per Freyholtz. Quiram noted that when they create the ADA ramps on the east and west side on the opposite sides of Hwy. 93, they are actually starting to impede in the parking area as there is actually not a designated sidewalk that runs very clearly along the roadway. As part of that, they would have to potentially eliminate a parking spot or have that become some of the striping area for a van accessible space so that you're benefiting a non - parking area but it could be a crosswalk as well. They would modify the sidewalks per ADA but then eliminate a parking space on both the east and west sides. This is City -owned property but County maintained. MDOT, Public Works, and Parks would be the departments that may have requirements for these changes. They are doing this as an Addendum to an existing Encroachment Permit. Discussion was held. Haskins would like to see how the ADA ramps work and connect into the existing area. Quiram stated they will be releasing a proposal request to their original plans as part of the jail renovation that they can share with Fincher in Parks and with Public Works. Redneck Chick Building — A new tenant will be going in that will need to address the parking in front. They have some plans for how to make that work while maintaining some handicapped accessibility in the front. They will run that by us before submitting a full set of plans. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m. The minutes were transcribed by Kathy Nelson, Recording Secretary. cc: Police City Manager FCAOA MDOT Bldg Fire City Clerk City Airport Planning Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works 2