That it 0 the intention of said Cite Council to create a Spec-
ialImprovement District to be Rnow s "Special>prole en
trict No. 19" for the purpose f improving the avenues therein, to
establish grades, curbs and oonst rust gross plats, soy; grasp seed.9 pl,-zt trees therein "nd to gradethe "venues therein, the boun-
daries of whichai : Special mproveme t District are to be uo fol-
lows; to -wit:
Cornancing at a point h Ere the Avenue et een Fifth and -Sixt
ter° line of Wshington Street; thence running Wt in the Center of
said h'ninon lus t and within said City -of j sL, Mont"na,
-to the intersection with the center line of the aley between Fourth
And Fif th Avenuee East I of skid Cityf ' tl_iopel ,V w. nt.�r? tn e
southalong thecenter f said a alley tQ othe center of id
Street nd within the said City of h isrl l T • thence east
� _ � � _pia _ �.,. _
in the center of said Idaho Street to the intersection with the cen-
ter line of the alley between Fifth and Sixth Avenues East, of S
City of Kalispell, Montana; t Ence Yorth along he center of said
Alley and within s4id City of Kalispell, Montz_a' to the Ph74ce of
Said 5pecial Improvement District herein above described to be
inpro7ed na fol3ows' to -wit: By establi8hing a grade upon Fifth
Avenue 7ost, Whin i said Special 7"mi,. remswt District, eons, ; rti i
curbs within said boundaries on both sides of sold Avenue, at 0 point
8 feet .from the property line on such side of s d Agenue, grovel-
ing, jrading and ovaevu ding the sane, sowing grosslases and r t-
ing tars in said grass pl4tsl y g r�; U up the center' of WE--,
.7 �`r `� e b eta' 3 5 �' Acurbs, br '? "Ti_ g the sane to g dplacing
__r��.�;t`e thereon, COME i rounded and smooth surface; also
pu.a. t li e g - r' a n � e s ?ems �� i s �d? ,g ?� g crossings r'r � t -*ems �
;, , .L r wherever Pi'��v is.i'�, �i:eixe ?-`ITT be ncBa.
ary within hin said Special improvement District.
That an s ypr x in t cost of sild Im :t°ovement s ,s the Hum of
hPee Hundred Eighty ?our {$ 4. Dollars, and the lyre shall be
n ry -.� n
paid �spec € .l assespnent upon all of the s ss,b!. e ir -erty :,�� °�hi—
i said Special l Improvement streets, � e cl save of , f
and pvb is p wo , and each ,�=° � °r� ! ,.; d- �` ram. �! property within �� ;.
Special Improvement District shall P y twat proportion of said cost
o said i �provt mmt s ag the arg, b e;ems io 1 e of r e nt s e
lic uc es .
Beit Further soly by said City CounQij of said Cis V f
Pell, 7ortnnn, that a notice e pub $ islRd i the "K l gl Bee"
f "t least one issue and for the 011 time required
for, , said fir.,_ I i9 'ol Bee" being a newsp per of genera wire ��.intiord
�$ f +, � u
Ina: said C,� City ~':,.ai i sire j , t tngivino
Notice of said irate t or
ort)7Le p�F�.rt . of said Zity 0012m U1. , of said! City Vf Ea U Epell j Mont nnq
to m,ked imprbvemerts, and notifying l p er agents of the
proper ty Wthin sai d Sped t Irprovement Dist He t o. 19, to be "f-
te Wb -m ef Ited by said improvements, that zaid City CounQ i of
said City bf Yalispe 11 , Montana, will reet on the 22rd day of June ,
1905, 0001clonkpofi daft, st,the City'Oouncil GhanberS Of Wid,
City Coundil, in the City H f and in said City of Kalispell,
Mot , , st -Which time and place sush ownersand agent a will be given
an opportunity t .fiew Att en, objectionsto the nakine of said im-
pro, signed by sush owners or agents of said e ty within
sAiaSpoplil inV r ov me & Diztrict, and at which time and plate any
objections oo filed be heard and considured by zaid City Coun-
it is further resolved by said City Co ., tha t p!
ments Wyed "guinst said prcperty within said Special Improvement
Di t. t o. i P"11 be _paid in jhree equal installgent.payments,
th e i. rs t of s4 i I in s tallne itthe
, un&Il deferred installment pa,e t and n
interest the rate of 6 percent. per nn ; pa '"annuallyW
Passed .and wAgraved by said City Council this 3t .y f June ,
0 5.
tt t)
W.B. Rhoades?
City Clerk.
the TAX LEVY for the year 1905, on all taxable propErty within toe
City of Kalispe!12 be as-follaws'
FOR 00700:5 AND ADMINISTRATIVE PURPOPTS ....... � - - - . v .... 8 mill 5 -
FORSTR77T AND ROAD PURPOSES ..................... **..*.2 It
FOR LIB RARYPURPOSK ........... *.*.a4 ... ....... 1 11
on each andevery dollar of the assessed valuation of said City of
PASPED AND ATTROVED this 3rd day of July, 1905.
City Clerk.