Resolution - SID 09V] PES01UTION C1407ATING A7TD ESTABLISHING SPECIAL- IMPROV7WT DISTRIOT NO. 9. BE 1T RRSOLVAD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALIGPELLSOFTAW That there shall be and there is lereby created and estallished a "Special Ingrovement � ainteQanoe Distrjct No.91 of the Citj of, , Aalispell, Montana, and that said district shall camprise.the same and all of the territory bounded and desarlbed in and'of "Special improvement District No,S" Of said MY Of Kalispell" Mont4nn, here- tofore created and estallished by sad. ldCity Council, by Resolution, whrich said Resolution cc ,ina true and correct despription of the boundaries of whnf said. Districts hereinabove noised, and is on File and recorded in the office of the City Clerk of said jity of Kai is Pe 11 , Mgontan ag t o is ref erena e :tea hereby m&.d e and had; van d that said District is hersty created add established for the purpose of levying an assessment upon all of the proVerty within said Dis- trict, to create and ast4blish a '1_TZainte_n44nce Fund"Ao defray the cost Of Preserving "nd maintaining the improveVements within said. District, exaluBive of sire ots, alleys and public pluces, nd each piece or p"rcei within said district shall 'ear or pay th"t propor- tion of the whole cost of naintaining such improvements as thb are" thereof bears to the area of the entire Dist rtct hereby created 4nd established. Passed and approved by said City Council this 5th day of jum-e s v�aTr-_, May o rr Attest, I W.3. Rhondesi City Clerk.