Resolution 3103 - Resolution of Intent - Accept SewageRESOLUTION NO® 3103 A RESOLUTION TO EXPRESS THE INTENT OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL TO ACCEPT SEWAGE INTO THE KALISPELL CITY SEWAGE SYSTEM FROM A SEWAGE DISTRICT PROPOSED TO BE ESTABLISHED ON LAND ADJACENT TO THE CITY; TO PROVIDE POR CONDITIONS OF SUCH ACCEPTANCE AND RATE STRUCTURE TO APPLY. WHEREAS, the owners of the real. property described as the East Half of the Southeast ouarter of Section 31, Township 29 North, Range 21 West, and the East Half of the Northeast quarter of Section 6, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, excepting there- from the Portion thereof conveyed to the City of Kalispell, by the Deed recorded at Book 574 page 250, records of Flathead County, propose to form a sewer district in order to provide sewer service to the aforesaid area; and WHEREAS, it appears to be environmentally desirable and necessary that said sewage flow to and be processed at the sewage treatment plant maintained by the City of Kalispell; and WHEREAS, said sewage treatment plant has the capacity to handle the sewage flow from such districts; and WHEREAS, the owners of said lands have presented to the City of Kalispell an outline of a system designated to accomplish such purpose prepared by the engineering firm of Morrison-Plaierle, Inc., NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the City of Kalis- pell. does hereby agree that it will accept the sewage from said district into the system operated by the City of Kalispell, subject to: (1) Approval of the final design of said system by the engineer or engineers from time to time appointed by the City for such purposes; (2) The negotiation of a rate structure satis- factory to and approved by this council, which rate structure will include the payment of a hook-up fee equal to the fee charged by the City for hook-ups to its system, and a rate per thousand gallons of metered flow into the City system to be Paid by the District; (3) Receipt by the City of a waiver of right to pro- test annexation and of a waiver of right to protest creation of a storm sewer S.I.D. duly executed by the owners of record of the property included within the district and in form satisfactory to the City. It is con mplated that the c� d'tions hereinabove stated, Int ?� 0 will be incor ated into an 1 agreement between the district wh reated and the Kalispell, which will also district wilt - I b t e r'ct inc c 0 0 r n i wh r contain d _ai ed provisions a6�,Mtyi'0'J-E/,the City of Kalispell of I s satisfa ory and adequate mAntenanVe of -the-'facilities, and such - .1 o a r other afeg ards as are ecessary Jeo protect the City of Kalispell a/-nde di trict.✓ P, SED A�M, APPROVED BY, THE �,TTY COUNCIL OT, THE CITY OP KALISPELL, 7TH FEBRUARY 1977. NTANA, THIS Ay. 6� I Noma E. I ue�o r c mef, e, 1-r-y uj4er-r City k of t e City of K isp certify 11 ;jW -fzs r, �p sign I sp'� that the fi egoing Is a true, copy the R tedul-y passed it by the City Co"ndl of the City of Ka ispel ana at a f meeting held the 7th day of "lZebryaKrey 1977. erW=tiie uity or &aiisp