Resolution - SID 18'AS3LUT I N T ESTABLISH 1P"0ViT DISTRICT NO. BR 1TJ1P0LVRD BY THE CITYCOUNCIL. OZ HE CITY 2 ZA11SPE11, MaNTAXA, that it_js the intentian of said Cite Council to create a Special InTrovement District to be known az Bpeciali; oment District No. 18, for the purpose of inproviAZ the krenue therein, to establish gr"dez, nurbs and! construct grass plats, now grays seeds andplant trees thoPein and€i the Avenue wit&nSaid i r°i , the boun- daries of-wkdch saidSpecies Improvement District =0 to be as fol- lows, to -wit: Cammencing at a point in he center of t4e.a2ley,be- tween Third and Fourth Avenues East of said City of Kalispell, Yon- twna, intersectian with the.north line y the Right-of-way f the Wrest Northern R"ilr ,. then;e North1ong the penter of ;laid alley to the intersection of the South line f Vishington f said City- of Kalispell, Mon an", hence east alogg the South lies Of said Washington Street to the intersection with the center line of the alley between Pourth and Fifth A7enues FAst of said City of Kaligpell, Montana, thence South along the center of said, alley its intersection ri_ tNorth lies of said. -Right-of,V41 xf , 'aid Great Northern Rn 11roud, thence West 4long the North line t said Right-of-way of tx said t Northern Railroad, to the place of beginning, . Said Special Invrovement Diatrict to be 01roved as follows:to- wit: By establishing graQ upon Fourth Avenuemast within said Special impr are east District, c cnt ruc tins curbswithin said rigs on bothsides of said Avenue, groveling, inn and ' o ff vr - inthe some; conotructing said curbs within said boundaries on both sides of said Avenue at a point 18 feet from the property'line n each side of said Avenue, sowing grace seed and planting trees in said grass plats, by grading up tW center of said avenue between said ourbs, bringing the same to grade and placing growgrowel thereon, giving it a r2anded wnd smoothsurface; also by � putting in und es- tablishing ero8sings wherever the sane way benecessary or proper i, hin said. Special 1iprove e District. That an approximate cost of said improvements is the zom of $1260-001 and he some a be p y special assessment upon all of the aesessable pr cp rty within said Sec i l Improvemogt Mtriot , exclusive of streetsand alleys and public places, and each piece or p"rcel of property within maid Special Improvement District the proportion of said.goat of gaid improvemeAms, as the area ,bs%rs to the athe ti �: prov mil' District foresail, v of streets, alleys andpAblic places. Be it FurUaerResolved by said Citj Council of said pit,. of KalinVell, Y=ion an a, that a notice published in the M his -deli Bed" for at least one issue "nil for the time rcquiredly low, the Kal- ispell, Nbntann, giving notice 01intention oA the part of said Q V Council of said City of KvIiBpeil, Rantan, to make 5"id i - provemEnts, and notifying ull owners or agents of the property withlhl. said Special e District N. . $ to be affected or benefited 7 suid tmp ovemes s, that said Citj Council of said City of X 1- Pr&_w. x of said dAy, t the GC}uncii Chumbere of said City Council, i the City H411 I and in Wd City of Kalispell, Montana, at Wiwj m e t d �� � .- shahgat e � �_, � i � e give." n opportunity to file written objections to the making of said pr v nt , u n by such owners or agents of said p r oV er y wi ts i said S p c 2- improvement District, and at w1-iink time anyobjection so filed will l l be heard and conzidered by said City Council. It is Further.Resoi7pd y said City Council, that all 08ess; - leviedmants ag"Ost said property- within said pInVrovevent District shall be paid in,three equal annual installnents; the first of said insthilments shall be paid in the yenr 1905, and all de- ferred payments and assessments to bear interest ut the rate of 5 per cent. per nu , pay"Ve annusily. Passed and "pproved y said City Council this 10th day of Mny; 1905. Attest) City Clerk. S p M U u, ILBU ,N It:T y or