Resolution - Street Improvement District 17TMOLIrTION RIEURDIM STREET DISTRICT YO.17
it in the Atentionsf thec&Un?&, to preate 4 Spe,ci2O, imprpvement
Dist&pt to be known .a Special Improvemoct District No-17,for the
purpose of improving the Avenue therein, to establish grades, curbs
and construct 9tass plate,, Bpwgrans. vee - ds and p1nnt treeolherein
agrad. ��Verlue W
nd tD gra. tirz #Vdn sAd district . th,e boundaries of which
District are to be as follows:-- Corneking at the intersection of P,
line -throfgh,she c enter oUSevepthAtreet,wiOnt line through the
center of the alley between Second Avenue Hast.and Third Avenue 1"st,
thence southerly through the center pf.saWally tw4 point where
last ubove nertioned line would intersect a line drawn throvkE'rh the
middle of -center of Fight Street, thence in an easterly direction
throug-]?_ tZaecerite r Q fiddle' off" Eighth Street to a point of intersec-
tion of a line drawn through tie .siddle of the alley between Third
Avenue 7,st and Yourth Menne East, thence in a northerly direction
through the niddie,of last aleve mertioned alley to a point of inter-
section of a line drawn through the center of Seventh Street, thence
in 4 Westerly direction to place of beginning. The zaid District to
be iriormed as follows: By estublishing a grade upon Third Avenue
East, constructing curbs within said boundaries on both sides of
s"id "venue at a point 18 feet frori the property line on both sides
of said avenue, sowing grass seed and planting trees ,in Enid gras-q
pints, by gr4ding Ap the center of said avenue between said curbs
bringing the same to Erode and picing gravel thereon giving it
rot mded, anooth surf4ce; Also by putting in and estallishinn crosz-
ings wherever the vnRe may, be necessary or proper in said district.
That an aLproxinmte of the costs of said improvemEnts is t-hile
Sam of N80.00, and Ike some shall be p"id for by w spEcial nusess-
wnnt upun all the property within said district, exclusive of rtreetq
alleys and public places, and,each piece or parcel of property wiih-
in said district shall p"y' the proportion of cost of said improve-
nt a as the area bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive
of streeta, alleys and public places.
Be it further resolved$ that a notice be published in the
"Kalispell Bee" for at least one issue, the sore beinq a paper of
general circulation within the City of Yalispell, giving notice of
said intention and notif7ing all owners or "Eents of the property
within said district to be "Nected or ben efitted by said inprove-
munts, that the Counctl will,nnet on the ... day of "t
Eight 0101ock P.M. at the Muncll Chambers, ut w1deh time and place
rtrh owners or "gents will be Eiven an opportunity to file written
objections to siZned by suchnowmere or uZents of
said property, and."t which time any objectiona so filed will be
heard anJ considered by the Connoil.
it in further resolved thut all rides sments levied againet the
propert7 in said district vforvsaid shall be p"id in three equal "a -
nu al irs tallnents I the f !- St of wokqieh shLili be paid in the year 1905,
all deferred paynarts and assessments to bear intereet at the r"te
of 0 per
Pn2sed and Approved this 6th d�y of March, 1905.
Atteotf W.B. Rho"des,
City Clerk,