Resolution 3055 - Federal Aid Project - South Loop Road2(')'1 -6- I, George Beardslee C1e (to hereby certify that the above -mention adopted by the Council of City o ali on the _7th m day of June City Of �e1 au on zed t standing on ehalf of said Coun 1. :of�n heCity f Kalispell dum of and standing was regularly 1 a a meet ng thereof held 19 76 ; an 'that/he Council of Mayor to s qn Ahis memorandum of under- R E S 0 L UST I 0 N NC '3055 It is hereby resolved by the Council of City of Kalis-cell that this Memorandum of Understanding for Federal Aid Project No. M-673(3 - South I,002 Road with the State of Montana, acting by and through the Department of Highways, is adopted by this Council; and the Mayor of City of Kalispell is hereby empowered an and authorized to execute said memo rum of un erstanding on behalf of the Council of _ City of Kalispell . Dated this 7th day of June 19 76 Coune� lnari ounci lman Counci linan (Councilman) Co R6 lman -- ounci I man � �9 (,CouncL man - Coun AT-1EST . r (Councilman) Councilman ounc7 man 1 _. f. I, the undersigned, City C1.erx oa -che City �f Kalispell ce tAfy that the a true copy -of the Resolution duly passed byathe City CouzIe l of/the City Montana at a regular meeting held June 7 N76 F `'pity ClerkFof the City o Kalispe1 is n