11-09-15 Street Tree Committee MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMMISSION MEETING HELD November 9, 2015 Present: Members: Dave Jones, Andrea Davidson, Bette Albright, Marcus Grail, Terry Richmond, Tony Nelson Staff. Fred Bicha and Lisa Simmer The meeting was officially called to order at 4:02 pm by Dave Jones. Agenda Topics: Public Comment Approval — October minutes Strategic Plan Public Comment There was no one present and/or comment from the public. Approve Minutes Members approved October minutes unanimously. Old Business Chairperson Position Dave told the group that the chairperson position is a revolving position and Dave has held it for the past couple of years now, with the understanding that Andrea is vice -chair and would assume the position. Dave said he is willing to give up or maintain the position depending on the desires of the group, however was bringing this topic to light as soon it will be a new year and this would be a good time to transition if the members wanted to. Members stated that they liked the informal open dialogue type of meeting. It was noted that there are not by-laws that govern the structure of the meetings. Members suggested possibilities of positions and duties changing following the city's fiscal year and/or term dates. The group agreed to table the conversation and revisit it at a later meeting. Members requested this topic be put on the next meeting agenda for discussion. Current Business Strategic Work Plan - 2016 Marcus distributed copies of strategic planning information he drafted and led the discussion on this topic. Marcus provided an overview, reviewing the basics of the tree ordinance (and what the group has been tasked with), the revision work done to the ordinance and then the purpose, vision and mission statement. Marcus noted he did his best not to delete any intent, rather he attempted to build on existing verbage. Marcus explained review of these items will help to determine what the group's strategy is. Fred reviewed last year's plan goals for the good of the group, noting which goals were met and which ones were pertinent to continue pursuing. Marcus reviewed the document he had drafted, noting he did not change a substantial amount of language, however did add a vision statement and streamlined a couple of things, however he left the majority of what the group had drafted prior in place. The group worked collectively to make minor revisions to language and came to agreement on their guiding principles (purpose, vision, and mission), logistical direction (strategy), and tactics. Misc. Business KPR Urban ForestyUpdate Andrea asked that city employees provide an update of what is happening in the KPR forestry world. Fred replied that staff had just finished applying for a couple of grants. The first one submitted was for Tree City of the Year, for which Kalispell is a runner up, however is still waiting to hear the final decision by the governor. The second one submitted is the Program Development grant, asking for $15,000 with the majority of grant monies to be utilized for an urban forestry management plan and the remaining a "Safe Schools Project" that would address hazard trees (through pruning and removals) adjoining or adjacent to three schools. Fred said that after this winter he hopes to be caught up on DED trees and schools are a good place to head to next to address trees that have been neglected with all resources focused on DED removals. Fred explained that crews are currently winterizing parks, irrigations systems and bathrooms and getting geared up to move into the urban forestry program. Fred told the group that crews had just finished removal of two hazard trees near the high school. Fred informed members we are about to purchase a used chip truck, which will be a $35,000 investment which is a big deal for the forestry department. Terry mentioned that he had reviewed the budget and his disappoint is seeing a $270,000 budget with only $4,000 allotted for trees. Terry noted there is the possibility of saving $10,000 on the chipper truck and asked if that can be used on trees. Terry suggested the best way to educate the people of Kalispell is through tree planting. Andrea mentioned trees and tree planting is also an opportunity for owner buy -in as citizens consider the boulevard trees to be their trees. Andrea asked if this would be a shared piece of equipment with public works, to which Fred replied no. Strategic Work Plan — 2016 — Part II Marcus lead the discussion in reviewing of the tactics listed from the 2015, suggesting the group prioritize the list. The group worked collectively to prioritize the list, eliminate items and determine what specific actions and projects they would be doing this next year. This opened up discussion about continuing the recycling drive or eliminating it. Members discussed the pros and cons of the drive, especially noting the availability of recycling locations now in place and ultimately voted to end the recycling drives. Other recycling container ideas and document shredding were discussed as options and Fred said he would look into different ideas. It was agreed by all they should find a way to focus the good will of the recycling drive into tree planting programs and Arbor Day. All members agreed that Tree Cycle was a huge success and this program should continue to be held annually. Andrea suggested that Tree Cycle include the schools and students in the future. Marcus suggested that meetings with civic groups to promote trees be added to the list, under the education topic. Other tactic topics discussed and included engaging with city council, evaluation of ARRA tree planting, a group tour of trees, news articles, and providing content for city Facebook page. Marcus said he would type all information up and provide it to members for review. Members discussed changing meetings to an hour and a half and/or changing the date of meetings, however the majority of members were not in favor due to conflicts in their personal schedules. The meeting adjourned at 5:31 pm. Next meeting scheduled for December 9, 2015 Minutes approved unanimously by the Street Tree Committee December 9, 2015.