07-14-15KALISPELL CITY PLANNING BOARD & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING July 14, 2015 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and CALL Zoning Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Board members present were: Chad Graham, Charles Pesola, Rory Young, Matt Regier, Steve Lorch, Karlene Osorio-Khor and Doug Kauffman. Tom Jentz and Jarod Nygren represented the Kalispell Planning Department. ELECTION OF OFFICERS President Graham then asked if there were any nominations for President. Osorio-Kohr nominated Graham and Regier seconded the nomination. Graham accepted the nomination. No other nominations were made. VOTE BY ACCLAMATION Graham's election as President passed unanimously on a vote by acclamation. ELECTION OF OFFICERS President Graham asked if there were any nominations for Vice President. Regier nominated Pesola and Young seconded the nomination. Pesola accepted the nomination. No other nominations were made. VOTE BY ACCLAMATION Pesola's election as Vice President passed unanimously on a vote by acclamation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Osorio-Khor moved and Kauffman seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the June 9, 2015 meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission. VOTE BY ACCLAMATION The motion passed unanimously on a vote by acclamation. PUBLIC COMMENT None. No members of the public were present. OLD BUSINESS: Jentz explained that the Flathead High School parking district as well as the Kalispell Regional Healthcare rezoning would be on the agenda for City Council at the Monday, July 20 meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Osorio-Khor suggested that a joint meeting with City Council and the Planning Board be scheduled to discuss the Growth Policy. Jentz noted that this was a good idea on a regular basis to touch base with City Council and will look into scheduling. Jentz noted that there would be no August meeting unless decided after the work session a meeting would be warranted. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:10 p.m. Kalispell City Planning Board Minutes of the meeting of July 14, 2015 Page I 1 WORK SESSION: A work session was held immediately following the regular meeting on the following: 1. Casinos in Kalispell Update 2. Bylaws Review NEXT MEETING The next regular planning board meeting is scheduled for September 15, 2015 beginning at 7:00 p.m. and located in the Kalispell City Council Chambers, 201 1st Avenue East, Kalispell. The meeting will be held the 3rd Tuesday of the month due to the Labor Day holiday and a conflict with the city council meeting. A work session will follow the regular meeting. /s/Chad Graham Chad Graham President APPROVED as submitted: 9/15/15 /s/Michelle Anderson, for Krista Lammers Recording Secretary Kalispell City Planning Board Minutes of the meeting of July 14, 2015 Page 12