Resolution - Extension of Water MainI, - I A IRWOLIIINLITIF 7pii-1-1 T.1-Hr-Z SICPSIT 0__� 'T"'IF IKA' -1r, 1_1'-�"Alz;�'_� 0-1-M 1=101"77TZI T_&7FR j"LTT) FT27AMLTUC BF I T R. 7, 17) 0 L V F D 3 Y I'll y C' 01 U C IL 0 "F Y, C' 1 T -',.r 0 _7 A'J - 6 1 S PT 7-TZ - "'hat t he T�a_' is-pell "Ila to e- Fiec t ric C� mp y be required ard is 1 1, 0 �:Ln iiereby req-airecord with theprovisions of Ordinano-e No.21, hei r, wa te r ma in pursL"nt t o " p et it ion. heretofore passed t4- o exteqd heretofor(4 filed b, A.". Downings, et. 41. an add extmsion is ordered tobe mine as follows: Be�Tinning at t'he. intersection of Second Avenue Fi�;ist "nd Rleventh SStree t ind frori thence in ar. ea'ster ly �Ureat io.iong Eleventh S.reet for a distance of Iwo blocks to 111-he intersection of 7ourth Avenue Feet and 71i'le7enth Streetv .4ron thence in :t northerly direction for a, distance of two blooze s �1on- Fo,_irth Avenue F4;Lst, to �he intler- seetion of -Fourth Avenue k:R,1nd rint-In Street, md �iso from 1-1,he point of intpmeoI-Aon )_-P F3treet- hnd Yourth Avenue R."st ]Lxn e, soix1_,herg­ direction i-tfor g '':At ha? As7-enue Ea st f r di stEmce of one block 110 the intersection of T"courth Aven-ae 11-_nfd T'Oeifth Stxeet'A Tt is further ordered t-hat the Cit,j- Cler-1VA-1 of -he Of 1K s U be end is hereb,­ reqAlred to serve, opy oft-1-1-is resolutio,' p e on the said _-K-3.1ispell TcOl-er & Electric Coawny, together willh �m order requiring said extuension to be rn_�zde per hio se C'hs 'Berk of PASS 7,D j:", !PPTDIVTM -1i s 51-h di;,,y Of Sep tlember, , 1905. At ��st, City "lar-4. SAIMEL HILBUTRY