Resolution 3252 - Budget - Annual AppropriationsMe RESOLUTION NO. 3252 ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR "M CITY OF KALISPELL FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 1979 to JUNE 30, 1980 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 13TH DAY OF AMUST, 1979. Norma E. Trapp, mayor" ATTEST: Marjori iermann, City Clerk the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell certify that the foregoing is a true ?y of the Resolution duly passed by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana at regular meeting heldAugust13, 1979 City C rk of the City of Kalispell REVENUE l9ry-a8 ACCOUNT NO. SO=, ESTIMATED REV= L0UV-31-1-000 Pcopecuyr—es z,uuy,uo*'nu 1000-32-2-10I Beer a Liquor Licenses 15,572.00 l000-32-2-300 ooaimaaa Licenses 4,5I5.00 1800-32-2-400 Gambling Licenses 4,061.00 1W00-32-2-500 Amusement Lloeooeo 600,00 z000-32-3-101 Building Permits 62,032.00 1000-32-3-183 Plumbing Permits 6,298.00 I000-33-3-104 Gas Permits 558.00 1000-32-3-105 Excavation Permits 1,000.00 1-000-32-3-300 Animal Licenses 1,600.00 1-000-32-3-800 Bicycle Licenses 67.00 IO00-32-3-900 aemez,eu Parking 500.00 I000-33-I-020 B.O.R. gcaoto 19,000.00 J,000-33-4-0I0 Liquor Tax Apportiorurent 81,675.00 1.000-33-4-020 Beer Apportionment 39,657.00 1000-33-4-030 Motor vehicle Fees 75,000,00 �000-33-5-000 Board of Adjustment Fees 650.00 t-000-34-3-150 Parking Meters 35,230.00 lO00-34-3-160 Conrad Bank Lot I,842.00 ]000-34-3-161 Valley Bank Lot #1 I,61I,00 ,O0V-34-3-I03 First Federal Lot 5,735,00 zo00-34-3-163 m*Trruat cut I,700.00 1000-34-3-I64 lot NW Bank Lot #2 1,476.00 1000-34-4_010 Dog Pound Fees 945.00 l000-34-6-030 Swimming Pool. Fees 33,000.00 1000-34-6-090 Tennis & rack Fees 1,837.00 1.000-36-I-000 City Court Pines 60,418.00 1080-25-1-020 Overtime Parking Fees 38,468.00 I000-36-0-000 Miscellaneous 9,I96,00 1080-36-2-000 Rent on City Property 1,500.00 1000-36-8-040 Insurance Recoveries 3,6I9.00 1000-36-9-000 Transfers 200,046.00 1,759,130.00 EXPENDITURES ACCOUar NO. DEPARTMENT 1979-80 BUDGET 1000 CITY COUNCIL 41-01-80-1I0 Salaries 18,965.00 41-01-00-229 Other app?l1ea 50.00 41-01-00-335 memberships a Dues 1,973.00 41-0I-00-373 ' School a Travel 600.00 4I-01_00-379 Meetings 300.00 xIImou 21,887.00 1000 BOARD oFADJUSTMENT 41-0I-30-II0 Salaries 600,00 4I-0I-30-210 Office Supplies 100.00 4I~0I-30-320 Printing 400.00 oIcsc 1,100-00 I000 ZomzWG ComMzSBzmv 41-0I-30-331 Publication of Legal Notices 1,500.00 zcocuL 1,500.00 1000 MAYOR 41-02-10-II0 Salaries 16,658.00 41-02-I0-210 Office Supplies 100.00 4I-02-I0-312 Postage 35-00 41-02-I0-345 Telephone I50.00 4}-02-10-]72 Car AIIc°xuxc: 1,200,08 41-02-10-373 School & Travel 3,200.00 TOTAL 19,343.00 ACCOUNI, NO. ©EPAF"clVM, ' 1979-80 BUDGET- 1000 CITY COURT 41-03-60-110 salaries 19,500.00 41-03-60-210 Office supplies 200.00 41-03-60-229 Other supplies 60.00 41-03-60--312 Postage 200.00 41-03-60-320 Printing & Xerox 480.00 41-03-60-345 Telephone 200.00 41-03-60-352 Public Defender 500.00 41-03-60-373 School & Travel 300.00 41-03-60-394 Jury & Witness Fees 1,200.00 '1' TAL - 22,640.00 704 T'T17�Y;r: 41-05-10-110 salaries 16,703.00 41-05-10-210 Office Supplies 250.00 41-05-10-312 Postage 15.00 41-05--10--320 Printing & Xero,< 200.00 41--05-10-•335 memberships & Duos 10.00 41-05-10-345 Telephone 100.00 41-05-10-363 Office Equipment Maint. 3,000.00 41-05-10-373 School & Travel 300.00 TOTAL 20,578.00 1000 TREASURER 41-05-40-110 Salaries 18,300.00 41-05-40-210 Office Supplies 400.00 41-05-40-312 Postage 300.00 41-05-40-320 Printing & Xerox 800.00 41-05-40-345 Telephone 100.00 41-05-40-363 Office Equipment Maint. 150.00 TOTAL 20,050.00 1000 CITY CLERK 41-05-50-110 Salaries 33,798.00 41-05--50-210 Office Supplies 700.00 41-05-50-312 Postage 400.00 41-05--50-320 Printing & Xerox 5,500.00 41-05--50-345 Telephone 150.00 41-05-50-363 Office Equipment Maint. 150.00 41-05-50-373 School & Travel 200.00 TOTAL 40,898.00 00 CITY ATTORNEY 41-11--10-110 Salaries 36,767.00 41-11-10-210 Office Supplies 600.00 41-11--10-312 Postage 60.00 41-11•-10-320 Printing & Xerox 50.00 41-11--10-335 Memberships & Dues 150.00 41-11-10-345 Telephone 300.00 41-11-10-363 Office Equipment Maint. 50.00 41-11-10-373 School & Travel 700.00 TOTAL _ 38,677.00 1000 CITY BALL MAINrENANCE 41-12--30-110 Salaries 9,600.00 41-12-30-224 Janitorial Supplies 750.00 41-12-30-341 Electricity 5,000.00 41-12-30-342 Water -0- 41-12-30-344 Natural Gas 5,000.00 41-12-30-345 Telephone 21,080.00 41-12-30-363 Office Equipment Maint. 1,000.00 41-12--30-366 Building Maint. 2,500.00 TOTAL 44,930.00 000 PARKING LOT LEASES 41-18-50-532 Lease Payments 12,364.00 TOTAL 12,364.00 Page 2 _ N0. DEPARTMENT 1979-80 BUDGET 1000 POLICE - CZRIME COi�7iROL 42-01-40-110 Salaries 419,414.00 42-01-40-121 Overtime 9,000.00 42-01-40-134 Clothing Allowance 6,305.00 42.-01-40-210 Office Supplies 1,200.00 42-01-40-227 Ammo & Related Supplies 1,900.00 42-01-40-228 Patrol Car Supplies 6,000.00 42-01-40-229 Other Supplies 2,900.00 42-01-40-231 Gas & Oil. 17,000.00 42-01-40-232 Motor Vehicle Maint, 7,000.00 42-01-40-312 Postage 300.00 42-01-40-320 Printing & Xerox 1,500.00 42-01-40-345 Telephone 3,000.00 42-01-40-363 Office Equipment Maint. 500.00 42-01-40-369 Radio Maint. 5,000.00 42-01-40-372 Car Allowance 175.00 42-01-40-373 School & Travel 2,_500.00 TOTAL 483,694.00 1000 PARKING REGULATIONS 42-01--80-110 Salaries 37,784.00 42-01-80-134 Clothing Allowance 350.00 42-01-80-210 Office Supplies 500.00 42-01-80-229 Other Supplies 2,000.00 42-01--80-231 Gas & Oil 700.00 42-01-80--232 Vehicle Maint, 300.00 42-01-80-312 Postage 900.00 42-01-80-320 Printing & Xerox 600.00 42-01-80-362 Equipment Maint. 2,200.00 42-0:1.-80-369 'Radio Maint„ 100.00 TOTAL 45,434.00 1000 POLICE - CUSTODY OF PRISONERS 42--02-30-229 Other Supplies 1,255.00 42--02-30-391 Treatment 500.00 42--02-30-392 Board 7,200.00 TOTAL 8,955.00 WOO FIRE PREVENTION CONTROL 42--04-00-110 Salaries 328,292.00 42-04-00-121 Overtime 4,000.00 42-04-00-132 Sick Leave 600.00 42-04-00-134 Clothing Allowance 3,675.00 42=-04--00-135 Promotion Pay 500.00 42-04-00-229 Other Supplies 1,000.00 42-04-00-231 Gas & Oil 1,400.00 42-04-00-232 Motor Vehicle Maint. 2,200.00 42-04-00-312 Postage 35.00 42-04-00-320 Printing & Xerox 100.00 42-04--00-345 Telephone 2,000.00 42-04-00-362 Equipment Maint. 1,100.00 42-04-00-369 Radio & Alarm Maint. 900.00 42-04-00-373 School. & Travel 1,500.00 42-04-00-380 Fine Prevention Training 800.00 42-04-00-399 Laundry Service 400.00 42-04-00-750 Water Hydrant Rental 14,425.00 TOTAL i 362,927.00 1000 BUILDING DEPARTME'W 42-05-30-110 Salaries 51,918.00 42-05-30-210 Office Supplies 1,000.00 42-05-30-231 Gas-& oil 1,500.00 42-05-30-232 Motor Vehicle Maint. 750.00 42--05-30-312 Postage 50.00 42-05-30-335 Memberships & Dues 135.00 42-05-30-345 Telephone 150.00 42--05-30-369 Radio Maint. 100.00 42-05-30-373 School. & Travel 700.00 TOTAL 56,103.00 Page 3 ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMCNP 1979-80 BUDGET 1000 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS 43-01--00-110 Salaries 35,354.00 43-01-00-210 Office Supplies 400.00 43-01--00-229 Other Supplies 400.00 43-01-00-231 Gas & Oil 600.00 43-01-00-232 Motor vehicle Maint. 100.00 43-01-00-312 Postage 200.00 43-01-00-320 Printing & Xerox 300.00 43-01-00-335 Memberships & Dues 100.00 43-01-00-345 'telephone 400.00 43-01-00-362 Equipment Maint. 200.00 43-01-00-363 Office Equipment Maint. 100.00 43-01-00-369 Radio Maint. 60.00 43-01-00-372 Car Allowance 100.00 43-01-00-373 School & Travel 750.00 TOTAL 39,064.00 1000 aI`iull" ., 43-02-40-110 Salaries 86,032.00 43-02-40-121 Overtime 15,000.00 43-02-40-224 Janitorial Supplies 50.00 43-02-40-229 Other Supplies 2,000.00 43-02-40--231 Gas & Oil 5,500.00 43-02-40-232 Motor vehicle Maint. 8,000.00 43-02-40-242 Street Signs 3,500.00 43-02-40-341 Electricity 3,500.00 43-02-40-342 Water 500.00 43-02-40-344 Natural Gas 4,000.00 43-02-40-345 Telephone 100.00 43-02-40-362 Equipment Maint. 9,000.00 43-02--40-366 Building Maint. 200.00 43-02--40-369 Radio Maint. 150.00 43--02--40-452 Gravel 20,000.00 43--02-40-471 Asphalt (Road Oil) 20,000.00 TOTAL 177,532.00 1000 PARKING COMMISSION 43-02-66-750 Transfer to Revenue Sharing 5,000.00 TOTAL 5,000.00 �000 CITY SHOP 43-13-30-110 Salaries 80,270.00 43-13-30-121 Overtime 600.00 43-13-30-210 Office Supplies_ 100.00 43-13--30-229 Other Supplies 600.00 43-13--30-231 Gas & Oil 470.00 43-13-30-243 Traffic Lights 5,000.00 43-13-30-341 Electricity 1,500.00 43-13-30-344 Natural Gas 3,120.00 43-13-30-345 Telephone 200.00 43-13--30-362 Equipment Maint. 500.00 43-13-30-366 Building Maint. 11000.00 43-13-30-369 Radio Maint. 50.00 43-13-30-373 school & Travel 700.00 TOTAL 94,110.00 1000 ANIMAL CONIML 44-06-40-110 Salaries 16,095.00 44-06-40-229 Other Supplies 300.00 44-06-40-231 Gas & Oil 1,500.00 44-06-40-232 Motor Vehicle Maint. 200.00 44-06-40-369 Radio Maint. 300.00 TOTAL 18,395.00 1000 PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS 46-04-30-110 Salaries 76,935.00 46-04-30-229 Other Supplies 4,500.00 46-04-30-231 Gas & oil 4,000.00 46-04-30-232 motor Vehicle Maint. 800.00 46-04-30-341 Electricity 980.00 46-04-30-342 Water 1,000.00 46-04-30-344 Natural Gas 650.00 46-04-30-345 Telephone 50.00 46-04-30-362 Equipment Maint. 1,000.00 46-04-30-366 Building Maint. 2,500.00 46-04-30-369 Radio Maint. 35.00 46-04-30-373 School & Travel 75.00 TOTAL 92,525.00 Page 4 ,A&Awr No. 1000 46-04-40-110 46-04-40-224 46-04-40-229 46-04-40-231 46-04-40-232 46-04-40-341 46-04-40-342 46-04-40-344 46-04-40-345 46--04-40-362 46-04-40-366 E000 46-04-46-50 1000 46-04-52-341 46-04--52-344 46-04-52-366 000 49-04-00-620 ' )00 51-01-00-750 t�0 W-02-00--731 `:r00 51-03-00-513 ; i'0 51-05--00-750 ::00 51-06--00-790 DEPARTMENT 1979-80 BUDGET RECREATION Salaries 29,832.00 Janitorial Supplies 150.00 Other Supplies 2,000.00 Gas & Oil. 300.00 Motor Vehicle Maint. 150.00 Electricity 1,500.00 Water 500.00 Natural Gas 7,500.00 Telephone 200.00 Equipment Maint. 1,000.00 Building Maint. 1,000.00 TOTAL 44,132.00 GOLF COURSE Insurance 1,500.00 TOTAL 1,500.00 HOCKADAY ART CENTER Electricity 1,431.00 Natural Gas 1,240.00 Building Maint. 2,525.00 TOTAL 5,196.00 INTEREST ON REGISTERED WARRANTS Interest Expense 5,000.00 TOTAL 5,000.00 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Transfers to Assessment Funds 2,600.00 TOTAL 2,600.00 LOSSES OF INSURED ASSETS Losses 2,000.00 TOTAL 2,000.00 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE Liability Insurance 7,500.00 TOTAL 7,500.00 STT2EDT LIGHT DISTRICT MAINTENANCE Transfer to Special Light District Fund 15,000.00 TOTAL 15,000.00 POLICE RETIREM M DEBT Police Retirement Contribution 36,016.00 TOTAL 36,016.00 TOTAL GENERAL EXPENDITURES 1,746,850.00 GENERAL FUND RESERVE 12 280.00 TOTAL 1,759,130.00 TOTAL GENERAL REVENUE %759 ,130 <00 Page 5 RL-'VEUE BY SOURCE EXPENDITURE BY ACTIVITY rr ACCOUNT NO. DEPARiMENI' OR FUND 1979-8.0 BUOGET ACOO= NO. DEPARTMENP OR FUM 1979-80 BU= 2170 AIRPORT 2170 AIRFORT 34-3-620 Fuel Taxes 15,000.0E 43-03-10-229 Other Supplies TOTAL 15,000.00 TOTAL 15,000..00 2210 IN LIEU OF PARK LAND 2210 IN LIEU OF PARK LAND 34-6-080 Developers Payments 2,000.00 46-04-32-936 Park Improvements 10 `00.00 TOTAL 2,000.0 E TOTAL 101000.0E 2250 CITY PLANNING 2250 CITY PLANNING 31-1-000 'Faxes -0- 47-02-60-720 City Planning Grant 4,797.00 TOTAL 4.797.00 2260 GOLF COURSE 2260 GOLF COURSE 36-5-000 Donations 20,000.00 46-04-46-610 Principal on Registered Warranty 15,000.00 46-04-46-620 Interest on Registered Warrants 5,000.00 TOTAL 20,000.00 TOTAL 20,000.00 2300 S.F.D. REVOLVING, 31-1-000 Taxes 23,374.00 TOTAL 23,374.00 2360 LIABILITY INSURRAME 2360 LIABILITY INSURANCE 31-1-000 Taxes 89,703.00 51-03-30-513 Liability Insurance 89,703.00 TOM 89,703.00 TOTAL 89,703.00 ACCOUNT NO. D__� IZ CR "IJJNfi C �i -80 BUDGET 2370 PZTIRRIMTP cs`, P.TI iP 31-1-000 Taxes 82,805.0C 41-02-10-155 riavor 9566.00 41-05-50-155 City Clerk 1,954.00 41-11-10-155 City Attorney 2,119.00 41-05-40-155 City Treasurer 1,042.00 41-03-60-155 City Court 297.00 41-05-10-155 Finance 966.00 43-01-00-155 Director Public Works 2,036.00 42-01-40-155 Police Dispatchers 3,592.00 42-01-80-155 Parking Regulations 2,125.00 44-06-40-155 Animal Control 898.00 42-05-30-155 Building Dept. 2,992.00 43-02-40-155 Street Dept. 4,798.00 43-13-30-155 City Shop 4,476.00 46-04-30-155 Parks & Playgrounds 4,397.00 46-04-40-155 City Recreation_ 1,705.00 42-01-40-156 Police Retirement 48,452.00 TOTAL 82,805.00 TOTAL 82,805.00 2380 HEALTH INSURANCE 2380 HEALTH INSURANCE 31-1-000 Taxes 65,377.00 41-01-00-153 City Council 3,442,00 41-02-10-153 Mayor 766.00 41-03-60-153 City Court 813.00 41-05-10-153 Finance 892.00 41-05-40-153 City Treasurer 300.00 41-05-50-153 City Clerk 734.00 41-11-10-153 City Attorney -0- 42-01-40-153 Police --Dispatchers 4,012.00 42-01-40-153 Police 18,228.00 42-01-80-153 Parking Regulations 1,500.00 42-04-00-153 Fire 14,848.00 42-05-30-153 Building Dept. 2,518.00 43-01-00-153 Director Public Works 1,784.00 43-02-40-153 Street 6,883.00 43-13-30-153 City Shop 3,557.00 44-06-40-153 Animal Control 892.00 46-04-30-153 Parks & Playgrounds 4,208.00 TOTAL 65,377.00 TOTAL 65,377.00 Page 7 REVENUE BY SOURCE ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT OR FUND 1979-80 BUDGET 241C Crime Control 33-1-010 Federal Payments 70,000.00 36-9-000 Transfer from City Matching 10,000.00 TOTAL 80,000.00 2420 GAS TAX 33-4-040 Gas Tax Apportionment 86,000.00 TOTAL 86,000.00 2710 REVENUE SHARING 33-2-010 Federal Payments 258,000.00 36-1-010 Interest on Investments 1,000.00 EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT OR FUND 1979-80 BUDGET 2410 Crime Control 42-01-40-941 Crime Control- Equipment 15,000.00 TOTAL 15,000.00 2420 GAS TAX 43-02-40-110 Salaries 18,459.00 43-02-40-153 Insurance 7,660.00 43-02-40-231 Gas & Oil 13,000.00 43-02-40-452 Gravel 20,000.00 43-02-40-471 Asphalt (Road Oil) 33,775.00 TOTAL 86,000.00 2710 REVENUE SHARING 41-01-00-398 City Council -Labor Negotiations 9,055.00 41-02-10-947 Mayor -Office Equipment 3,500.00 41-03-60-947 City Court -Office Equip. 1,000.00 41-05-10-750 Finance -Transfer to Control Stores 5,000.00 41-05-10-947 Finance -Office Equipment 500.00 41-05-10-948 Finance-Oamputer Software 2,500.00 41-05-50-947 City Clerk -Office Equip, 880.00 41-11-10-947 City Attorney -Office Equip. 3,450.00 41-12-30-921 City Hall -Improvements 18,000.00 42-01-40-112 Police -Overtime Penalty 9,000.00 42-01-40-750 Police -Grant Matching Transfer 10,000.00 42-01-40-944 Police Vehicles 17,000.00 42-01-40-945 Police -Communication Equip. -0- 42-01-40-947 Police -Office Equip. 8,200.00 42-01-40-949 Police -Other Equip. 2,204.00 42-01-80-949 Parking Reg. -Other Equip. 2,400.00 42-02-30-921 Police -Custody of Prisoners Imp. 700.00 42-04-00-944 Fire -Vehicles 2,800.00 42-04-00-945 Fire -Communication Equip. -0- 42-04-00-949 Fire -Other Equip. 13,404.00 42-05-30-944 Building Dept. -Vehicles 3,000.00 42-05-30-947 Building Dept. --Office Equip. 1,910.00 42-05-30-949 Building Dept. -Other Equip. -0- 43-01-00-944 Dir. Public hbrks-Vehicle 3,000.00 43-01-00-947 Dir. Public c rffice rv. 79-80 BCi�u;`�,' 2710 REVM E SHARING _ (COIF ° D) _ cvENts SlIzalux {CONi ° D) !' 43-01-00-949 Dir. Public Works -Other Equip. 3,000.00 43-02--40-922 Street Dept. -Improvements 10,000.00 43-02-40-944 Street Dept. -Vehicles, Heavy Equip. 27,000.00 43-02-66-210 Parking Comm. -Office Supplies 100.00 43-0246-320 Parking Comm. -Printing 300.00 43-02-66-910 Parking Come. -Land Acquisi- tion 14,600.00 43-13-30-750 City Shop -Transfer to Central Garage Fund 11,000.00 43-13-30-922 City Shop -Improvements 6,970.00 46-04-30-790 Parks & Playgrounds-BOR Matching 43,602.00 46-04-30-931 Parks & Playgrounds -Paving Improvements 15,000.00 46-04-30-936 Parks & Playgrounds -Park Facilities -Imp. 1,500.00 46-04-30-949 Parks & Playgrounds -Other Equip. 800.00 46-04-40-931 Recreation -Improvements 3,800.00 46-04-52-921 Hockaday Art Center -Imp, 1,500.00 46-04-52-949 Hockaday Art Center -Other Equip. 825.00 TOTAL 259,000.00 TOTAL 258,000.00 2740 PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYMENT 2740 PUBLIC SERVICE E!,TLCYME T 33-1-060 Federal Payments 55,000.00 41-05-50-110 City Clerk 15,000.00 41-12-30-110 City Hall 10,000.00 42-01-40-110 Police 10,000.00 43-13-30-110 City Shop 10,000.00 47-01-10-110 H.U.D. 10,000.00 TOTAL 55,000.00 TOTAL �55,000.00 2800 E.D.A.- CITY HALL 2800 E.D.A.-CITY HALL 33-1-150 Federal Payments -0- 41-12-40-920 City Hall -0- 36-1-010 Interest Earnings -0- 2800 E.D.A. STORM SEWER 2800 E.D.A. STORM SEWER 33-1-151 Federal Payments 86,000.00 43-02-35-930 Storm Sewer 86,000.00 36-1-010 Interest Earnings -0- TOTAL 86,000.00 TOTAL 86,000.00 SOURCE ACCOUNT NO. DEPARPrravr OR FU M 1979-80 BLD= 2820 SECONDARY TREATMRC PLANT 33-1-090 E.P.A. GRAND 12,000.00 33-3-050 State Grant -0- 36-0-000 Miscellaneous -0- 36-9-000 Transfers -0- TOTAL .12-00-00 2830 TRAFFIC SAFETY 33-1-171 Federal Payments 67,000.00 TOTAL 67,000.00 2880 H.U.D. 33-1-030 Federal Payments 427,783.00 TOTAL 427,783.00 4010 CAPITAL IMPROVEiNF.:NS 31-1-000 Taxes -0- 36-1-010 Interest on Investments 1.,000.00 TOTAL 1,000.00 5210 WATER 34-3-210 Metered Water Sales 575,000.00 34-3-220 Hydrant Rental 16,925.00 34-3-240 Sales of Water Materials & Supplies 1,000.00 34-3-270 Miscellaneous 500.00 36-1-010 Interest on Investments 20,000.00 Page 10 EXPEMITUMS BY Z!=-T-Trmv ALCCUNP NO. DEPARTNM OR 5u— 1979-80 BU GET 2820 SECONDARY TRETTME1\7 PLANT 43-06-40-930 12,000.00 TOTAL 12,000.00 2830 TRAFFIC SAFETY 42-01-50-110 Salaries 25,000.00 42-01-50-210 Office Supplies 17,000.00 42-01-50-941 Equipment 25,000.00 TOTAL 67,000.00 2880 H.U.D. 47-01-10-110 Salaries 42,775.00 47-01-10-210 Office Supplies 1,500.00 47-01-10-320 Printing 350.00 47-01-10-312 Postage 300.00 47-01-10-345 Telephone 700.00 47-01-10-356 Consulting Services 5,000.00 47-01-10-372 Car Allowance 1,200.00 47-01-10-373 School & Travel 4,000.00 47-01-10-531 Office Rent 2,400.00 47-01-10-947 Office Equipment 3,000.00 47-01-10-790 H.U.D. Grant (All Other) 366,558.00 TOTAL 427.783.00 4010 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 42-04-00-941 Capital Outlay - Fire '13,100.00 43-02-00-941 Capital Outlay - Street 18,715.00 TOTAL 31,815.00 5210 WATER 43-05-50-110 Salaries 161,088.D0 43-05-50-153 Insurance 7,130.00 43-05-50-190 Janitorial Services (Wages) 2,000.00 43-05-50-210 Office Supplies 750.00 43-05-50-224 Janitorial Supplies 250.00 43-05-50-229 Other Supplies 15,000.00 43-05-50-231 Gas & Oil 3,600.00 43-05-50-232 Vehicle Maint. 2,000.00 43-05-50-312 Postage 600.00 43-05-50-320 Printing & Xerox 500.00 43-05-50-335 Memberships & Dues 300.00 ACCOUNT NO. DEPAt2"RZN` OR F= OR IfUMI 1979-80 BU= 5210 WADER (COW D) 5210 WATER (COW. 'D) 43-05-50-341 Electricity 24,D00.00 43-05-50-344 Natural Gas 6,000.00 43-05-50-345 Telephone 1,800.00 43-05-50-353 Accounting & Auditing 750.00 43-05-50-355 Billing Costs 8,250.00 43-05-50-356 Consultants 22,000.00 43-05-50-362 Equipment Maint. 7,700.00 43-05-50-363 Office Equip. Maint. 600.00 43-05-50-366 Building Maintenance 5,000.00 43-05-50-369 Radio Maintenance 500.00 43-05-50-372 Car Allowance 1,200.00 43-05-50-373 School & Travel 750.00 43-05-50-490 Inventory 50,000.00 43-05-50-510 Insurance 6,000.00 43-05-50-750 City Shop Transfer 2,180.00 43-05-50-750 Administrative Transfer 54,5C0.00 43-05-50-750 Transfer to Sewer Oper. 43-05-50-910 Capital Outlay -Land 43-05-50-920 Capital Outlay -Buildings 43-05-50-934 Improvements 135,000.00 43-05-50-944 Capital Outlay -Vehicles 22,000.00 43-05-50-949 Capital Outlay -Other 23,990.00 TOTAL 613,425.00 TOTAL 565,438.00 5310 SEGVER 5310 SEMM COLLECTION & TRANSMISSION 34-3-310 Sewer Service Charge 245,000.00 43-06-30-110 Salaries 36,671.00 34-3-340 Lab Fees 500.00 43-06-30-153 Health Insurance 1,532.00 34-3-350 Sale of SewA-r Materials 43-06-30-229 Other Supplies 500.00 & Supplies 1,000.00 43-06-30-231 Gas & Oil 1,700.00 34-3-360 Miscellaneous 200.00 43-06-30-232 Motor vehicle Maint. 500.00 36-1-010 DLnterest on Investments -0- 43-06-30-238 Lines & Stations Maint. 39,000.00 43-06-30-341 Electricity 750.00 43-06-30-342 Water 800.00 43-06-30-353 Accounting & Auditing 3,000.00 43-06-30-355 Billing Costs 9,000.00 43-06-30-362 Equipment Maint. 1,500.00 43-06-30-369 Radio Maint. 75.00 43-06-30-51C Insurance 2,100.00 43-06-30-750 City Shop Transfer 2,180.00 43-06-30-750 Transfer to Sewer Bond Sinking 28,992.00 43-06-30-750 Transfer to Sewer Facility Study 17,200.00 Paste 11 ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT OR RW 1979-80 BI= 5310 SEWER (CCON'D) TOTAL 246,289.00 5342 STORM SEWER CONSTRUZTION 36-8-020 Sale of Reserve Bonds 100,000.00 36-1-010 Interest on Investments -0- TOTAL 100�000.00 5344 SEWER FACILITY STUDY 33-1-090 E.D.A. Grant -0- 33-5-080 Flathead County Share -0- Page 12 EXPENurruxES BY ACT1f _nY .- —. U,12 NO. DEPARTMENT OR 1979-80 BUDGET 5310 SEWER COLLECTION & TRANSMISSION (COW 1 D) 43-06-30-949 Capital Out-, av-other 6,000.00 TOTAL 151,500.00 5310 SECONDARY TREA-17.k0P_' PLANT 43-06-40-110 Salaries 51,762.00 43-06-40-153 Health Insurance 2,550.00 43-06-40-210 Office Supplies 50.00 43-06-40-224 Janitorial Supplies 150.00 43-06-40-229 Other Supplies 25,000.00 43-06-40-231 Gas & Oil 300.00 43-06-40-232 Motor Vehicle Maint. 200.00 43-06-40-312 Postage 50.00 43-06-40-320 Printing & Xerox 50.00 43-06-40-335 Memberships & Dues 100.00 43-06-40-341 Electricity 19,000.00 43-06-40-342 Water 2,000.00 43-06-40-344 Natural Gas 2,000.00 43-06-40-345 Telephone 400.00 43-06-40-362 Equipment Maint. 6,000.00 43-06-40-363 Office Rpipmant Maint. 50.00 43-06-40-365 Sludge Removal 15,000.00 43-06-40-366 Building Maintenance 250.00 43-06-40-369 Radio Maintenance 50.00 43-06-40-373 School & Travel 400.00 43-06-40-510 Insurance 4,500.00 43-06-40-750 City Shop Transfer 327.00 43-06-40-750 Administrative Transfer 43,600.00 43-06-40-934 Improvements 24,000.00 43-06-40-944 Capital Outlay -Vehicles -0- 43-06-40-949 Capital Outlay -Other 5,000.00 TOTAL 202,789.00 TOTAL 354,289.00 5342 STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION 43-02-35-930 Storm Sewers 100,000.00 TOTAL 100,000.00 5344 SEWER FACILITY STUDY 43-06-20-354 Engineering Services 17,200.00 ACCOui' Ny. ,•:.. -T .......,,.,i.u...�.yci rJNu ��,.-• _ -,. "' "" - 1.`.r5—bt7 BUT.�i�ii 5344 SEM FACILITY STUDY (CON72 D)) — — 5344 Ss MR FACILITY STUDY (COMIT) 36-9-000 Transfer from Sewer Operating 17,200.00 TOTAL 17,200.00 TOTAL 17,200.00 5346 SEWER CAPITAL LYIPROVFMENT 5346 SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 34-3-330 Sewer Book -up Fees 35,000.00 43-06-30-930 Sewer Line Improvement 140,000.00 36-1-010 Interest on Investments 7�000.00 TOTAL 42,000.00 TOTAL 140,000.00 5368 1968 SEWER REVENUE BOND SINKING 5368 1968 REVENUE BOND SINKING 36-9-000 Transfer from Sewer 49-02-00-610 Principal 10,000.00 Operating 11,596.00 49-02-00-620 Interest 1,596.00 36-1-010 Interest on Investments -0- TOTAL 1,5�96.00 TOTAL 11,596.00 5372 1972 SEWER REVENUE BOND SINKING 5372 1972 SEWER BOND SINKING 36-9-000 `Transfer from Sewer 49-02-00-610 Principal 10,000.00 Operating 17,396.00 49-02-00-620 Interest 7,396.00 36-1-010 Interest on Investments -0- TOTAL 17,396.00 TOTAL 17,396.00 5376 1976 SEWER REVENUE BOND SINKING 5376 1976 SEWER REVENUE BOND SINKING 31-1-000 'faxes 49-02-00-620 Interest 25,428.00 34-3-370 Storm Sewer Charges 54,000.00 36-1-010 Interest on Investments 2,000.00 TOTAL 56,000.00 TOTAL 25,428.00 5410 AMBULANCE 5410 ANBULANCE 34-2-050 Ambulance Payments 70,000.00 42-07-30-110 Salaries 50,000.00 36-0-000 Niscellaneous -0- 42-07-30-229 Other Supplies 1,600.00 36-1-010 Interest on Investments 200.00 42-07-30-231 Gas & Oil 2,800.00 42-07-30-232 Motor Vehicle Maint. 1,100.00 42-07-30-312 Postage 500.00 42-07-30-320 Printing 500.00 42-07-30-345 Telephone 375.00 42-07-30-362 Equipment Maint. 200.00 42-07-30-369 Radio Maint. 350.00 42-07-30-373 School & Travel 600.00 42-07-30-510 Insurance 2,000.00 42-07-30-750 City Shop Transfer 654.00 42-07-30-750 Administrative Q"i.&fer 16,500.00 REVEr- -11 ---JIBE ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT OR RM 1979-80 BUDGET 5410 AmImm O; ( TOTAL 70,200.00 7010 POLICE PENSION 31-1-000 Taxes -0- 36-0-000 Miscellaneous -0- 36-1-010 Interest on Investments -0- 7020 FIREMAN'S DISABILITY 31-1-000 Taxes -0- 7090 CONRAD MANSION 36-5-000 Donations 48,000.00 33-1-230 N.H.S.A. Grant 28,500.00 TOTAL 76,500.00 7450 DRIVERS EDUCATIC)N 35-1-030 Drivers Education Fines 15,000.00 TOTAL 15,000.00 7460 VICTIMS OF CRIME 35-1-040 Crium Victims Compensation 4,000.00 TOTAL 4,000.00 7910 PAYROLL 36-9-000 Transfer from Other Funds 1,813�239.00 TOTAL 1,813,239.00 8040 SOLID WASTE (GARBAGE) 34-3-410 Collection Charges 135,000.00 34-3-460 Miscellaneous -0- 36-1-010 Interest on Investments 500.00 Page 14 EXPENDITURES BY nr'rTXrTT T ACCWNT NC. DEPARTMENT OR FUNu 1979-80 BUDGET 5410 AMBULANCE (C=r 'D) 42-07-30-944 Capital Outlay Vehicles -0- 42-07-30-946 Capital Outlay -Medical Equip. 1,248.00 WEAL, 78 427.00 7010 POLICE PENSION 42-01-40-156 .Police Pension -0- 7020 FIREMAN'S DISABILITY 21210 Due Kalispell Fire Relief Asso. -0- 7090 CONRAD MANSION 46-04-52-72- Donations 48,000.00 46-04-52-790 N.H.S.A. Grant 28,500.00 TOTAL 76,500.00 7450 DRIVERS EDUCATION 21220 Due to State 15,000.00 TOTAL 15,000.00 7460 VICTIMS OF CRIME 21220* Compensation 4,000.00 *Balance Sheet Account TOTAL 4,000.00 7910 PAYROLL Salaries 1,813,239.00 TOTAL 1,813,239.00 8040 SOLID WASTE (GARBAGE) 43-08-40-110 Salaries 98,148.00 43-08-40-153 Health Insurance 4,827.00 43-08-40-229 Other Supplies 300.00 43-08-40-231 Gas & Oil 7,500.00 43-08-40-232 Motor Vehicle Maint. 3,000.00 ACCOUNT N0. oz ss::N vn -= L7i'�-dv 8040 SC>=D WASTE (GARBAGE) (CONIT ID) TOTAL 135.544.00 8101 OIL SPRINKLING 36-3-010 Maintenance -Assessments 105,000.00 36-3-011 Alley Maint. Charge 700.00 36-1-010 Interest to Investments 3,000.00 TOTAL 108,700.00 8102 WA'SER SPRINKLING 36-3-010 Maintenance -Assessments 17,500.00 36-1-010 Interest on Investments 240.00 TOTAL 17,740.00 8301 SPECIAL LIGHT DISTRICT MAINTENANCE 36-3-010 Maintenance -Assessments 60,000.00 36-1-010 Interest on Investments 500.00 36-9-000 'Transfer from General Fund 15,000.00 TOTAL 75,500.00 8579 1979 SIDEWALK & CURB CONSTRUCTION 36-8-030 Sale of Sidewalk & Curb Warrants 1,000.00 +ge . - 3'�iT OR 'um 1 79-80 BEDGET 8040 SOLID WASTE (GARBAGE) (CCNT°D) 43-08-40-369 ?Radio Maintenance 100.00 43-08-40-510 insurance 1,700.00 43-08-40-750 City Shop Transfer 2,725.00 43-08-40-750 Administrative Transfer 25,000.00 43-08-40-933 Capital Outlay Vehicles 35,000.00 43-08-40-949 Capital Outlay -Other -0- TOTAL 178,300.00 8101 OIL SPRINKLING 43-02-56-110 Salaries 50,759.00 43-02-56-153 Health Insurance 2,025.00 43-02-56-229 other Supplies 3,000.00 43-02-56-231 Gas & Oil 5,000.00 43-02-56-232 Motor Vehicle Maint. 1,500.00 43-02-56-344 Natural Gas 2,000.00 43-02-56-452 Gravel 14,000.00 43-02-56-471 Road Oil 24,000.00 43-02-56-750 City Shop Transfer 5,450.00 43-02-56-750 Administrative Transfer 18,000.00 43-02-56-944 Capital Outlay -Vehicles 46,500.00 43-02-56-949 Capital Outlay -Other -0- TOTAL 172,234.00 8102 WATER SPRINKLING 43-02-56-110 Salaries 8,777.00 43-02-56-153 Health Insurance 450.00 43-02-56-231 Gas & Oil 2,000.00 43-02-56-362 Equipment Maint. 2,000.00 43-02-56-750 City Shop Transfer 2,180.00 43-02-56-750 Administrative Transfer 6,750.00 TOTAL 22,157.00 8301 SPECIAL LIGHT DISTRICT 43-02-63-341 Electricity 60,000.00 TOTAL 60,000.00 8579 1979 SIDEWALK & CURB CONSTRUCTION 43-02-34-331 1,000.00 R f:. ACCOUNT NO. DEPiaKIVu i- ux FUND 1979-80 BUDGET 8626 S.I.D. #326 CONSTRUCTION 15,300.00 36-8-040 Sales of Bonds 36-1=010 Interest on Investments 36-0-000 Miscellaneous TOTAL 15,300.00 8627 S.I.D. #327 CONSTRUCTION 36-8-040 Sale of Bonds 1,650,000.00 36-1-010 Interest on Investments 36-0-000 Miscellaneous TOTAL 1,650,000.00 8628 S.I.D. #328 CONSTRUCTION 36-8-040 Sale of Bonds 300,000.00 36-1-010 Interest on Investments 36-0-000 Miscellaneous TOTAL 300,000.00 8629 S.I.D. #329 CONSTRU icN 134 70000 00 TOTAL 13, Page 16 ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT OR EMt-- 1979-80 BUDGET 8626 S.I.D. #326 CONSTRUCTICN 43-06-30-930 (Sewer) 5,508.00 43-06-30-930 (Water) 4,284.00 43-02-30-397 (Street) 5,508.00 TOTAL 15,300.00 8627 S.I.D. #327 CONSTRUCTION 43-06-30-930 (Sewer Const.) 363,000.00 43-05-50-930 (Water Const.) 247,500.00 43-02-30-397 (Street Const.) I'039,500.00 TOTAL 1,650,000.00 8628 S.I.D. #328 CONSTRUCPICN 43-06-30-930 (Sewer Cont.) 81,000.00 43-05-50-030 (Water Const.) 69,000.00 43-02-30-397 (Street Const.) 150,000.00 TOTAL 300,000.00 8629 S.I.D. #329 CONSTRUCTION 134,700.00 TOTAL 134,700.00 ACM vI 1C. cz� Lu, 8� 8567 1967 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 36-3-030 8568 1968 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 36-3-030 8569 1969 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 36-3-030 8570 1970 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 36-3-030 8571 1971 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 36-3-030 8572 1972 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 36-3-030 8573 1973 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 36-3-030 8574 1974 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 36-3-030 8575 1975 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 36-3-030 8576 1976 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 36-3-030 8577 1977 SIDEMLK & CURB SINKING 36-3-030 Page 17 63 i96 / SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8568 1968 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8569 1969 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8570 1970 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8571 1971 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8572 1972 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8573 1973 SIDLwALK & CURB SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8574 1974 SID1TALK & CURB SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8575 1975 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8576 1976 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8577 1977 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest ACCOUNT NO. DEPARm.-, —JR fiw 1979-80 BUDGEI -- ACCOUNT NO. DEPAMMTP OR FM- - 1979-80 BUDGET 8578 1978 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 8578 1978 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 36-3-030 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8579 1979 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 8579 1979 SIDEWALK & CURB SINKING 36-3-030 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8602 S.I.D. #302 BODO SINKING 8602 S.I.D #302, BONI-rl . SINKING 36-3-020 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8605 S.I.D. #305 BOND SINKING 8605 S.I.D. #305 BOND SINKING 36-3-020 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8606 S.I.D. #306 BOND SINKING 8606 S.I.D. #306 BC)m SINKING 36-3-020 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8607 S.I.D. #307 BOND SINKING 8607 S.I.D. #307 BOND SINKING 36-3-020 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8608 S.I.D. #308 BOND SINKING 8608 S.I.D. #308 BOND SINKING 36-3-020 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8609 S.I.D. #309 BOND SINKING 8609 S.I.D. #309 BOND SINKING 36-3-020 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8611 S.I.D. #311 BOND SINKING 8611 S.I.D. #311 BOND SINKING 36-3-020 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8612 S.I.D. #312 BOND SINKING 8612 S.I.D. #312 BOND SINKING 36-3-020 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8613 S.I.D. #313 BOND SINKING 8613 S.I.D. 4313 BOND SINKING 36-3-020 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest Page 18 P.CCOIIDTI' M. DER.A 7 OR EMM. i 8615 S.E.D. #315 BODID SrnKIDG 36-3-020 8616 S.L.D. 0316 BOND SINKING 36-3-020 8621 S.L D. #321 BOM-SINKING 36-3-020 8622 S.L.D. #322 BOM SINKING 36-3-020 8624 S.L.D. #324 BOND SINKIIG 36-3-020 8625 S.Z.D. #325 BOM SINKING 36-3-020 8626 S.L.D. #326 BOLD SINKING 36-3-020 8627 S.L.D. #327 BOO SIMUM 36-3-020 8628 S.L.D. #328 BOM SINKIM 36-3-020 1975-30 sm s- tii 66i5v* S.I.D. #315 BO\D SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8616 S.I.D. #316 BOM. SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8621 S.I.D. #321 B0W SINKII-Z 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8622 S.I.D. #322 BOND SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8624 S.I.D. #324 BOND SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8625 S.I.D. #325 BOND SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8626 S.I.D. #326 BOND SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8627 S.I.D. 4327 B= SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 8628 S.I.D. #328 BOND SINKING 49-03-00-610 Principal 49-03-00-620 Interest 1975-80 aiilGE1'