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Resolution 3202 - Transfer Among AppropriationsRESOLUTION NO. 3202 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A TRANSFER AMONG APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN A GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES AS ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF KALISPELL BUDGET FOR 1977--78 FISCAL YEAR. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, in the budget adopted by the City of Kalispell for the 1977-78 fiscal year, certain detailed and itemized estimates of expenditures within the general classification of General Fund for the various depart- ments of the City have proven inaccurate in the operation of the City for that portion of the 1977-78 fiscal year so far expired, and WHEREAS, the overall expenditures of the City in said classification is not in excess of the total of such estimates of expenditures adopted in the City's budget for the 1977-78 fiscal year thus far expired, and, further, it does not appear that the total of the budgeted appropriations in :>ai.d classification will exceed such estimate for the balance of the 1977-78 fiscal year, and WHEREAS, under the authority granted the Council by law to mare transfers or revisions within a general budgetary classification, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following transfers within the classification of General Fund in the City budget for the 1977-78 fiscal year should be made: (See attached Exhibit A) PASSED AND APPROVED BY TIM CITY COUNCIL AND THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, THIS 10TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1978. Nor E, Rapp, Mayors ATTM4 T: Marj ie Giermann, City Clerk the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Resolution duly assed by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana at a regular meeting held the La fw day of tr) e,; - ,, 1g_ZL_, /P..d J.Zlla4 City C rk of the City of Kalispell, Montana DEPARTMENT Mayor City Council City Clerk City Attorney Treasurer City Court Finance City Hall Public Works Director Bd. of Adjustments Police - Crime Control Police - Prisoners Parking Regulations Fire Prevention Animal Control Building Department Streets City Shop Parking Lot Leases Parks & Playgrounds Recreation Hockaday Art Center Conrad Mansion Golf Course Gas Tax State Audit Int, on Reg. Warrants Loss on Insured Assets RESOLUTIMT RTC. 3202 SHORT OVER. TOTAL ADSUSTMNTS TO SALARIES ADJUSTMENTS TO M & C FR.AINTENeLYCE MAINTENANCE (SHORT) TRANSFERS TRANSFERS TRANSFERS TR4NSFE SALARIES & OPERATION SALARIES & OPERATION & OVER TO FROM TO FROM S 315.79 S 71.45 3(244.34) S 315,79 365.99 $1,379.46 $1,745.45 3 693. $2,403.61 693.34 390.77 304.01 792.97 2,857.52 178.26 42.61 374.83 27.38 540.30 294.98 5,450.87 446.72 2,277.94 565.93 6,798.06 1,281.16 553.69 3,591.13 21,311.71 15,075.60 372.97 531.29 2,274.58 1,282.11 o�r,io0.39) (517,595.75) .346,711.6?3 315. 458.93 (1,944.68) 32,403.61 304. 587.82 693.34 (694.76) 390.77 304.01 1,931.82 2,485.51 792. 2,798.16 792.97 1,617.15 1,617.15 294. (3,035.78) 2,857.52 178.26 (42.81). 42.81 267.32 21,579.03 S203:�� 173: 911.75 911.75 857.25 482.37 374.88 3,697.74 18,773.34 qq SS 2,N70 96.63 6925 27.38 (835:28) 540.30 294.98 (5,077.90) 5,450.87 84.57 446.72 545.31 545.31 (3.36) M:38 2,277.94 27.38 316.61 (249.32) 565.93 730.33 730.33 1,103.64 1,103.64 204.00 204.00 (5,515.95) 6,798.06 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,277.94 4,791.64 4,791.64 4,791.64 9,931.25 9,931.25 2,006.42 446.72 5,A50,a .632,840.83 Z54,796.37 67,it; 0.39 3(7,160.39) -17.595.75