Resolution 2874 - Appropriating HR 14370 RevenueRESOLUTION NO. 2374 A RFS01171ON 1'ROVID7NG FO'R Y,,YrrFD1TbTZ1',S 11Y LOCAL GOVERTIMIT OF REVENUES TO BE A110CAT11) THROU0 STATE AND LOCAL FISCAL ASSISTAECE ACT OF 1972, OR 14370). WHE"iLAS, the United States COvernmcnt has Informed the cities and towns of TOntana that the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972 (HR 14370) may be comz law, and WHEREAS thare Is contained in said law the provisions for empanditures by the local govertzDnt of rovonues to be allocated to each city or town, and VIEREAS the city of NAlispall, Montana Is required to budget for expand- Itures, and WN1,:M1AS the totnl appropriation to the City of Klispall, Montana for the fiscal ycnr of 1972-1973, under the UR 14370 is not available, NOW TIMR&ORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Ralispoll, Montana appropriates the HR 14370 revenue to be expanded urdar the provisions of the act Maintenance and operating VKpensus for (A) public safety (including law enforcement, fire protection, and building coda enforcement), (B) emvironmontal protection (including sewage disposal, sanitation and pollution lbatement) and d public transportation (Including transit systems and streets ), axed (2) capital expenditures for (A) Savage collection and tweatment, (3) refuse disposal systems, and (C) joblic trangportation (including transit systems and street construction) In the case of the capital expenditura Items referred to above, It is Intended that the Federal funds provided by this zubtitle be used only to defray =re- curring expcndltura needs. PASSED AND APPROVED BY Tip: 21, -ATM CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA THIS 24TH DAY OF JUILY, 1572. 72, City 1, the OrK7ZIC11j, City Clark of the City fnrz�04q in a ozov and Cars= copy KM Count!! can on City 01 Nalispally Montana, July 24, 102 lauxence G. Bjorml y, Mayor 11spall, hpfa4o ercify that the lution dzzy Add by the City War,= ins r,