Resolution 2949 - Torstenson Realty Co - EncroachmentM
—_ -_ -a —_ W OF THE CITY 6ZI 'EL RE.i.'�TJNG (5N_DAY NIGHT
-m-IrIc _hA, 9 7 4
WHEREAS, Torstenson Realty Company, is now constructing a facility to
serve as a convention center, motel, restaurant and cocktail loun(je on the
real property described as Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference
%ado a part hereof; and
WHEREAS, the construction of said facility as it is now designed will
result in a six inch encroachment of the corner of an overhantlinq eve on to
the right of way of old Highway 93 which is now owned by the, City of Kalispell;
WIIERrAS, Torstenson Realty Company intends to request that the City Council
of the City of Kalispell grant an easement for said encroachment upon the com-
pletion of the construction of that part of the facility which will, result in
the encroachment; and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of Torstenson Realty Company to avoid the expense
of a survey to establish a legal description of said six inch encroachment for
the purpose of drafting an easement; and
WHEREAS, it is the further desire of the owners of Hennessy's to obtain
authorization from the City Council of the City of Kalispell to proceed with
the construction of that portion of the facility which will result in' the on-
croachment, and to then request that the City Council grant an vaseniont for the
encroachment which may then be described simply as tho part ol thc, (rxir,( inq
buildinq which oncroaohvs on the old highway 93 right of way; and
WHERBAS, the City Council of the City of Kalispell. has reviewed the plans
and specifications for said facility at the encroachment which will result and
has expensed its willingness to grant an easement for said encroachnivnt,
NOW, TI]FAPJ,'ORE, be it resolved that the City Council of Yal i Montana,
at, jj meeting held Monday night the 4th day of March,, 1974, do hortlf,y
authorize Torstenson Realty Company to continue with the conrLructiotl of
facilities which according to plans and specifications reviawed at this
meoting will result in a six inch encroachment by an overhanqiimT vklt'ner eve
on to the right of way of old Highway 93, and that the City COU"Cil Of T:alisp011
dons a,'iree that upon completion of that portion of the, bui tdi rl,j wh 611 w i I 1"ii2
wjtt, in tho encroachment the City Council will, uIxMI payment of f-olwid It
ra lon
-in the amount of $10.00, grant to Torstgswon R omp'My 'W for
ili- fnt;roachment of said corner 7K�ovvrbanq.
,-he foregoing resolution
council of the City Of
the f
meetinq (,f tile City
y of N'larch, '1974.
ty C1 (! t. k
17c Mmifog .et they Sotithoast corner of 131ock 251 of Xnlicpell
Towns1to, Co;,-nr-.,,.nyf a Addition No. 7 to Kalinpoll,
Montana, n",or4lng to tho plat thereof on file and of
rf,�eord'ln tha offlee of the County Clerk and Recorder
of VIathoO CoLu7ty. Montanal thence
South 13Q,401 Evqt alow7 the Went boundary of Third Avmue
La,it 053. 0 feet to & trub point of beguning; Vv cx.,
South 131 491 Eant along the Wont boundary of Third Avcj-�vo
Bftrft S22. 1 feat to a point of tho Easterly boutklnzr of
Old It. S. No. 03; thcnco alor', a 1w.nr1n,-j
ctlxwo bolng tali; Lastarlylaovnrlary of Old U. S, Ilib;a-
'way No* 03, the chord of which has a bearing mid
dl(A"'mco of
Forth 47* 431 Wczt 168. 5 feetto a pcintj thence
Vortlx 480 451 Wont along the Easterly boundary of Old U. S.
Highway No. 03 a distance of 222.2 feet to a point;
North 76 0 11 # East 21.8 feet to the true point of beglnning,
oontainWg 0.82 acres, more or less.
Loto 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Block 2 of Ryker
1,tietition, ancprdAng to U map or plat thereof, recorda of th
CA)uny Clork and Recorder of Vlathead County, Moatnna;
That part of the South Half of tho Southwest Quarter of �Snction
17, Town0alp 20 North, Range 21 went, M.P. M.,
County, Montann, particularly described as followa:
:raw imcnalnj at the Southeast 0orner of Diode 251
To';-,,A'Av1t0 Company' a Addition Number Sown to
T11011tona, accordln'a, to the recorded plat thoreof, r
of County Clark and Reco.Vder of Flathezvt County. Moi"Atww:
«3o"Va 130 491 Eaut along the West boundary of Third
Ernt oxtended fqoutllerly wdir'A'ance 01852 rc'CA;
Srmth 76 11 111 WeiA a distance of 221. 3 feet to tho kt, r�
brarxdary of Old U. S. 1111"'hway No. 03 vnd tho pl"-""-(z (1
brflinabla of 010 tract to he heroln d�iacrltwd; ing
Vord 70 * I I I Enut n dintanca 6-f 221. 3 foot to tha
boundary of ThArd Awmue'1',nat ez;tendccl Soat1zo0',,,,-j
Parth 131 400 Wcn,t slang the Went bovudary of Third
Eni;t as distmice of 120 foot; thi-,�nce
Pouth 701 110 Weat a distence of 305. 6noz/or lno�i,
to the Easterly boundary of U 8',' ffigh-may o. 9 3; acj-
Sonth AM* 451 East rxid f It I Rantk�rl (ninc-lat"'Y
fiald Old V. S. fliahwa-' 93 a distat e of 140, 4 f. 't,
More or lean, to tb lace of
T,,tho,and erslgeed, City Clark of the C1
p()jrj.r is atrue and correct copy of the
thqCitye of Kalispell, Montana. at a rag
I Opel I, phoroy�ort,IfV t' -Wil- tho foro-
n duly the c4y council of
trig on det 4, 197-4