Resolution 2917 - Resolution of Intent - SID 315RESOLUTIOTI 140.
3ECTION 1. That it is the intention of the City Council of the CiLv
of 7,,,jlispell, "1ontdx,,a, to create Special Improvement District 'To. V-s
for the foliowinq described oronnrty, 4-B'S ADDITION NO. 45, more
snecificall,,r described 45 follows, and, GIBSON ADDITION NO. 41, more
specifically described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this
reference made d part hereof:
4-B'S NIDDITION NO. 45. A tract of land in the Southwest 1/4
of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 12, Township 28 North, Rai,,ge
22 -lest, Principal Meridian-71ontand, more particularly described
as follows:
Commencing at the Southeast corner of the aforementioned
Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 12; thence
North 180 47' 38" West 31.55 feet to a 3/4" x 21" 0 galvanized
iron pipe, the point of beginning; thence North 0 351 30"
East a distance of 625.73 feet to a 2" axle shaft, thence
continuing North 00 35' 33" East 41.10 feet to a 3/4" x 21"
galvanized iron pipe on the Southerly boundary of U. S.
Highway Number 2; thence South 480 251 58" West along the
Southerly boundary of U. S. Highway Ntunber 2 a distance of
183.27 feet to a 3/4" x 21" galvanized iron pipe; thence
South 410 3V 02" East along the Southerly boundary of U. S.
Highway Number 2 a distance of 10 feet to d 3/4" x 21" gal-
vanized iron nine; thence South 480 25' 58" West a distance
of 200 feet to a 3/4" x 21" galvanized iron pipel thence
South 410 341 02" East a distance of 2 9 feet to a concrete
right of way monument; thence South 48 251 58" West along
the Southerly boundary of U. S. Highway Number 2, 74.53 feet
to a 3/4" iron pine with brass disc stamped ES2989 marking
the Northeast corner of Lot 3 of Gibson Addition No. 41 as
recorded ner the Records of Flathead County, FAontana;,thence
South 00 37' 38" West along the West boundary of the afore-
mentioned Lot 3 a, distance of 344.69 feet to d 3/4" iron
pipe with brass disc stamped ES2989 on the North boundary
of Applewdy Drive, thence North 890 16' 09" East along the
North boundary of Ap?leway Drive a distance of 319.5 feet
to the point of beginning.
SECTION 2. That the general character of the improvements to be
made in said nronosed Special Improvement r)istrict is the installa-
tion of installing water mains .oqvd*-btVtaT1'inq sanit-d-T.7--mr*--r-s.
SECTION 3. That the estimated cost of said improvements is
SECTION 4. That the entire cost and expense of said imnrovements
shall be assessed against each lot within the district to be assessed
for that part of the whole cost which its area boars to the area of
the entire district.
SECTION 5. That said dssessment shall be paid for in full upon
completion of the contract, or slidil be paid in 20 equal instd1l-
ments, hereby extended over a noriod of 20 years. Said assessment
shall constitute d fund to be known as Special Improvement District
SECTIO'4 6. That 3aid imorovements shd1l be paid for in special
Im-orovoment District Warrants issued against said district in
sums not to exceed $1,000.00 each, bearing interest at a rate
not to exceed seven nercent (7%) per di-inum from date of registra-
tion until called for redemption or paid in full.
SECTI01 7. That on the 17th day of September, 1973, at 7:30 P.I.,
in the Council Chambers of the City Hall in the City of Kalispell,
'Toi',Landp at a ret ' iuldr meeting thereof, the City Council will hear
and pass on any urotests that may be made against the making of
said improvements or the creation of said district.
SECTION 8. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to
give the proper notice of the passage of this resolution by
publication and mailing as required by law, such publication to
be made in d daily newspaper and/or a weekly newspaper published
in the City of Kalispell, '1011tana.
Laurence G. Bjorneb
That portion of Lot 1, Gibson Addition No. 41, City of Kalispell,
Flathead County, Montana, described as follows:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 1; thence along the
Southerly line of Lot 1 South 400 14' 30" West 8.61 feet, North 00
33' 00" East 26.21 feet anti South 490 141 57" West 528.21 feet;
thence North 400 451 03" West 143.23 feet; fl-jenco North 89' 1''
West 239.43 feet to the West line of Lot 1, thence along th,, t,,'os5
line North 00 47' 5811 Fast 275.00 feet; thence South 89° 12'
East 736.11 feet to the East line of Lot 1; thence along thf, [',-Ast
line South 00 33' 31" West 52.34 feet to the Point of t3e<pitming,
containing 4.115 acres of land.
That portion of 1,ot I., Gibson Addition No. 41, rity of Kalispell,
Flathead County, Elontana, described as follows;
I 0e;
at tiir- Southwest corner of Lon t 1, then al-ni tho , W , t
line of Lot I '!tlr, I ti ()' 47' S8" East 640.10 fret to the Point- or
ire,:Jnninq; tjjQj-j (,OlitjnUing along thC1 1,"OSt lino North 00 47' 51'"
Lait 220.0n fnet; ttAen vlorth 99' 12' 12" East 451?.73 foot; th,'n
`3outh 0' 47' 5T' ',hest 220,00 fcot; t.3w,jj Soot:!) ",91 121 02" Alest
459.73 feet to the j)(Ant of 1;f-,inning, c'-ontainil, f 2.3?1 acres of
coC uwl&)( KirefIcN.
,That portion of Lot 1, Gibson Addition fl'o. 41, City of Kalispell,
Flathead County, Montana, described as follows:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 1, then along the West
line of Lot I North 0* 47' 58" East 365.00 feet; then South'290
12' 02" Last 146.24 feet to the Point of Beginning, then continuing
South 89* 12' 02" T',ast 93.19 feet; then South 40Q 45' 03" Last
143.23 feet to the Northwesterly right of way line of U. S. Highway
No. 2; then along the right of way line South 490 141 57" West
60.55 feet to the beginning of a 1056 foot radius curve to the
right, and Southwesterly along the curve thru a central angle of
4* 561 05" 91.56 feet, then North 40* 45' 03" West 201. 07 feet;
then North 490 141 57" East 90.26 feet to the Point of Beginning,
containing 0.700 acre of land.
Subject to a road easement over the Northerly 24 feet thereof.
1, the undersigned, City Clerk of the Cit a :poll, Ireb* certify that the
foregoing is a true and correct copy of 10!�-*- on d ssed by the City
Council of the City Of Kalispell, Montana, t a regular a ng on
August 8, 1973
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