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Resolution 2978 - Budget - Annual Appropriations
RESOLUTION NO. 2978 A RESOLUTION FIXING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1974 .. 1975 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA: SECTION 1. That the Budget for the fiscal year 1974 . 1975 shall be as follows: GENERAL PORTION City Council 1,10 Salaries 24,510.00 1.12 Social Security 1,435.00 1,14 'Workman Compensation 160.00 1,15 Group Insurance 1,080.00 1.20 Material & Supply 300.00 1.33 Travel & School 600.00 1.44 Car Allowance 600.00 1.45 Committee Expense 150.00 1.46 Miscellaneous 50.00 1.00 Control 28,885.00 City Clerk 2.10 Salaries 20,806.00 2.12 Social Security 1,219.00 2.14 Workman Compensation 65.00 2.20 Material & Supply 375.00 2.30 Utilities 250.00 2.33 School & Travel 250.00 2.44 Car Allowance 120.00 2.50 Capital Outlay (Equip.) 150.00 2.00 Control 23,235.00 City Treasurer 3.10 Salaries 6,600.00 3.11 Office Wages 2,300.00 3.12 Social Security 520.00 3.14 Workman's Compensation 27.00 3.15 Group Insurance 120.00 3.20 Material & Supply 2,800.00 3.30 Utilities 250.00 3.31 Insurance 150.00 3.44 Car Allowance 300.00 3.50 Capital outlay (Equip.) 250.00 3.00 Control 23,317.00 Parking - Off Street (Parking Commission) 4.51 ' Capital Outlay (Equip.) 9,000.00 4.53 Capital Outlay (land) 21,000.00 4.00 Control 20,000.00 City Attorney 5.10 Salaries 9,600.00 5.12 Social Security 562.00 5.14 Workman Compensation 63.00 5.15 Group Insurance 240.00 (1) Resolution No. 2978 (2) City Attorney (cont'd) 5.20 Material & Supply 400.00 5.21 Xerox 60.00 5.23 Office Expense 1,500.00 5.33 Travel & School 600.00 5.46 Memberships 158.00 5.47 Litigation 500.00 5.00 Control Police .Judge 6.10 Salaries 7,800.00 6.12 Social Security 460.00 6.14 Workmans Compensation 50.00 6.15 Group Insurance 120.00 6.20 Material & Supply 700.00 6.30 Utilities 200.00 6.46 Miscellaneous .. Jurors 300.00 6.50 Capital Outlay (Equip.) 600.00 6.00 Control Police Department 7.10 Salaries 244,702.00 7.12 Social Security 1,783.00 7.14 Workmans Compensation 8,390.00 7.15 Group Insurance 2,760.00 7.20 Material & Supply 4,980.00 7.22 Police Car Operation 11,033.00 7.25 Radio Maintenance 3,000.00 7.26 Omnibus Crime (city port.) 500.00 7.30 Utilities 1,500.00 7.31 Insurance 1,650.00 7.33 Travel & School 1,550.00 7.34 Uniform Allowance 5,130.00 7.37 Warehouse Maintenance 3,000.00 7.44 Car Allowance 3,000.00 7.46 Miscellaneous 1,670.00 7.50 Capital Outlay (Equip.) 6,167.00 7.00 Control Parking Meter 8.10 Salaries 30,084.00 8.12 Social Security 1,755.00 8.14 .Workmans Compensation 613.00 8.15 Group Insurance 480.00 8.20 Material & Supply 5.299.00 8.37 Warehouse 700.00 8.50 Capital Outlay (Equip.) 4,143.00 8.00 Control Fire Department 9.10 Salaries 190,955.00 9.14 Workmans Compensation 7,100.00 9.15 Group Insurance 2,280.00 9.17 Sick Leave 1,000.00 9.18 Overtime Pay 4.500.00 9.19 Vacation Man 8,700.00 9.20 Material & Supply 2,200.00 9.22 Alarm System 350.00 9.25 Radio Maintenance 300.00 9.30 Utilities 900.00 9.31 Insurance 450.00 9.33 Travel & School 1,000.00 9.34 Uniform Allowance 3,300.00 (2) 13,683.00 10,230.00 300,815.00 43,074.00 Resolution No. 2978 (3) Piro Department (contfd) 9.35 Hydrant Rental 750.00 9,37 Warehouse 500.00 9.44 Car Allowance 600.00 9.46 Dormitory 600.00 9.50 Capital Outlay (Dquip.) 4,500.00 9.51 Cap. Out. (Hose -Tires) 1,500.00 9.54 Cap. Out. (Train. Sup.) 800.00 9.00 Control Inspector 10.10 Salaries 9,967.00 10.12 Social Security 583.00 10.14 Workmans Compensation 230.00 10.15 Group Insurance 120.00 10.20 Material & Supply 340.00 10.29 Gas & Oil 360.00 10.36 Engineer 1,300.00 10.37 Warehouse 300.00 10.50 Capital Outlay (Equip.) 900.00 10.00 Control City Hall 11.20 Material & Supply 1,800.00 11.22 Custodian 1,620.00 11.30 Utilities 2,990.00 11.31 Insurance & Taxes 900.00 11.32 Repairs & Maintenance 11500,00 11.52 Capital Outlay (Bldg.) 1,000.00 11.00 Control Election 12.00 Control State Examiner 13.00 Control Street Lighting (city portion) 14.00 Control Miscellaneous General 15.22 Publication Expense 760.00 15.24 Municipal League 1,265.00 15.31 Insurance 30.00 15.46 Miscellaneous 500.00 15.47 Int. on Reg. Warrants },600.00 15.00 Control Streets 20.10 Salaries 110,618.00 20.l2 Social Security 0,466.00 20.14 Workmans Compensation 5,416.00 20.15 Group Insurance 1,500.00 20.20 Material & Supply 5,000.00 20.19 Gas & Oil 0,000.00 20.11 Insurance �,000.00 20.13 Travel & School 500.00 20.35 Hydrant Rental 1,000.00 (3) 232,285.00 14,100.00 9,810.00 800.00 , 2,810.00 10,000.00 4,155.00 Resolution No. 2978 (4) Streets (cont1d) 20.36 Engineer 7,500.00 20.37 Warehouse 21,600.00 20.40 Traffic lights 6,000.00 20.41 Street Signs 2,000.00 20.46 Civil Defense 500.00 20.50 Capital Outlay (Equip.) 900.00 20.51 Capital Outlay (Impr.) 1,000.00 20.00 Control BOR Projects 21.00A 115 Parks" 28,000.00 21.0011 "Woodland Park" 21,600.00 21.000 "Golf Course" 100,000.00 21.00 Control Parks 22.10 Salaries 39,140.00 22.12 Social Security 2,290.00 22.14 Workmans Compensation 900.00 22.15 Group Insurance 420.00 22.20 Material & Supply 2,000.00 22.23 Office Expense 400.00 22.29 Gas & Oil 1,000.00 22.30 Utilities 1,500,00 22.31 'Taxes & Insurance 6,500.00 22.35 Hydrant Rental 1,000.00 22.36 Engineer 1,300.00 22.37 Warehouse 4,000.00 22.50 Capital Outlay (Equip.) 800.00 22.00 Control City Recreation 23.10 Salaries 28, 865, 00 23.12 Social Security 1,690.00 23.14 Workman Compensation 670.00 23.20 Material & Supply 3,835.00 23.21 Office Supplies 250.00 23.30 Utilities 3,000.00 23.22 Repair & Maintenance 2,440.00 22.36 Engineer 1,100,00 22.37 Warehouse 1,000.00 23.44 Car Allowance 225.00 23.50 Capital Outlay (Equip.) 480.00 23.51 Capital Outlay (Impr.) 25.00 23.00 Control Public Employees Retirement System Aviation 180,000.00 149,600.00 61,250.00 43,580.00 24.00 Control 12,000.00 General Portion Total 1,173,629.00 + + + + * * + + + + + + 27.00 Control 6,500,06 + + + + + + + + + + + + + (4) Resolution No. 2978 (5 ) ENTERPRISE PORTION Ambulance 28.10 Drivers & Attendants Wages 12,000.00 28.11 Clerical Salary 2,280.00 28.12 Social Security (Clerical) 140.00 28.14 Workman Compensation (Clerical) 8.00 28.20 Material & Supply 1,500.00 28.22 Ambulance Operation 1,200.00 28.25 Radio Maintenance 200.00 28.29 Laundry 150.00 28.30 Utilities 300.00 28.31 Insurance 500.00 28.32 Repair and Maintenance 600.00 28.42 Stand•By 7,500.00 28.48 Administration 2,000.00 28.50 Capital Outlay (Equip.) 13,500.00 28.00 Control 41,878.00 Water Works 30.10 Salaries 101,889.00 30.12 Social Security 5,966.00 30.13 P. E. R. S. 5.300.00 30.14 Workmans Compensation 5,280.00 30.15 Group Insurance 1,560.00 30.20 Material & Supply 12,000.00 30.22 Water Billing Expense 4,200.00 30.25 Radio 500.00 30.29 Gas & Oil 3,000.00 30.30 Utilities 22,000.00 30.31 Insurance & Taxes 3,000.00 30.33 School & Travel 1,500.00 30.36 Engineer 7,500.00 30.37 Warehouse 2,500.00 30.44 Car Allowance 360.00 30.48 Administration 35,000.00 30.49 In Lieu of Taxes 12,000.00 30.50 Capital outlay (Equip.) 12,800.00 30.51 Capital Outlay (Impr.) 111,800.00 30.52 Capital Outlay (Bldg.) 50,000.00 30.00 Control 388,155.00 Sewer Service Department Sever Lines 31.10 Salaries 29,165.00 31.12 Social Security 1,715.00 31.13 P. E. R. S. 1,430.00 31.14 Workmans Compensation 1,430.00 31.15 Group Insurance 360.00 31.20 Material & Supply 1,050.00 31.30 Utilities 350.00 31.23 Office Expense 1,500.00 31.29 Gas & 011 1,000.00 31.31 Insurance 500.00 31.35 Hydrant Rental 500.00 31.36 Engineer 3,800.00 31.37 Warehouse 3,000.00 31.38 Sanitation & Inspection 3,500.00 31.48 Administration 6,000.00 31.50 Capital Outlay (Equip.) 19,000.00 31.51 Capital Outlay (Impr.) 33,800.00 31.00 Control 108,100.00 (5) Resolution No. 2978 (6) Disposal Plant 32.10 Salaries 30,700.00 32.12 Social Security 1,800.00 32.13 P. E. R. S. 1,500.00 32.14 Workmans Compensation 700.00 32.15 Group Insurance 360.00 32.20 Material & Supply 9,500.00 32.29 Gas & Oil 500.00 32.30 Utilities 5,000.00 32.31 Insurance & Taxes 250.00 32,33 School & Travel 500.00 32.36 Engineer 3,800.00 32.37 Warehouse 500.00 32.38 Sanitation & Inspection 1,350,00 32.48 Administration 5,000.00 32.50 Capital Outlay (Equip.) 4,500.00 32.51 Capital Outlay (Impr.) 44,900.00 32.00 Control 110,860.00 31.00 & 32.00 Sewer Service Total ENTERPRISE PROJECTS (Federal -State Participation) Secondary Treatment Project (Federal) 33.50 Capital Outlay (Equip.) 8,000.00 33.51 Capital Outlay (Impr.) 80,500.00 33.00 Control 88,500.00 Secondary Treatment Project (State) 33.50A Capital Outlay (Equip.) 600.00 33.51A Capital Outlay (Impr.) 24,000.00 33.52A Capital Outlay (Bldg.) 23,000.00 33, OOA Control 47,600.00 Sever Revenue Bond Redemption 35.00 Bond & Interest Payments 30,552.00 35.00 Control 30,552.00 INTRA AGENCY (funded by transfers from other budget accounts) City Engineer 36.10 Salaries 32,220.00 36.12 Social Security 1,890.00 36.14 Workman Compensation 250.00 36.15 Group Insurance 480.00 36.20 Material & Supply 100.00 36.21 Office Supplies 300.00 36.23 Office Expense 400.00 36.29 Gas & Oil 200.00 36.30 Utilities 250.00 36.33 Travel & School 200.00 36.44 Car Allowance 210.00 36.50 Capital Outlay (Equip.) 250.00 36.00 Control 36,750.00-, 218, 960.00 (6) Resolution No. 2978 (7) City Warehouse 37.10 Salaries 41,323.00 37.12 Social Security 2,415.00 37.14 Workman Compensation 2,022.00 37.15 Group Insurance 440.00 37.20 Material & Supply 10,000.00 37.23 Office Expense 200.00 37.25 Radio 100.00 37.29 Gas & Oil 200.00 37.30 utilities 2,200.00 37.31 Insurance 1,000.00 37.50 Capital Outlay (Equip.) 500.00 37.00 Control 36.00 & 37.00 Total Recap of transfers to Intra Agency Fund 10.36 1,300.00 7.37 3,000.00 20,36 7,500.00 8.37 700.00 22.36 1,300.00 9.37 500.00 23.36 1,100.00 10.37 300.00 30.36 7,500.00 20.37 21, 600.00 31.36 3,800.00 22.37 4,000.00 32.36 3,800.00 23.37 1,000.00 38.36 3,800.00 30.37 2,500.00 39.36 1,100.00 31.37 3,000.00 40.36 5,600.00 32.37 500.00 38.37 9,700,00 39.37 4,500.00 40.37 9,000.00 36,800.00 60,300.00 Total Transfers 97,100.00 Cash Balance 7,258.32 Total Funding 104,358.32 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Oil Sprinkling 38.10 Salaries 6,330.00 38.12 Social Security 370,00 38.13 P. E. R. S. 300.00 38.14 Workman Compensation 300.00 38.20 Material & Supply (Asphalt) 40,000.00 38.23 Office Expense 900,00 38.27 Gravel 12,000.00 38.28 Road Oil 20,000.00 38.29 Gas & oil 6,000.00 38.30 Utilities 3,000.00 38.31 Insurance 1,000.00 38.36 Engineer 3,800.00 38.37 Warehouse 9,700.00 38.47 Interest on Reg. Warrants 1,500.00 38.00 Control Water Sprinkling 39.10 Salaries 5,460.00 39.12 Social Security 300.00 39.13 P. E. R S. 260.00 39.14 Workmans Compensation 270.00 39.15 Group Insurance 60.00 60,400.00 105,200.00 97,150.00 (7) Resolution No. 2978 (8) 39.23 Office Expense 200.00 39.29 Gas & Oil 600.00 39.31 Insurance & Taxes 200.00 39.36 Engineer 11100.00 39.37 Warehouse 4,500.00 39.47 Interest on Reg. Warrants 50.00 39.00 Control 13,000.00 Garbage 40.10 Salaries 55,850.00 40.12 Social Security 3,270.00 40.13 P. E. R. S. 2,740.00 40.14 Workmans Compensation 2,570.00 40.15 Group Insurance 720.00 40.20 Materials & Supply 500.00 40.29 Gas & Oil 3,000.00 40.31 Insurance 300.00 40.36 Engineer 5,600.00 40.37 Warehouse 9,000.00 40.38 Sanitation & Inspection 1,100.00 40.43 Dog Pound 13,000.00 40.46 Garbage Refund 900.00 40.47 Interest on Reg. Warrants 150.00 40.48 Administration 4,935.00 40.00 Control 103,635.00 Special Light District 41.00 Lighting -property owner share 32.655.00 41.00 Control 32,655.00 Total Special Assessment Accounts Special Improvement Districts 42.00 S. I. D. 330.000.00 42.00 Control 330,000.00 Capital Improvement Program Fund (portion of tax levy) 43.50F Fire Truck Reserve 44,000.00 43.50S Street Equipment Reserve 34,191.00 43.00 Control 78,191.00 Sidewalk & Curb 45.10 Salaries 2,000.00 45.12 Social Security 120.00 45.14 Workmans Compensation 100.00 45.20 Material & Supply 500.00 45.27 Gravel 1,000.00 45.39 Contract 35,000.00 45,47 Interest on Reg. Warrants 1,500.00 45,48 Administration 1,200.00 45.00 Control 41,420.00 Federal Programs Omnibus Crime 46.00 Omnibus Crime (Federal Portion) 4,500.00 46.00 Control 4,500.00 254,490.00 (8) Resiiution No. 2978 (9) Emergency Employment Act 47.10E Street & Garbage Salaries 750.00 47.00 Control 750.00 Revenue Sharing 50.46 Miscellaneous 1,000.00 50.50 Capital Outlay (Equip.) 14,000.00 50.51 Capital Outlay (Impr.) 135,000.00 50.52 Capital Outlay (Bldg.) 100,000.00 50.53 Capital Outlay (Land) 50,000.00 50.00 Control 300, 000.00 + . . + + + + . . + + . PENSION PORTION Police Pension 51.00 Control 36,852.00 Firemans Relief Association 52.00 Control 50,300.00 + + + + + + + + + 4 + + Drivers Education 53.00 Control 12,000.00 Parking Lot 54.00 Control 7,200.00 Local Goverment Study Commission 56.00 Control 6,000.00 Sewer Connection 313 59.00 Control 3,000.00 TOTAL BUDGET $3,217,627.00 (9) Resolution No. 2978 (10) ANTICIPATED REVENUES AMID CASH 390 Tax by Mill Levy 400 Ambulance 401 Aviation 404 Garbage 405 General 407 Oil Sprinkling 410 Police Pension 411 Secondary Treatment Project 412 Severer Service 414 Special improvement District 416 Special Light District 418 Water Works Department 419 Water Sprinkling 420 Drivers Education 421 Emergency Employment 426 Parking Lot 427 Revenue Sharing 428 Intra Agency Transfer *97,200.00 429 Omnibus Crime Sidewalk & Curb Fireman Relief Association Sewer Connection 313 Total Revenues Cash Balance 6.30-74 Investments 6.30-74 Total Cash 767,929.00 30,000.00 2,500.00 88, 618.00 473,040.00 109, 000.00 20, 000.00 136,000.00 188, 000.00 300,000.00 9,000.00 302, 000.00 12,000,00 12,000.00 750.00 7,200.00 137, 980.00 *included in other revenue 4,500.00 41,420.00 10,000.00 4,500.00 2,656,437.00 2,656,437.00 228, 898. 64 065 993.00 1,094,891.64 TOTAL CASH AND REVENUES $3,751,328.64 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 12TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1974. --- Laurence G. B jorneby. Ma r A 7/ -1 City Clerk f"the lispell, h y certify thaC the ore - I, the undersigned, by the City Council of going is a true and correct copy of the�re.of tion duly p a°Che City of Kalispell, Montana, at a etingOnr ty of Kall9pei►,