Resolution 3312 - Subdivision - 6th Street West TownhousesRESOLUTION N0.,3312 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE, AS A SUBDIVISION OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, THE RESUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF AN UNNAMED AREA ADDED TO TTJL CITY OF KALISPELL BY RESOLUTION 42017 AND fF2-061— OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, TO BE KNOWN AS SIXTH STREET WEST TOWNHOUSES -SUBDIVISION #_123 OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL. W-1 T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, HOWARD U. MAHNKE and MARCELLA E. MAHNKE, the owners of an iinn=ptq A-rQ_i )r1c1jLCL_to ___tb_e Ci-Fy o Kalispell bResolution FA1_7 -i mi I a r I vl--dja--,,aribad-lz-Y�zhihi-�'�_att.,a-Qbadiie-rc�t f the -en h City61Y, 1 has petitioned -for the approval of the resubdivision of said premises to be known as Sixth Street -West Town- O-U d all persons��h an in t e �re s t�i n said premises have, In w r _jL i n consented to the resubdivision of said premises, as required by Section 76-3-613 M.C.A, and. WHEREAS, said resubdivision aoes qualify for summary review and approval under the provisions of The Subdivision Regulations of the City of . Kalispell as now -In effect,,, and the nal 0eve.2gaml."ce WHEREAS, xr��Flathead - "'M Aawx has rec-,-ommended the City approve such resubdivisions, and .WHEREAS, the City Council, in considering this request has found, from the preliminary plat and evidence relating thereto, that said resubdivision is in the public interest, and in making such finding, the Council has considered and weighed (a) the basis of the need for the subdivision; (h) expressed public opinion; (c) effects on agriculture; (d) effects on local services; (e) effects on taxat.ion; (f) effects on wildlife habitat, and (h) effects on the public health and safety. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, SECTION 1. The Petition of Howard U. Mahnke and Marcella E. Mahnke fort here-sabdivision of is Hereby approved and same shlallhereafter be know�i as S xt Sr of the City of Kalispell, Montana. SECTION 2. The classification of said premises under the Kalispell Zoning ordinance shall not be changed by this action. SECTION 3. That no portion of said premises need be dedicated to the City for park purposes, and, in accord with Sedtion 76-3-606 M-C.A., said petitioner shall forthwith pay to the City of Kalispell for 'park purposes, in lieu thereof, the sum of $ 550.00; also, the on theprelm be dedicated to the public use. SECTION 4. Upon payment of the aforesaidsum for park purposes, and upon proper filing of the final plat of said resubdivision in the office of the Flathead County Clerk and Recorder, said premises shall be a subdivision of the City of Kalispell. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, THIS 14th DAY OF --October 19 80 Norma E. hayor ATTEST: Z,Ia-rjor e Giermann, city CierEJ_,_ Y. j,)aIIBTT "All MI-46907 A tract- of land in Goverment Lot 2 of Section 18, Township 28 North, RavgO 21 West, M.P.M., flathead County, Pontma, described as follows: Caacing at the East Quarter Corner (Southwest corner of said Government Lot 2) of said Section 18; thence North 06' 271 15" East a distance of 152.34 feet to the East right of way of Meridian Poad; thelnua Worth 00' 41' 00" East a distance of 100-05-1-eet along the East right of way of Meridian Road, to theJorthwest. corner of Westview CMdominims records of Flathead County, Montana; tbence Nortb 89' 23' 53" East aloby t0he tzorth line of Westview Condatdniuvz, a dis[--ijncya of 129.82 feet to the 'Nort'heast. comer A Vtstvlew Condcminiums, said Point being the Trm roint. of BeginrZin_q; tierce Worth 46' 00' 35" East a distance of 85.66 few theme North 79' 06' 27" East a distance of 103.11 feet; thence South 130 491 24" East a distance of 152.14 feet; thence South 760 341 54" West a distance of 127-9I.Teot along the North right of way of- Sixth Street West; thence SoK5 A" 421 43" FUst a distance of 76.26 feet along the Nbxtb right of way of Sixth Street West; thence PR:n-, 001 491 09" East a distance of 100.17 feet to the True Point of Beginning. rrIMRUTInM public roads and rights of way. J'o lx� Rro,,vn as Sixth Street West To,,,mhouses. of the City of Kalispell cer tify that the foregoing is a t 1, the City clerk copy of the P510110ion passed b th( City Council of the City of 'Kalispell, Montana at a regular meting held rq City Cler k th, 0 t