Resolution 2948 - Torstenson Realty CompanyRZS0L(1T10N 2948 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE --- REETING­MONDAY NIGHT Marcb 4, 1974',' WHEREAS, Torstenson Realty Company is a Montana corporation which owns the real property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, Torstenson Realty Company is in the process of con- structing a facility to serve as a convention center and motel having restaurant and cocktail lounge facilities; and WHEREAS, plans and specifications for said facility showing the proposed general arranqment of the facility have this day been presented to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the above -described property is now located within that district designated for zoning purposes by the Kalispell City Code as "Number 5 Business -Residence District"; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of Torstenson Realty Company that the City Council of the City of Kalispell determine that the pro- posed facility is a "tourist camp" or "auto court" within the meaning of those terms as used in paragraph 4 under the heading "Number 5 Business -Residence District" which is part of Appendix No. 8 of the Kalispell City Code; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the ("Aty Council of F-ilispell, Montana, at a meeting field Monday night- the 4th (lay (A March,, 1974, do hereby determine after review of the plans and specifications for the proposed Outlaw Inn to be. built on they real property described in Exhibit "A", that the !-.,aid facility to be known as Outlaw Inn is a tourist camp or auto court. as those terms are used in Paragraph 4 of that provision of Appendix 9 of the Kalispell City Code which relates to the Number 5 Businoss- flo.sidence District, and that the front and side yaj-d requitements n(,rally applicable to buildings in the said Numhor 5 Bus iness- Po;.,i(Jence District shall not apply to,,thv proposed Outlaw Inn. The foregoing resola�, n of the City Council of the day of -,March,-, 1974. ly pas-e-d aid a meeting 7- fty of T 6lispoll, ; on the 4th FORU IT -AM eb. C peginnfna,at the *outheast corner, of Block 251 of Kalispell TOV , Vn91tA COMPMY'13 Addition, NO. 7 to Kalispell, an Mtmia, acoording to tho plat thereof on file and of record in tho oVica of the County Clorlt and Recorder Of, PlathoM Cwnty# Montana; thence South VV 401 T,,'pst aleng the West boundary of Third Avenue Rast 852. 01act to the true point of baginning; thence South 13" 401 ;ant alenge? the it beuadary of Third Avenue 173ant 322.1 tmlt to A point of the Easterly boundary of Old U., S. Hlghi=y No. 931 thence alonj to left bearing curve boing the Easterly boundary of Old U. S, High- way No. 93. the chord of which has a bearing and distanco of North 470 431 West 168.5 foot to a pollit, thence Worth AFj' 451 West along the Easterly boundary of Old U. S. Highway No. 03 a distance of 222. 2 feet to a point; thcneo North 70 * I I I East 221. 3 feet to the true point of beginning, containing 0.82 acres, more or less. MM TRACT 1: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 0 and 10 of Block 2 of Ryker Addition, according to a map or plat thereof, records of the County Clerk and Recorder of Flathead County, Montanal TRACT 21 That part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 117, Tovmr)hip 20 North, Rnn,"O 21 West, M.P. M., Flathead County, Montana, particularly described as follows: ^_-nraenc1rkr1 at the Southeant corner of Block 251 of I-Calispoll Tovdnoito Company's Addition Number Soven to Kalispell. Montana, according to the recorded plat thereof, r000rds Of County Clerk and Recorder of Flathead County, Montanaj thence SOuth 130 491 Es6t along the West boundary of Third Avenue Bnst extended Southerly a dietance of 852 feet; tbe3ijc,o South 70 " I I I We to distance of 221. 3 feet to t1jo jastorly boundary of Old U. S. Higthway No. 03 and the place of beginning of the tract to be herein described,- the North 70 * II' Pact A dintrdlea Of 221.3 feet to'tho Wcatorly boundary of Third Avonue Emit wacn&d So4therly; thence North 13" 401 Wont along? the Went b d eouno —Thiyd Avenue Lant a d1stvneo of 120 feast; thf.. 3outh 76 0 111 West a distance . �5. 1 f c o t, rno or lans s 'o "0 to the Bl anterly bound of U. S. flighwa e 0. 93; thence South 480 460 E a6t grad I'EvAng the E, nterl oundary of S. a , gr h wa y No. 10 'Iistn' e of 146. 4 fee -,fjaid Old U. S. t the place )3 a ce of more or lea the place of begrina tz. I, Vne unuerfligneus _y Clerk of the City Kalispell, he certify that the fore- going,. a true and correct copy of the r ao ution duly 6dthe City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, at a re Is meeting on Ma=' h 4. 19za ity