Resolution - SID 08RNSOLMION CRUTING AND _ems LI SHING SPECIAL UPROVEMENT DISTOICT h t there shall d there.1s Aereby oreated ands to i h Kalispell,, ?4-t4,r" and that sold District shall comprise the solve and. 411 of thh,terriyowbaunded and: described in Speclal:Improvemont Dijj Act numb aro 8 10, 11 and , of the said City of Halispell, created t and eata.bli shed by said amity GoNncilo y j ,tie ,. t :and .e t a i r g ch d i ', i t � next abovementioned hereln, which said Resolutions at, now on file and of repo_ ; in On affice Wthe sty City -Of Nb tan a, for a norn.partioular deocription of Wd Dint A , hereby created reference to said records and resolutions is here ,. made axi s.: a . That said District is herelky 4-,reated and estab.jjshed for the Wryose of levyine are assessment uVon all of the -property": within'said Dist riot, to oats a4m i t a f " to defray the E s t bf preserving and m4intaining the inprovemerts vt Di stri t a exclusive f WOW, l and public places, And'jAch piece djarvel of prvperty Within said district _- that pro- pcotion of the cost of moUnthining such improlements as the thereof : - to the area of the e-7Tti.re District hereby oreateVand establIshAd, P:s,e d =&nd epp roved 0y an i d 01 ty C ounei on this h�day of . Jun, tt es t� City Clerk.