Resolution 2778 - Budget - Annual AppropriationsRESOLUTION NO. 2778 A RESOLUTION FIXING THE RMCET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1970 - 1971. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA. SECTION 1. That the Budget for the fiscal year 1970 - 1971 shall be as follows: GENERAL FUND City Council 1.10 *Salaries, S. S. & Ind Accident 14,450.,,00 1.20 Material & Supplies 12000 1.33 Travel - Mayor 300.00 1.44 Car Expense - Mayor 600.00 1.46 Miscellaneous Expense 75.00 1.00 Control 15,545.00 *1,800.00 additional in Water Dept. Budget City Clerk 2,10 Salaries, S. S. & Ind. Accident 3,569.00 2.20 Material & Supplies 235.00 2.30 Utilities 225.00 2.44 Car Expense 120,00 2.00 Control 4,149.00 City Treasurer 3.10 Salaries; S. S. & Ind. Accident 6,940.00 3.20 Material & Supply & Insurance 875,00 3.30 Utilities 138.00 3.45 Professional Service - Auditing 500.00 3.50 New Equipment (desk) 300.00 3.00 Control 8,753.00 City Attorney 5.10 Salaries, S. S. & Ind. Acc., Hosp** 1,417.00 5.20 Material & Supplies (Publ., Xerox) 175.00 5.23 Office & Steno Expense 1,200.00 5.24 Misc. Fees, Litigation 5757,00 5.33 Travel 100.00 5.00 Control 3,467.00 **3,467.00 (kbudget) to Water Dept. Budget Police Judge 6.10 Salaries, S. S. & Ind. Accident 4,115.00 6.20 Material & Supplies & Ins. 500.00 6.30 Utilities 175.00 6.45 Vacation (Professional Service) 28000 6.46 Misc. (jurors - witnesses) 500.00 6.00 Control 5,570.00 Parking Meter 8.10 Salaries, SS 18,731.00 8.14 Industrial Accident 443.00 8.20 Material & Supplies, Uniform 2,648.00 8.36 Warehouse Maintenance 600.00 8.50 Capital outlay (Off St Prk-New $q) 3,730.00 8.00 Control 26,152.00 Police Department 7.10 Salaries, S. S., Hosp. Ins, 141,168.00 7.14 Industrial Accident 2,895.00 7.20 Material & Supplies 2,391.00 7.22 Police Car Operation 5,596.00 7.24 Misc. (uniform allowance) M & S 2,440.00 7,25 Radio & Maintenance Lease 6,882.00 7.26 Omnibus Crime a City Portion 2,184.00 7.30 Utilities 2,169,00 (1) page 2 GENERAL FUND (Cont.) Resolution No. 2778 Police Department (cont.) 7.31 170.00 7.34 1,250.00 7*36 WfArehouse Maintenance 120.00 7,44 Car Expense 1,680.00 7.46 Misc. (prisoner board 11500.00) 2,110.00 (police comm. 60.00) (prisoner med. 400.00) (wrecker service 150.00) 7.50 Capital Outlay 3,130.00 (new equip. 630.00) (new car 2,500.00) 7.00 Control 174,185.00 Fire Department 9.10 Salaries, S.S., Ind. Acc*0 Hosp. InSI21,283.00 9.20 Material & Supplies 2,000.00 9.22 Alarm System 300.00 9.24 Misc. (uniform allow. 1,260.00) 1,460.00 (training supp. 200.00) 9.25 Radio Maint. 220.00 9.30 Utilities 330.00 9.31 Insurance 450.00 9.34 Schools 650.00 9.35 Hydrant Rental 750.00 9.36 Warehouse Maint. 500.00 9." Dormitory 360.00 9.50 Capital Outlay 3,725.00 (hose & tires 975,.00) (now equip. 1,,430.00) (alarm system 250.00) (training equip. 320*QQ) (other 750.00) 9.00 Control 132,028.00 Inspector 10.10 S;ilarles, S.S., Hosp. Ins. 2,081.00 10.14 Industrial Accident 26.00 10.20 jliterial & Supplies 150.00 10.44 'Car Expense & Travel 450.00 10.00 Control 2,707.00 City Hall 11.20 Material & Supplies 1,580.00 11.22 Custodian 1,620.0.0 11.30 utilities 2",310.00 11o31 Insurance & Tastes 1,100.00 11.32 Re6alr & Maintenance 1,300.00 11.50 Capitol outlay 10000.00 11:00 8,910.00 Election 12.00 Election Expense 1,500.00 State Examiner 13.00 State Audit 890.00 Street Lighting 14.00 City Portion Light Dist. Exp. 9,500.00 Misc. General Expense 15.21 Publication Exp. 760.00 15.24 Municipal i-ASUID 744.00 15*46 interest on Reg. Warrants 2,933#00 15,60 control 4,431.00 TOTAL &Iixl He f page 3 Resolution No. 2778 STREET FUND Street Department 16.10 Salaries, S. S. 73,500.00 16.14 Industrial Accident 2,590.00 16.15 Hospital Ins. - City Portion 900.00 16.20 Material & Supplies 16,500.00 16.31 Insurance 1,003.00 16.35 Hydrant Rental 1,000.00 16.36 Warehouse 7,500.00 16.37 Engineer 4,000.00 16.40 Traffic Lights 4,500.00 16.41 Street Signs 1,000.00 16.42 Urban Renewal Misc. Exp. 1,000:00 16.46 Misc. (Civil Defense) 500.00 16.50 New Equipment 24,106.00 16.00 Control 138,090.00 TOTAL STREET FUND 138,090.00 INTRA AGENCY FUND City Warehouse 17.10 Salaries & S. S. 27,02000 17.14 Industrial Accident 938.00 17.15 Hasp. Ins.- City Portion 270.00 17.20 Material & Supplies 3,500.00 17.30 Utilities 1,800.00 17.31 Insurance 300.00 17.50 Capital Outlay - Tools, Equip. 800.00 17.52 Capital Outlay - Repairs 1,000.00 17.00 Control 35,628.00 City Engineer 18.10 Salaries & S. S. 15,16Z.00 18.14 Industrial Accident 206.00 18.15 Hosp.Ins.- City Portion 180.00 18.20 Material & Supplies 600.00 18.30 Utilities 250.00 18.44 Car Allowance 600.00 18.50 Capital Outlay - Equip., Repair 250.00 18.00 Control 17,242.00 TOTAL INTRA AGENCY FUND 52,870.00 PARK FUND Park Department 19.10 Salaries & S. S. 48,063.00 19.14 Industrial Accident 1,110.00 19.15 Hosp. Ins. - City Portion 270.00 19.20 Material & Supplies 8,000.00 19.31 Taxes & Insurance 7,200.00 19.35 Hydrant Rental 1,000.00 19.36 Warehouse 1,900.00 19.37 Engineer 1,000.00 19.50 Capital Outlay - Equip. 3,000.00 19.52 Capital Outlay - Building 20,000.00 19.00 Control 91,543.00 TOTAL PARK FUND 91,543.00 POLICE PENSION FUND 23.00 Police Pensions 28,096.00 Page 4 Resolution No. 2778 FIREMEN PENSION FUND 24.00 Kalispell i:iremens Relief Association 29,064.Ok PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM FUND 27.00 P E R S City Contribution 8,000.00 AVIATION FUND 35.00 City Airport 4,439.00 POOL RENOVATION FUND 37.00 Renovation Woodland Park Swim Pool 950.00 WATER WORKS DEPARTMENT FUND 20.00 Water Works 238,217.00 AMBULANCE FUND Ambulance Service 22.10 Drivers & Attendants Wages 0,800.00 22.11 Clerical Salary 1,800.00 22.12 S. S. - clerical, Ind. Ace., PERS 127.00 22.20 Material & Supplies 1,400.00 22.22 Laundry 100.00 22.25 Radio Maintenance 50.00 22.30 Utilities 230.00 22.31 Insurance 650.00 22.32 Repair & Maintenance 500.00 22.50 Capi=tA� Outlay - Equip. 300.00 22.00 Control 11,947.00 SEWER FUND Seger Lines 25.10 Salaries & S. S. 16,000.00 25.13 P E R S 688.00 25.14 111Justrial Accident 592.00 25.15 Hosp. Ins. - City Portion 270.00 25.20 Material & Supplies 7,730.00 25.30 Utilities 300.00 25.31 Insurance 200.00 25.35 Hydrant Rental 500.00 25.36 Warehouse 3,000.00 25.37 Engineer 2,500.00 25.38 Sanitation & Inspection 600,00 25.50 Capital mu€:lay - Equip., 2,500.00 25.00 Control 35,680.00 Sewer Disposal Plant 26.10 Salary & S. S., Hosp. 16,135.00 26.13 P E R'S 675.00 26.1.4 Industrial Accident 300.00 26.20 Material & Supplies 10,000.00 26.30 Utilities 2,900.00 26.31 Insurance 600.00 ,26.36 Warehouse 500.00 26.3d Sanitation & Inspection 1,200.00 26.50 Capital Outlay - Egiaibs' 1,500.00 26.00 Control 33,810.00 TOTAL SEWER FUND 69,490.00 1968 Sewer Revenue Bond Fund (from sewer funds) 34.00 56W61t #41#mile 400d Rodeolotion 11,190*00 '1VtAL S&kk 6 ii&OUt IWO REOAFTWN 86,80*00 page 5 Resolution No. 2778 PARKING LOT LEASE FUND 39.00 Parking Lot Lease 3,000.00 URBAN DEVELOPMENT FUND (anticipated Federal) 40.00 Renewal Program 100,000.00 OMNIBUS CRIME FUND 41.00 Omnibus Crime (Federal Portion) 6,840.00 RECAPITULATION OF EXPENDITURES General Fund 397,793.00 Street Fund 138,090.00 Intra Agency (transfer from other funds) 52,870.00 Park Fund 91,543.00 Police Pension Fund 28,096.00 Firemen Pension Fund 29,064.00 Public Employees Retirement System Fund 6,000.00 Aviation Fund 4,439.00 Pool Renovation Fund 950.00 Water Works Fund 238,217.00 Ambulance Fund 11,947.00 Sewer Fund 69,490.00 1968 Sewer Revenue Bond Redemption Fund 17,190.00 Urban Renewal Fund 100,000.00 Omnibus Crime 6,840.00 Parking Lot Lease 3,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,197,529.00 less transfers (52,870.00) NET EXPENDITURES 1,144,659.00 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES 28.00 Oil Sprinkling 89,218.00 29.00 Water Sprinkling 11,585.00 30.00 Garbage 119,049.00 31.00 Special Light District 29,000.00 TOTAL AUTHORIZED SPECIAL ASSESSMENT EXPENDITURES 248,852.00 TOTAL ALL EXPENDITURES 1,393,511.00 ANTICIPATED REVENUES 61 CASH General Fund 397,793.00 Street Fund 138,090.00 Aviation Fund 4,439.00 Park Fund 91,543.00 Police Pension 56,814.00 Firemen Pension 29,064.00 P E R S 8,000.00 SID Revolving Fund 16,091.00 Sewer Service Fund 86,083.00 Water Works Fund 251,209.00 Urban Renewal Fund (Federal funds) 100,000.00 page 6 Resolution No.,2778 Parking Lot Lease 3,000.00 Omnibus Crime (Federal funds) 6,840.00" TOTAL 1,188,9.66.00 REVENUE BY TAXATION 465,811.00 (included in above) PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS IOTH DAY,OF AUGUST, 1970. hence G. BJo f , MAYOR f 1, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of ajIspell, hereby 'certify,,.that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the ,r psblution duly ssed b,y--"he City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, a regular mqe n or( - City C k the-Ci of Kalispell, Mnrirrw