Stevens LetterNOV-29-2001
THU 01:11
406 758 5781
P. 0-1
Nov. 20 2001
11:11RM P2
November 23.2001
To' Flathead County Commission
goo SouW Main
Kalispell, Montana 59901
Dear Commiesioncss:
On Nwembar 20'" of 1997, a timehde was prepared foram update of the Master Plan for the Joint
jurisdiction of Kalispell and Flathead Caatty. • As of November 20w of did it this update has not been
accomplished. and in fact, appears to be farther from completion than it did in 1997• The current Master
plan is over fifteen years old and out of date -
In November of 1999, the joint Kalispel1 CityCounry pinning Board approved and sent forward an
updatad Master Plan to the Flathead County Carmrussion and The Kalispe0 Cisy'C°`meil. At a joint worst
session with rile Commission and the Council it war determined that this documentwass Sam Council. The Clry
acceptable to the joint board and de County Corm ussion but not it the document
Council then took the following 17 months to anilaterally rewrite [his risen the Cornrtuustlonuwhich has
joint board or the County Commission. The city rewrite has been Passed
referred 11 to the joint board for review. Thus we ere back to square one.
TILLS situation is further complicated by the fact that retanons between the dtroe entities lave become
dflllwlt over the course of the last year and a belt The city manager, after some uncomplimentary
remarks. Instructed the city council to replace the joint board members on the city ado. The tecont mayor
elect made an appcarattcc before the joint board in a combative and disturbing n% mar and later commuted
on the board members who would be replaced after site took oQce. The Cily Council has instituted two
lawsuits against the County. The cUmate for productive action is net goal
We caa idendi!y two other problems that make resolution of land ucn regtdat�ioendLMcLLoe the type nitt. One is
"I the City Council and the County Cnimoteslen have somewhat ditIarittg
rogtdatlow that would bear sec the general wellwo of the people In dui area. Tfte orher iramn is that this
planning jurisdiction is very large. If the joint jurisdiction were sefeller, thcre would be less potential Or
dlsagreemcm. them
light of die situation,we believe that the Joint board should be � gaff
� le already
row place
adopt cubism policy for its area and the County could do likewise. matters • tiThehite8: sad
to aeeotnplishthta dunce the beard utilises peparale staff for city sad for county
landowners then would net have to operate under a aiaan year old document which has become
Kalispell City_County Planning Board M&MI ets
cc: Kalispell City Council 9 ' !' � ~�•e r, i/L�rT