Resolution 2780 - Resolution of Intent - Extend Special Lighting District 51RESOLUTION' NO. 2780 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO EXTEND SPECIAL LIGHTING DISTRICT No. 51. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALSISPELL, MONTAXA- SECTION 1. That the boundries of SPECIAL' LIGHTING DISTTCT 51 be changed tb include: PARKVIEW TERRACE ADDTTION Block 2 lots I t?Wu 7 inclusive Block 3 lots 1 thru 14 inclusive Block 4 lots 5 thru 14 inclusive And retain all that area heretofore in said District. SECTION 2. The general character of the improvements is the cost of maintenance, and for furnishing electrical current therefore. SECTION 3. The Oily Council estimates the additional cost of the operation and maintenance of the District to be $420.00. The City Council of the City of Kalispell, further estimates that the assessment per lot will be $5.33 annually, SECTION 4. That 3/4 of the cost of maintenance, and for furnishing electrical current therefore shall be assessed avains't, the lots within y the district on a per lot basis. The remaining V of the cost shall be paid from City funds. SECTION 5. That on the 5th day of Oct. 1970, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall in the City of Kalispell, Montana, at 7:30 P. M. at a regular meeting, the City Council will hear and pass on all protests that may be made against the extension of LIGHTING DISTRICT 51. SECTION E. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to give the proper notice of passage of this resolution, to those in the proposed extension of LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 51, by publication and mailing as reqWred by law, Such publications to be made in the DAILY INTER LAKE, a newspaper, published in the City of Kalispell, Montana. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Or, THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA THIS 14th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1970- 1, the undernlgted, City (Terk of the Nt�of hbt* -6ertify, that the foregoing is a Wo SAW roriect Wof of th6lyeS0101% duly A"S"Se'd by the city WWI of the NQ of Ralispoll, RAWMAT A Wguadthiffiff an v-.