Resolution 2823 - Annexation - Kalispell Lumber CoRE50LUTION NO./523 A RESOLUTION TO INCORPORATE! INTO TIE CITY OF KALISPELL, AS AN ADDITION, KALISPELL LUMBLR COMPANY, ADDITION 1-12. 27 BE IT RESOLVED BY TUE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA: SECTION 1. That pursuant to tho Petition of Nalen P. Miller, T. H. Millar, Mary 2-oaghar, !,Lir�arot Richoy and, Don�'.'Id Partners, E1104 With t1ne City Council of the City of or, ta-0 7th day of Sqpt�--'nbcr, 1971, and the, submlss'on of znied Co"", —'ell by z-aI4 Petitioners of a pla"': z�'floctlng 14a aurvey =d design tier of that territory adjoindn3 and adjacont 'Co tile City oa Kk.li g 11, into stroats and blocks as an addition, thoreco, and pursuant to Section P11-401, Revised Code of Montars,' 1947, the Council and Mayor do hereby approve that said territory may become a part of the City of WizpaLl, to be knWan as: KALISPELL LUMBER COMPANY ADDITION NO. 27 :more particularly d,-,=grjbad , as follows: A tract of land being in the Southwast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7, Tou-aship ?.a North, Ranc'ez 21 Welt, 1A.P.M., mare particularly described as follaws: B09inning at the South:aast cornor of said Section 7; thence eam. 20 faa, to the cast boundary of Meridian Road; thence N. 0 0 441 20" E. 793.0 fact along the cast boundary of Veridian Road; to tlh� rMUE POINT OF BEGINNIFC; %:%once continuing N. 00 4140 2014 E. 413.6 feat to the south boundary of U. S. Highway Number 2; thcn S. 139 574 E. 520.0 fact along the South bGta-,dary of Hizinjay Number 2; thence S. 130 211 E. 344.4 feet; thence S. 760 231 2011 W. 350.0 feet; thence S. as 0 321 50" W. 267.5 feat to the point of beginning and containing 5.15 acres, more or less. SECTION 2. That upon the proper filing of said plat in th,- office of the Couzity en" :110corder of lFlathead County, MlantarLa, ccarLitory shall baccex�, 4 part of the City of Kalispoll and shall be classjfjrLd as e i�5 BUS INESS-IISS IDENCE DISTRICT of said City. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AM THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTAn,'., THIS 7TH DAY OF SEPTaZER, 1971. 1 Ay Z Of X ON TAN A ;/7 Co.,vy of FlGt=,Oxl ........... .... ...... � Z4 . ......... Id, and M.C=Wy' Rov-doj in V-,-�W Montane on P-9- zy F ........... 1, tiN., City C2�,-of,' 1,,,h-- Caty 0� X i P6 I I that I& an'd the -,-c& 'by thL C ty O a w.-'."a' a": ilz8s September 7, 1971