Resolution 2871 - Annexation - Sunny View DriveRES01UTION ID. 2871 A =SOL"i ON =END11Z TIM,' COI MPATE LIMITS OP THE CITY OF KALISPELL, VWTANA BE IT RESOLVED BY =, CITY COMCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MIMANA: SECTrON I. That puraunvt to tho provisions of Pmsolution No. 2851 entitled "A RESOLL12I IN Or, INTENTION TO ANN"OX 11VO TO CITY OF KALISPELL, Su"My vM YU%NS11, and after a hearing hold at a rogular rnsating of said City Council, In tha Cotmall Chmolyars of tiny City Hall in Kalispell, Y=tana, at 7:30 P. M. on Mnrah 6, 1972, pursuant to said i:osolutivn and notice duly gIvon by publication as requirad by low, Cho boundaries or corps -orate limits of the City of Kalispell, Mon=na ara h-,roby rmvZ:cnded so as to embrace and Include the tract of lend dascribad In said rul=,olutlon of intention No. 2852 and haroInafter don crib,2-d, anS tha said d03c=1bad tract of land is h raby doctored to ba annoxed to and to be as part of the City of Kalispell, Mon't-can$ and within the corporate limits thareof. The tim�o vilon this re-colutlon Mhall Go Into effect: and the extension of Cho boundaries of the City of Xalispoll, Montzna, be mz%do by the Inclusion 02 said tract of land within the boundaries or co ratan limits of the City of Kalispell, Montana Is horeby declared to bg July 10, 1972. d =TION 2. That: thm tract of land so embraced and included within the boundaries of the City of Kalispell, Vzntana, Is more particul4l.rly described as follows: Yi A tract of land known as Sunny Vilavy Lane located in the Southwest QuaTtor of Section Six (6), T. 23 N., R 21 W., gyp. P.M., Flathn-ad County, Montana and =ra particularly described as follows, to -wit, Cow=zneing at than Southwast corr,-vr of Lot: 7, Block I of Grandview Heights Addition Ka. I to Kalispell, Montana, a plat of record In F2-athz,,,nd County Clork and Rood rdor4s Offico, Nalispall, Montana, thanca runninS Wastorly a d1stnnco of 2200 feet more or less to a paint on the Enstarly Rl,-hts of Way Line of V. S. No. 93, thonco South- erly alonS the Easterly line of U. S. No. 93 to a point: 60 feet tmre or less to a point, teen eo Easte=ly and parallel and to the above ui�=atlonad lino a distance of 1200 feet: more or lens to a point, thonea Fortharly a distance of 60 feet to the point of beginning. Being a tract of land 60 feet wide and 1200 feat long, mora or less and oontalninZ 1.653 acrar, mra or lo"'. SECTION 3. F-xhlblt "All attachad herato, Is a part of this Resolution. PA-Sszo AND APPROVr3 BY THE MAYOR AND TIM CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MO. LLMA, THY OTH DAY CS JULY, 1972. -7 Laumnca G. Bjornaby,1,Y;ayor U as Bzaimnca, City CIO tl-,c,, City f iLllapV.11 eby c�?rtify that the I_t zap, City Clerk of I a truc and corrcct co - On paszed by the City C h es 0 1 U "' L dul C,unn il u-` tiv,� City oj lal a re"&Z'VI it 4?t kIg ca July 10, 1972 ------ 7 -7 7 IUY— k ss the CiLy of Kallsp*57 R7777111 EXHIBIT "A" usoLuTION NO. 2371 ........... -- IV 9 9 1/ 7' v1 446. 0 - Lescription of that portion of a street known as Sunny View lane to be annexed into the City of Kalispell, Montana: Located in Section 6, Township 28 N., Range 21,W., being more particularly described as follows, Beginning at the Southwest corner«of Lot 7 Grand View Heights Addition to the City of Kalispell, Montana, a plat of which is on file and of record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Flathead County Montana, Thence S. 30 04' West a distance of 60.0 feet, thence N. 890 17' W- a distance of 446.0 feet more or less to the Northeast corner ofGovernment Lot ?, thence N. 850 14' 40" W. a distance of 713.0 feet to the Easterly right-of-way line of Highway U. S. No. 93, thence N. 150 21' 24" W. along the Easterly line of Highway a distance of 63.61 feet, thence S. 850 14' 40" E. a distance of 734.11 feet more or less to a point, thence S. 890 17' E. a distance of 446.0 feet more or less to the point of beginning containing 1.6 acres more or less. 6"A1'EOr' MONTANA ( C--Y of Fl.tj"'d , .lt Fil-Ij for -Cold at,*ITI - ...................... County, State of ou Pogo I,, rl .... ...... Return ............................... *'� ............