Resolution 2882 - Acceptance of EPA Grant - Sewage Treatment PlantRESOLUTION NO. 2882 - A 7.17SOLUTTON AUTHORIZING ACCE.t?'.I'ANCF OF THE OFFER OF THE U. S. rT1VIROW1r!.NTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Or A FEDERAL GRANT IN THE AmOtRNT Or $476,000.00 TOWARDS THE PINANCIXG OF CITY SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT TI-TROWMENTS AND EXPANSION; DESIGNATING MAYOR LAURENCE G. BJORNEBY AS THE CITY OFFICER AUTHORIZED TO ACCEPT SAID GRANT FUNDS. WHEREAS, the U. S. rnvironrnental Protection Agency has offered to the city a basic 50% Federal Grant in the sum of $476,000.00 to assist in funding the city's planned sewage treatment plant innrovenents and the expansion of the present primary plant to a secondary treatrient plant; and 11HEREAS, it is the desire of the City to accept said offer, NOW TqEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED: That the City accept said offer and Mayor Laurence G. Bjorneby is hereby authorized to make any contract with said agency to implement said grant and he is authorized to sign any documents. necessary to do so in the name of the City of Kalispell. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA THIS" 6th' - day of - November , , 1972. 1, the undersigned, City Clark of the(City of Kalispell, herebylcertf�`/Y tbet the foregoing Is a true and correct copy )q the reablution duly,Oassed,,by the City co"neil of the City of Kalispell, MonL at' a regul I November 6, 1972. 77. /-,City Cjerk of the City/of Kalispell,