Resolution 3255 - Transfer Among AppropriationsRESOLUTION NO. 3255 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A TRANSER AMONG APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN A GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES AS ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF KALISPELL BUDGET FOR 1978-1979 FISCAL YEAR. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, in the budget adopted by the City of Kalispell for the 1978-1979 fiscal year, certain detailed and itemized estimates of expenditures within the general classification of salaries, maint. & operation - for the various departments of the i City have proven inaccurate n the operation of the City for that portion of the 1978-1979 fiscal year so far expired, and WHEREAS, the overall expenditures of the City in said class- ification is not in excess of the total of such estimates of ex- penditures adopted in the City's budget for the 1978-1979__ _ fiscal year thus far expired, and, further, it does not appear that the total of the budgeted appropriations in said classifica- tion will exceed such estimate for the balance of the 1978-1972 fiscal. year; and WHEREAS, under the Authority granted the council by law to make transfers or revisions within a general budgetary classifica- tion, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following transfers within the classification of salaries, maint. & operationd,n the City budget for the 1978-1979 fiscal year should be made: PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, THIS 10 DAY OF September 1979 Mayor ATTEST: City - C I e- r-F %he undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell certify that the foregoing is a true 4r of the Resolution duly passed by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana at Bgular meeting heldSeptember10, 1979 City( lerk of the City of Kalispell GE1111R&L yam Budget Transfer For Fiscal Year Ending 6/30/79 Mayor: 353.09 from School & Travel to Telephone City Council: 4465.97 from City Clerk health Insurance to Insurance. Clerk: $36.29 from Telephone to Office Supplies. $93.47 from Telephone to Printing & Xerox. Attorney: $162.29 from School & Travel to Office Supplies. Treasurer: V 1.13 from Police Salaries to Treasurer Salaries. 4830.95 from Police Salaries to Treasurer Office Help. S 65.77 from Telephone to Office Supplies, S .91 from Office Equipment Maintenance to Office Supplies. $121.00 from Health. Insurance to Insurance. 4 40.00 from Postage to Insurance. City Court: 472.45 from Printing to Other Supplies. Finance: 0102.72 from School. & Travel to Health Insurance. City Hall- SA-1 - 64 from Electricity to Natural Gas. $204.61 from Electricity to Water. Director of Public Works: $21.32 from Other Supplies to Office Supplies. $35.24 from Printing & Xerox to Gas & Oil. $65.03 from Office Equipment Maintenance to Telephone. S 7.17 from School & Travel to Postage. Police -Crime Control: $2,825.31 from Salaries to Overtime. $1,242.42 from Gas & Oil to: $6687.60 Insurance 4239.88 Office Supplies $ 39.75 Printing S 16.50 Building 4245.12 Auto Maintenance S 13.57 Clothing Allowance. Police-Costody of Prisoners: W.86 from Treatment to Board. Parking Regulations: $12.04 from Printing to Other Supplies. *2�-41 from Postage to Gas & Oil. Fire Control: $144.70 from Janitorial Supplies to Gas & Oil Animal Control: $$109.07 from Truck Maintenance to Gas & Oil. Building Department: $240.01 from. Animal Control Salaries to Salaries. ,`$226.04 from Fire Department Insurance to Health Insurance. $ 68.98 from Auto Maintenance to Gas & Oil. $ 27.85 from Membership & Dues to Telephone. Streets: $1,016.06 from Overtime to: $506.26 Other Supplies $ 54.74 Gas & Oil $295.46 Truck Maintenance $159.60 Street Signs $1,017.46 from Fire Department Telephone to Natural Gas. Gas Tax: $$293.62 from Street Equipment Maintenance to Gas & Oil. City Shop: 061.60 from Parking Regulation Health Insurance to health Insurance. $ 25.78 from Radio Maintenance to Office Supplies. 4962.55 from Recreation Natural Gas to Other Supplies. $ 67.36 from Electricity to Gas & Oil. v149.71 from Street Equipment Maintenance to Building Repair & Maintenance. $ 41.02 from Electricity to Equipment Maintenance. 4675.19 from Fire Department Telephone to Traffic Lights. 4628.78 from Fire Department Insurance to 4369.44 from Fire Department School & Travel " $166.02 from Fire Department Equip. Maint. to 25.85 from Street Dept, Radio Hint, to Telephone. 274.35from Recreation Natural GAs to Natural Gas. Parks & Playgrounds: $238.97 from Recreation Salaries to Salaries. $249,32 from Recreation Electricity to Health Insurance. $714.26 from Recreation Natural. Gas & Oil. $ 20.41 from Other Supplies to Truck Maintenance. $ 14.61 from Natural Gas to Electricity. $113.40 from Recreation Natural Gas to Electricity. $176.08 from Street Equipment to Equipment Maintenance. Recreation. $304.90 from Fire Department Other Supplies to Other Supplies. $ 10.92 from Building Maintenance to Equipment Maintenance. $ 9.60 from Truck Maintenance to Telephone, Other: $263.35 from parking Reg. Health Insurance to Hockaday Electricity. 620.3.86 from Parking Reg. Health insurance to Golf Course Insurance. 9$193.34 from Hockaday Natural Gas to Conrad Mansion Insurance. $1,010.93 from Interest on Registered Warrants to Misc. Material & Supplies.