Resolution 2923 - Contract w/ Fish & Game - Develop Parks10. 2923 N T1.11,30LUTION TO 7`7��IIT TIE CITY IF ",ALIMIrLL TO Cr):ITRACT 4IT11 ,, I STATTi' FISH VIT) elAIr C)'11IS310'I OF THE STATE OF 'ITITIMN TO D!E*r!IMOP- CZRTAIN CITY PAT�r5 UIT)71 TkTT) A17) 4ATPI CONSEMVNTIIN PTYIn ACT OF 19615; NUT110TRIZINfl, INYIP TO EXI'MITE ALL DOCTMENTS 743."CESSNRY. SZ IT 3Y THE CITY COTTICIT, OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, 'I'MTMA: vMEREAS, the City of Kalispell is interested in dcquiring lands or developing outJoor recreational facilities on the followijiq described project for the ei,joyment of the ciLizeitry of the CiL)r of Ndlispell and the State of lontdnd, Project Title: Kalispell 5 Park Additions) Total EsLimdted Cost: $10,000.00; Brief Descrintion of Project: This project will develop five (5) ndrks in the City of Kalisnell; Uashington: irriidtion 117,LQTTI, signs and laiidscaning, 'Ieridian: irrigation system, ,ign3, ldrid- scd,*)i4g and playground ",uipmeitt; rlacirthorne, Northridge and `iomnqon Parks will all receive the following: irrigation system, signs, landicaning, playqround erTuipment, multi -purpose court3, nicnic tables dikd drinking fountains. MD, Land and Wd-ter Conservation Fund financial di-,isLaice is required for the acquisition or development of sdiI outdoor recradticital fd Ilities, NOJ TIIERE70.1 , C, he it resolved by the City of Kalisnell, that the project described above be authorized, AIM, be it further resolved that said City of Xdlispell male application to the State Fish and Game Commission to seek Lajd d0 WdLer Conservation Pund financial assistance from the 3uredu of Outdoor Recreation in the amount of Sn% of the actual cost of the project in behalf of said City of Ndlispell. AIID# be it further resolved by the City of Kali-=;nell, that it certifies to the following- 1. That .it Will dCCPIDt the terms and conditions lot forth in the 130TI 1",rdlltS-ill-Aid ldllUdl and which will he a nart of the Project Nr1rcemrnL for dhx? grant w,?ardPd under the aLLaclied 2. T}xd L it is iui com,:>lfLe accord with LhLucadtLdch(�fi lIrD-1 3,il dl,d that it krill carry out the acquisition and/or the manner descrihocl in the 7ronoldl dyid dnY '.)ldUS d1ld dLtdch(-,(l thereto ui,le,;,; prior d7n`OrOVdl for any chanqe has t)nen received from the Commigqicn. . 3. That it has t'10 ability and intention to fi)kakX-0 it; ,31wre of Clio Co!;L of thf, nro-!^f-,L antl that the project' will bo alld MdiiiLdinnd at the exr),iitrn of said Ci.Ly of Ndlispell for !,wlolic outdoor recreation uni. 4. That no fl-ndi,cidl as,3i!3twic(-* hdi been' given or under dnv other PederAl prfwjra�n or activity �-,I.th regdrd to L"11-1 T)ropoqed project. 5. That it Will not -liscrinindLe ciqailisL any -f-.r-,Qn on the of race, color or national Origin i1i the Use of any Property or fckciliLy acquired or developed jlursuduL to this proposdi, and shall A CQPI',,' 14ith LIa tv,(I J'HU111t Of Title V1 Of thO, CiVil Qi(Tht.14 ACt of 1954, P.L. 08-352 at -A of the requlaLicw, -rolnulgaLed ,oursuai:L to such Act bV L110 'I�(.-reLarl,, of the Interior and con,usii,ncl ii. 43 Cr1i 17. M G. That it gill niaii-,Laix, alt-I'Matc financial records on the nron,osed "project to -,iYorLdntiate claims for cost 7,.idrin(J. 7. The is authorized to execute, on behalf of )-he Cif-7 of Kdlisnell, all docuinents necessary to carry out this nroject. PASSrT,) IVID APPROVPI) BY Tllr CITY COUNCIL 'IF TIIP CITY or 1KALISPELL, '13 TNIIN, THIS 13th day of August 1173. -7) ?4ay6 r RESOLUTION NO. 2923 EXHIBIT I County -ithead RESOLUTION ON ACQUISITION OR DEVELOPMENT FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION UNDER THE LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND PROGRAM WHEREAS, THE CITY OF KALISPELL ---is Interested In (Name of Agency) acquiring lands or developing outdoor recreational facilities on the following described project for the enjoyment of the citizenry of City of Kalispell and the State of Montana; Project Title Kalispell 5 Park Additions Total Estimated Cost 80,000.00 Brief Description of Project: This project will develop 5 parks in the City of Kalispell; Washington: irrigation system, signs and landscap- ing, Meridian: irrigation system, signs, landscaping and playground equipment; Hawthorne, Northridge and Thompson Parks will all receive the following: irrigation system, signs, landscaping, playground equipment, multi -purpose courts, picnic tables and drinking fountains. AND, Land and Water Conservation Fund financial assistance is required for the acquisition or development of said outdoor recreational facilities, NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City of Kalispell that the project described above be authorized, AND, be it further resolved that said City of Kali -spell make application to the State Fish and Game Commission to seek Land and Water Conser- vation Fund financial assistance from the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation in the amount of 50% iA' the actual cost of the project in behalf of said City of Kalispell Montana AND,"'be it further resolved by the City of Kalil 2ii that it certifies to the following: 1. That it will accept the terms and conditions set forth in the BOR Grants -in - Aid Manual and which will be a part of the Project Agreement for any grant awarded under the attached proposal, 2. That it is in complete accord with the attached proposal and that it will carry out the acquisition and/or development in the manner described in the proposal and any plans and specifications attached thereto unless prior approval for any change has been received from the Commission. 3. That it has the ability and Intention to finance its share of the cost of the project and that the project will be operated and maintained at the expense of said City of Kalispell for public outdoor recreation use. 4. That no financial assistance has been given or promised under any other Federal program or activity with regard to the proposed project. 5. That it will not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color or national origin in the use of any property or facility acquired or developed pursuant to this proposal, and shell comply with the terms and intent of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, P.L. 88-352 (11964) and of the regulations promulgated pursuant to such Act by the Secretary of the Interior and contained in 43 CFR 17. 6. That it will maintain adequate financial records on the proposed project to substantiate claims for cost sharing. T s i to certify that Lbf, foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution /e ' I I I du.. and ega�lly adop . bye Kalispell City Council a a _gal Mee. held on this 13th day of August 19 73 "T i4na�tre 7— George Beardslee, City Clerk La ,Jqrnoby,'— yor Title City of Kaltsooll t I City of Kalispell 1, the undersigned, City Ciork of the City of Ka spoll, he oby or Ify that the forepolng Is a truo and e­Tri;ct copy of the res cation du1 PAS Ltd Y then City 11 of the City of FAI IsI4011. Montana, $I eti oyt August 13, 1973