Resolution 2797 - Annexation - Lot 1, O'Neil AddnRESOLUTION NO. 2797 A RESOLUTION EXTENDING TEE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF XALISPE11, FJONTANA. BE IT RESOLVED BY TMZ CITY COUMCIL OF TEE CITY 02 KALISPELL, MONTANA. SECTION 1. That purguant to the prow islons of ROOOW00s, NO- 2794, entitled ''A Roralution of Intention to EwteW the Corporsta Limits of the City of Kalispell, Mantar4% and A= a Waring held at a regulaZ' meeting of said city council, in the Council Chambars of the City Hall in Kalispell, Montana, at 7:30 P. M. on fO ,, 1971, Puzsu,,nt to said resolution and notice duly given by publication as raquirad by law, the bouzdarics or corporate limits Of the city of Kaliapall, Montana, are horaby O%tended so as to embrace and includa the tract Of land dezeribod in said Resolution of Intention No. 2794 and hercinafter de. scribed, and the said described tract of land is hereby declared to be annexed to and to be a part Of the City of Kali&011, 3 na, and within the corporate limits thereof. The time when this resolution phall go into effect and the extension of the boundnrios of the City of Kalispell, homtona, be made by the Inclusion of said tract of land Whin the 'vounddries or corporzte limits of the City of KalispolIq Montana, Is hereby declared to Ito May 10, 2971. SECTION 2. That the tract of land so cmbraced and Sacluded within the boundaries of the City of Nalispall, Montana, is more particularly described as follows: ADDITION NO. 22 TO KALISFE1.1- 01NEIL ADDITION, LOT ONE (1) SEC. I T 28 N - - - R 22 W PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WISPELL, MONTANA, THIS 10TH aAY OP MAY, 1971. S, . .......... G. Ejorn9by, MAYOR nywc OF MOMANM C—nty ol FI.N—.d Fik,d 1"T record at thq Jaquc.;t Of- I �. tj— a.y �Nad— scamy a V.1- W MG=za' On pug.., .... ........ 9—� 4" ;1 #"my . ...... ...... uniersignW, clay murk cz 'S a Lot" tt, city of K f 21" WnWnl! A LA coun.. an the Cluj 0. -_hH�O _i971, X/ X