10-13-15 - Regular Meeting AgendaAGENDA
TUESDAY, October 13, 2015
The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission will be held on
Tuesday, October 13, 2015 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Kalispell City Council Chambers, Kalispell
City Hall, 201 1st Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana. (Date has been changed due to the holiday and
conflict with the city council meeting)
The Agenda for the meeting will be:
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Approval of Minutes of September 15, 2015
C. Hear the Public — The public may comment on any matter on the agenda or not on the agenda.
(Comments are typically held to 3 minutes or less.)
D. Public Hearing:
1. A request from Immanuel Lutheran Corporation, for a conditional use permit for five phases of
development at their senior living/care facility. Construction of the five phases of development
includes approximately 92,370 square feet of new construction, 68,240 square feet of renovations
to existing buildings, surface parking lot expansions, relocation of water/sewer lines, new
sidewalks, elevated street crossings and landscaping over the next 5 %2 years.
A request from WSPGB Mall, LLC for a text amendment to Section 27.24.040(6) b.3 of the
Kalispell Zoning Ordinance. The proposed text amendment would remove subsection "a" and
modify subsection "b" within the Special Parking Management Maintenance District No. 2. The
zoning text amendment would effectively allow all properties north of Center Street within
Special Parking Management Maintenance District No.2 to have one parking space for every 400
square feet of gross floor area, rather than one parking space for every 250 square feet of gross
floor area. The only properties affected by the text amendment are the properties within Special
Parking Management Maintenance District No. 2, north of Center Street.
E. Old Business
F. New Business
G. Adjournment
Next Meeting: November 10, 2015