Resolution 3134 - Budget - Annual AppropriationsRESOLUTION NO. 3134 ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE CITY OF KALISPELL FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 1977 to JT.iNE 30, 1978 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 8TH DAY OF AUGUST 1977. 12 GENERAL FUND REVENUES 1977-78 ACCOUNT NO. SOURCE ESTIMATED REVENUE 309 Property Taxes 880,350.00 321.1. Beer & Liquor Licenses 11,100.00 321.2 Business Licenses 3,000.00 321.3 Amusement Licenses 500,00 321.5 Gambling Licenses 4,000.00 322.1 Building Permits 18,000.00 322.2 Excavation Permits 100.00 .322.3 Plumbing Permits 1,000.00 322.4 Animal Licenses 800.00 322.5 Bicycle Licenses 100.00 322.6 Gas Permits 150.00 322.8 Board of Adjustment Fees 500.00 331.6 BOR Grants 21,000.00 335.1 Liquor Tax Apportionment 47,000.00 335.2 Beer Tax Apportionment 27,000.00 335.4 Motor Vehicle fees 3,000.00 335.6 Gas Tax Apportionment 88,000.00 335.7 State SRS Reimbursement -0- 31.43.10 Parking Meters 35,000.00 343.11 lst National Bank Lot 500.00 343.12 Conrad Bank Lot 1,600.00 343.13 Valley Bank Lot 1 2,000.00 343.14 Valley Bank Lot 2 2,000.00 3143.15 First Federal Lot 3,500.00 343.16 ABC Trust Lot 1,1400.00 3143.17 Reserved Parking 1,200.00 346.1 Swimming Pool 89500.00 346.3 Tennis & Park Fees 500.00 350.1 City Court Fines 72,000.00 350.2 Dog Pound Fees 1,300.00 350.3 Overtime Parking Fines 22,000.00 360 Miscellaneous 6,000.00 Yl�.� - 362 Rent of City Property 2,000.00 369.40- Insurance Recoveries 10,000.00 380 Transfers 125,900,00 TOTAL 1, 01,000.00 EXPENDIETURES 1, �.� , • .�,�� ACCOUNT NO DEPARTMENT 1977-78_BUDGET 401 MAYOR .10 Salaries 14,100.00 .11 Insurance 790.00 .21 Office Supplies 50.00 .22 Other Supplies 25.00 ,31 Radio Maintenance 50.00 .41 Telephone 374-00 - 42 Postage 35.00 .52 School & Travel 500.00 .514 Car Allowance 1,200.00 .59 Miscellaneous 200.00 TOTAL 17, 32L4.00 402 CITY COUNCIL .10 Salaries 16,350.00 .11 Insurance 3,1450.00 .22 Other Supplies 50.00 .141 Telephone 50.00 .142 Postage 20.00 .51 Insurance 100.00 .52 School & Travel 400.00 .58 Meetings 400.00 .50 Membership & Dues 1,740.00 TOTAL _ 22,560.00 ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT 1977-78 BUDGET 4.03 CLERK .10 Salaries 35,758.00 .11 Insurance 1,120.00 .21 Office Supplies 65o.00 .24 Printing & Xerox 5,000.00 .35 Office Equipment Repair 200.00 -41 Telephone 575.00 .42 Postage 350.00 .51 Insurance 100.00 .52 School & Travel 750.00 TOTAL _ - 44,503.00 404. ATTORNEY .10 Salaries 20,965.00 .11 Insurance 328.00 .21 Office Supplies 400.00 .42 Postage 50.00 .48 Litigation 500.00 .49 Legal Office 2,000.00 .52 School & Travel 700.00 .58 Membership & Dues 160.00 TOTAL 25,103.00 405 TREASURF,R .10 Salaries 8,740.00 .11 Insurance 264.00 .14 Office Help 2,000.00 .21 Office Supplies 350.00 .24 printing 700.00 .35 Office Equipment Maintenance 200.00' .41 Telephone 175.00 .4.2 Postage 300.00 .51 Insurance 50.00 TOTAL 12,779.00 406 COURT .10 Salaries 14,115.00 .11 Insurance 722.00 .21 Office Supplies 100.00 .22 Other Supplies 100.00 .24 Printing 700.00 .4.1 Telephone 250.00 .42 Postage 100.00 •52 School & Travel 400.00 .58 Jury 700.00 .61 Public Defender 1,000.00 TOTAL 18,187.00 407 FINANCE .10 Salaries 14,792.00 .11 Insurance 327.00 .21 Office Supplies 5o.O0 .35 Equipment Maintenance 1,660.00 .41 Telephone 325.00 .42 Postage 15.00 .51 Insurance 20.00 .52 School & Travel 200.00 TOTAL 17$89.00 409 CITY HALL .32 Building Repair & Maintenance 500.00 .43 Natural Gas 2,400.00 •44 Electricity 2,200.00 .45 Water 700.00 .51 Insurance & Taxes 3,384.00 TOTAL 9,184.00 PACF: 9 ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT 19YY-78 BUDGET 410 ENGINEER .10 Salaries 36,059.00 .11 Insurance 1,907.00 .21 Office Supplies 300.00 .22 Other Supplies 325.00 .24 Printing & Xerox 800.00 .25 Gas & Oil 400.00 .31 Radio Maintenance 60.o0 .33 Equipment Maintenance 100.00 .34 Auto Maintenance 150.00 .35 Office Equipment Maintenance 200.00 .41. Telephone 350.00 .42 Postage 150.00 .51 Insurance 100.00 .52 School & Travel 200.00 .54 Car Allowance _1,000.00 TOTAL 42,101.00 411 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS 200.00 413 POLICE - CRIME CONTROL .10 Salaries 277,345.00 .11 Insurance 2,685.00 " .12 Overtime 6,000.00 .21 Office Supplies 600.00 .22 Other Supplies 3,000.00 .23 Janitorial Supplies 400.00 .24 Printing 1,400.00 .25 Gas & Oil 16,000.00 .31 Radio Maintenance 4,000.00 .32 Building Maintenance 2,000.00 .34 Automobile Maintenance 6,000.00 .35 Office Equipment Maintenance 400.00 .41. Telephone 2,100.00 .42 Postage 150.00 .49 Grant Matching 4,000.00 .51 Insurance 41400.00 .52 School & Travel 3,000.00 .54 Car Allowance 29500.00 .57 Clothing Allowance 6,125.00 TOTAL 342,105.00 414 POLICE -- CUSTODY OF PRISONERS .22 other Supplies 100.00 .26 Board 4,000.00 .27 Treatment 400.00 TOTAL 4,500.00 415 PARKING REGULATIONS .10 Salaries 28,757.00 .11 Insurance 1,910.00 ' .17 Vacation Man. 900.00 .22 Other Supplies 1,600.00 .24 Printing 900.00 .25 Gas & oil 550.Oo .31 Radio Maintenance 150.00 .42 Postage 500-00 .57 Clothing Allowance 00.00 TOTAL 3 ,5 7.00 PAGE 3 ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT 1977-78 BUDGET 416 FIRE PREVENTION CONTROL .10 Salaries 279,080.00 .12 overtime 6,000.00 .13 Retirement 30,000.00 .15 Promotion Pay 1,000.00 .16 Sick Leave 1,000.00 .22 Other Supplies 2,500.00 .23 Janitorial Supplies 750.00 .24 Printing 150.00 .25 Gas & oil 1,000.00 .31 Radio & Alarm Maintenance 600.0o .32 Building Maintenance 500.00 .33 Equipment Maintenance 500.00 .34 Truck Maintenance 800.00 .41 Telephone 1,350.00 .42 . Postage 50.00 .4.5 Water (hydrants) 2,425.00 .51 Insurance 7,500.00 .52 School & Travel 750.00 .54 Car Allowance 600.00 .57 Clothing Allowance 3,675.00 .56 Fire Prevention Training 600.00 TOTAL 340,830.00 4.19 ANInL CONTROL .10 Salaries 12,942.00 .11 Insurance 790.00 .22 Other Supplies 150.00 .25 Gas & Oil 1,000.00 .31 Radio Maintenance 150.00 .34 Truck Maintenance 200.00 .51 Insurance 140.00 TOTAL 15,372.00 420 BUILDING DEPARTMENT .10 Salary 14,830.00 .11 Insurance 328.00 .22 Other Supplies 500.00 .25 Gas & Oil 450.00 .34 Auto Maintenance 300,00 .4.1 Telephone 50.00 .42 Postage 20.00 " .51 Insurance 360.00 .52 School & Travel 500.00 TOTAL 17,338.00 421 STREETS .10 Salaries 109,970.00-x .11 Insurance 6,526.00 .12 Overtime 6,000.00 * .22 Other Supplies 3,500.00 .23 Janitorial Supplies 100.00 .25• Gas & Oil 4,000.00 .28 Gravel & Asphalt 4,000.00 .31 Radio Maintenance 300.00 .32 Building Maintenance 200.00 •33 Equipment Maintenance 12,000.00:f_ .34 Truck Maintenance 5,000.00 .36 Street Signs 3,000.00 .37 Traffic Lights 6,000.00 .41 Telephone 200.00 .43 Natural Gas 950.00 .44 Electricity 150.00 •45 Water 500.00 .51 Insurance 5.800.00 TOTAL 168,196.0o PAGE 4 ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT 1977 78 BUDGET 423 CITY SHOP .10 Salaries 44,340.00 .11 Insurance 2,145.00 .12 Overtime 700.00 .21 Office Supplies 50.00 .22 Other Supplies 5,60o.o0 .25 Gas & Oil 200.00 -31 Radio Maintenance 6o.00 -32 Building Repair & Maintenance 500.00 -33 Equipment Maintenance 350.00 .41 Telephone 225.00 .43 Natural Gas 550.00 -44 Electricity 1,500.00 .51 Insurance 425.00 TOTAL 56,645.00 424 PARKING LOT LEASES First Northwestern Bank Conrad National Bank Valley Bank (1) Valley Bank (2) lst Federal Savings & Loan ABC Trust TOTAL 8,000.00 436 PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS .10 Salaries 62:300.00 .11 Insurance 2,920.00 .22 Other Supplies 4,000.00 .24 Printing _0_ .25 Gas & Oil 2,000.00 .31 Radio Maintenance 6o.00 -32 Building Maintenance 500.00 -33 Equipment Maintenance 1,000.00 -34 Truck Maintenance 1,000.00 .41 Telephone 175.00 .43 Natural Gas 450.00 .44 Electricity 600.00 -45 Water 1,000.00 .51 Insurance & Takes 1,60o.00 .52, School & Travel 150.00 .62 BOR 5 Parks 1,000.00 .63 BOR Woodland 3,000.00 .64 BOR. Woodland #2 10,000.00 TOTAL 91,755.00 438 RECREATION .10 Salaries 29,500.00 .22 Other Supplies 4,000.00 .23 Janitorial Supplies 100.00 .24 Printing 150.00 .25 Gas & Oil 300.00 .32 Building Maintenance 1,000.00 -33 Equipment Maintenance 1,500.00 .34 Truck Maintenance 200.00 .41 Telephone 150.00 .43 Natural Gas 4,000.00 .44 Electricity 1,500.00 -45 Water 500.00 -51 Insurance 300.00 .52 School & Travel 150.00 TOTAL 43,350.00 PAGE 5 ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT 440 HOCKADAY ART CENTER. .43 Natural. Gas .44 Electricity .51 Insurance TOTAL 442.00 CONRAD WSION 473.00 GOLF COURSE 481 GAS TAX .10 Salaries .25 Gas & Oil .28 Gravel & Asphalt TOTAL 484.00 STATE AUDIT 488.00 STREET LIGHTS 493.00 INTEREST ON REGISTERED WARRANTS 496.0o. LOSS OF INSURED ASSETS BY THEFT TOTAL GENERAL PAGE 6 1-977-78 BUDGET 800.00 1,200.00 800.00 2,800.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 20,220.00 14,000.00 54,000.00 b,220.00 4,000.00 12,500.00 9,000.00 10,000.00 1,462,708.00 l RL7EMS BY SOURCE ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT OR FUND 1977-78 BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. 2 CAPITAL iMPROVEM" 2-491 .309 Taxes 1,000.00 .361 Interest on Investments 6,000.00 TOTAL 7i000.00 6 INSURANCE 6-412 .309 Taxes 25,000.00 TOTAL 2 000.00 7 INSURANCE 7-412 .309 Taxes 12,000.00 TOTAL 12,000.00 8 IN LIEU OF PARK LAND 8-436 .367 Developers Payments 1,000.00 TOTAL 1,000.00 10 AIRPORT 10-485 .347.1 Fuel Taxes 2,500.00 TOTAL 2 00.00 12 RETIMMUT 12-484,01 .303 Taxes 63,700.00 12-48U„02 TOTAL 63,700.00 PAM 7 EXPENDITURES BY ACTIPITY DEPARTMENT OR FUND 1977-78 BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Fire Truck 192,000.00 TOTAL 192,000.00 INSURANCE Police Health Insurance 14,000.00 Fire Health Insurance 15,5oo.0o TOTAL 29,500.00 INSURANCE City Liability Insurance 11,000.00 TOTAL 11,000.00 IN LIEU OF PARK LAND Parka 2,000.00 TOTAL 2,000.00 AIRPORT Pfaintenanoe 5,000.00 TOTAL 000.00 P. E. R. S. 26,400.00 Police Retirement 37,300.00 TOTAL _63,700.00 RE=S BY SOURCE ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT OR FUND 13 S. I. D. REVOLVING TOTAL 14 AMBULANCE .342.3 Fees .361 Interest on Investments 19 .380 20 .367 .334.3 24.1 .331.1 .380 TOTAL PAYROLL Transfers TOTAL CONRAD MANSION Donations Grants TOTAL CRIME CONTROL GRANTS Federal Payments City Match TOTAL 1977-78 BUDGET 6,333.00 6,333.00 72,000.00 300.00 72,300.00 1,61g,463.00 1,61g,463.00 35,000.00 5,000.00 40,000.00 EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT OR FUND 14-416 AMBULANCE .10 Salaries & Wages .14 Clerical Salaries .22 Other Supplies .24 Printing .25 Gas & Oil .31 Radio Maintenance .33 Equipment Maintenance .34 Track Maintenance .38 City Shop .41 Telephone .42 Postage .51 Insurance .52 School & Travel .90 Capital Outlay .99 Administration TOTAL 19-486 PAYROLL Salaries TOTAL 20-442 CONRAD MANSION Restoration 442.66 N.H.S.A. TOTAL 24.1-467 CRIME CONTROL GRANTS Grant Programs TOTAL 1977-78 BUDGET 39,000.00 4,300.00 1,600.00 300.00 2,500.00 200.00 200.00 800.00 600.00 375.00 500.00 2,000.00 400.00 20,000.00 11,000.00 83,775.00 1,619,463.00 1,619,463.00 25,000.00 1,000.00 26,o0o.00 PIM M- BY SOURCE EXPENDITURES a,alVITY ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT OR FUND 1977-78 BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT OR FUND 1977-78 BUDGET 24.4 REVENUE SHARING 24.4-471 REVENUE SHARING .331.3 Federal Payments 194,000.00 409.80 City Hall Construction 188,820.00 .361 Interest on Investments 10,000.00 409.90 City Hall 8,250.00 413.10 Salaries 45,000.00 413.90 Police Department 30,000.00 416.90 Fire Department 38,000.00 421.90 Street Department 8,770.00 423.90 warehouse 78,000.00 424.90 Parking Dots 9,200.00 436.90 Parks 2,750.00 438.90 City Recreation 1,500.00 TOTAL 20 000.00 TOTAL, 410,290.00 24.6 PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYMENT 120,000.00 24.6-469 PUBLIC SERVICE E14PTAYM.ENT .10 Salaries 120,000.00 TOTAL 120.000.00 TOTAL 120,000.00 24.8 ANTIRECESSION 37,000.00 24.8-477 ANTIRECESSION r ;,, 37,000.00 TOTAL 37,000.00 TOTAL 37,000.00 25.4 GOLF COURSE 100,000.00 25.4-473 GOLF COURSE 50,000.00 TOTAL 100,000.00 TOTAL 50,000.00 PAGE 9 REVENUES BY SOURCE EXPEVIDITURES BY ACTIVITY ACCOUNT NO. DEPART14M OR FUND 1977-78 BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT OR FUND 1977 78 BUDGET 57.1 WATER 57.1-447 WATER .349.11 Sales 235,000.00 .10 Salaries 141,000.00 •349.16 Sale of Material 1,000.00 .11 Insurance 6,100.00 .36o Miscellaneous 1,000.00 .21 Office Rupplies 300.00 .361 Interest on Investments 20,000.00 .22 Other Supplies 32,000.00 .349.14 Bydrant Rental 4,000.00 .23 Janitorial Supplies 500.00 .24 Printing 500.00 .25 Gas & oil 3,600.00 .31 Radio Maintenance 500.00 .32 Building Maintenance 8,000.00 .33 Equipment Maintenance 4,000.00 .34 Track Maintenance 2,000.00 •35 Office Equipment Maintenance 400.00 .38 City Shop 2,000.00 .41 Telephone 950.00 .42 Postage 300.00 .43 Natural Gas 4,200.00 .44 Electricity 129000.00 .46 Billing Costs 7,500.00 .51 Insurance 3,500.00 .52 School & Travel 750.00 •54 Car Allowance 480.00 .55 Consultants 6,000.00 .60 Membership & Dues 200.00 .61 Janitor 1,920.00 .80 Improvements 283,640.00 .90 Capital outlay 4,475.00 .65 Audit 4,000.00 .99 Administration 50,000.00 TOTAL 261,000.00 TOTAL 580,815.00 PAGE 10 REVI-ME- � BY SOURCE EXPENDITURES OF"771MUTY ACCOUNT NO. DEPAR7V= OR FUND 1977 78 BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT OR FUND 1977-78 BUDGET 60.1 SEWER COLLECTION & TRANSMISSION 60.1-454 SEWER COLLECTION & TRANSMISSION .349.21 Service Charges 225,000.00 .10 Salaries 29,5o0.o0 .349.24 Lab Fees 1,000.00 .11 Insurance 1,356.o0 •349.25 Sale Materials & Supplies 1,000.00 .22 Other Supplies 5,000.00 .36o Miscellaneous 1,000.00 .25 Gas & Oil 1,700.00 .361 Interest on Investments 100.00 .31 Radio & Maintenance 90.00 .33 Equipment Maintenance 1,000.00 .34 Truck Maintenance 500.00 .39 Lines & Stations 10,000.00 .38 City Shop 2,000.00 .44 Electricity 45o.00 .45 water 5oo.00 .46 Billing 7,000.00 .51 Insurance 1,700.00 .90 Capital Outlay 1,900.00 TOTAL 228,100.00 TOTAL 62.696.00 6o.1-455 SLVER TREATMENT PLANT .10 Salaries 59,500.00 .11 Insurance 3,050.00 .21 Office Supplies 50.00 .22 Other Supplies 20,000.00 .23 Janitorial Supplies 200.00 .24 Printing 5o.00 .25 Gas & Oil 200.00 .31 Radio Maintenance 75.00 .32 Building Maintenance 500.00 •33 Equipment Maintenance 5,5o0.0o .34 Truck Maintenance 200.00 .35 Office Equipment Maintenance 50.o0 .38 City shop 300.00 .41 Telephone 900.00 .42 Postage 5o.00 .43 Natural Gas 1,300.00 .44 In 6,500.00 .45 Water 900.00 (continued) PAGE 11 REVIIiIUE BY SOURCE ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT OR FUND 1977-78 BUDGET 60.1 SEWER COLLECTION & TRANSMISSION (CONT'D) TOTAL 228,100.00 60.3 SECONDARY TREATMENT PLANT .331.7 Federal Grant -Water Pollution Control 49,o0o.Go •334.1 Other 18,000.00 TOTAL 67,000.00 60.4 STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION PROJECT .369.12 Sale of Revenue Bonds 85,000.00 TOTAL 85,000.00 60.5 SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT .349.26 Sewer Hook-up Fees 15,COO. 00 .361 Interest on Investments 4,000.00 TOTAL 19,000.00 60.6 SLYER FACILITY STUDY EPA 71,250.00 Flathead County 11,875.00 City 11,875.00 TOTAL 95,000.00 61 S= RFPENIIE BONDS •349.21 Storm Sewer Charges 35,000.00 .361 Interest 2,000.00 .380 Transfer In 14,47o.00 1 o.00 PAGE 12 EXPENDITURE OF ACTIVITY ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT OR FUND 1977-78 BUDGET 60.1-455 WASTEWATER TREATT= PLANT (CONT!D) .51 Insurance 4,000.00 .52 School & Travel 400.00 .60 Membership & Dues 100.00 .80 Improvements 10,100.00 .90 Capital Outlay 10,000.00 .99 Administration 40,000.00 TOTAL 165,925.00 60.3-458 SECONDARY TREATMM PLANT Construction 100,000.00 TOTAL 100,000.00 60.4.457 STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION PROJECT 100,000.00 TOTAL 100,000.00 60.5-456 SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Improvements 30,000.00 TOTAL 30,000.00 6o.6-459 SEWER FACILITY STUDY Study 95,000.00 TOTAL 95,000.00 61-465 SEWER REPIIJUE BONDS Principal 18,000.00 Interest 25,470.00 TOTAL 43,470.00 Mlt= BY SOURCE EUMMITURE OF CITY ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT OR FUND 1977-78 BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT OR FUND 1977-78 BUDGET 63 GARBAGE 63-460 GARBAGE .349.32 Charges 110,000.00 .10 Salaries 79,000.00 .11 Insurance 3,941.00 .22 Other Supplies 300.00 .25 Gas & Oil 5,000.00 .31 Radio Maintenance 120.00 .34 Truck Maintenance 1,500.00 .38 City Shop 2,500.00 .51 Insurance 1,500.00 .53 Interest on Registered Warrants 1,500.00 .58 Refunds 500.00 .90 Capital Outlay 1,000.00 .99 Administration 13,000.00 TOTAL 110,000.00 TOTAL 109,861.0o 68.1 POLICE PENSION 1,000.00 68.1-495 POLICE PENSION 1,000.00 TOTAL 1,000.00 TOTAL 1,000.00 69.1 DRIVERS EDUCATION 69.1-498 DRIVERS EDUCATION .350.1 City Court Pines 15,000.00 Payments 15,000.00 TOTAL 15,000.00 TOTAL 15,000.00 69.2 VICTIMS OF CRIME 4,000.00 69.2.-497 VICTIMS OF CRIME Payments 4,000.00 TOTAL 000.00 TOTAL 4,000.00 70 SPECIAL I PROVIl'+L;LVT DISTRICTS 70-494 SPECIAL IMPROVI= DISTRICTS Sale of Bonds 200,000.00 Construction 200,000.00 TOTAL 200,000.00 TOTAL 200,000.00 PAGE 13 REVENUES BY SOURCE EXPENDITURE BY ACTIVITY ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT OR FUND 1977-78 BUDGET ACCOUNT NO. DEPARTMENT OR FUND 1977-78 BUDGET 70.15 1977 S & C CONSTRUCTION 70.15-492 1977 S & C CONSTRUCTION .363.1 Special Assessment Construction 50,000.00 .369.14 Sale of S & C Warrants 50,000.00 TOTAL 50,Ooo.00 TOTAL 50,000.00 71.1 OIL SPRINKLING 71.1-487 OIL SPRINKLING 308.00 Taxes 1977 110,000.00 .10 Salaries 20,000.00 309.00 Taxes 1976 2,000.00 .11 Insurance * o „ ,l0 500.00 310.00 Taxes 1975 & Prior 1,000.00 .22 Other Supplies 500.00 343.60 Alley charges 500.00 .25 Gas & Oil 3,000.00 361.00 Interest on Investments 500.00 .34 Truck Maintenance - 1,000.00 .38 City Shop 2,000.00 .58 Refunds 500.00 .90 Capital Outlay 50,000.00 •99 Administration 2,000.00 TOTAL 114,000.00 TOTAL 79,500.00 71.2 - WATER SPRINKLING 71.2-469 WATER SPRINKLING 308.00 Taxes 1977 16,000.00 .10 Salaries 3,000.00 309.00 Taxes 1976 500.00 .11 Insurance 100.00 310.00 Taxes 1975 & Prior 500.00 .25 Gas & oil 1,000.00 361.00 Interest on Investments 500.00 .33 Equipment Maintenance 2,000.00 .38 City shop 2,000.00 .99 Administration 750.00 TOTAL 17,500.00 TOTAL 8,850.00 71.3 LIGHT DISTRICT 41.3-488 LIGHT DISTRICT 308.00 Taxes 1977 39,000.00 Maintenance & Operation 50,000.00 309.00 Taxes 1976 1,000.00 310.00 Taxes 1975 & Prior 500.00 361.0o Interest on Investments 500.00 380.00 Transfer (City Portion 12,000.00 TOTAL 53,000.00 TOTAL 50,000.00