Resolution 2742 - Annexation - Olson AddnI ,?,ES0Lf'Tf0N NTU, �771�2 A 44701JMTCW RXIANDINS TIT CORPORATE !jWTs np ToN CITY OF KAUSPETI, WITAW ON OJT PNWIVED PY TUZ CITY COUN&I, OY WN CITY OF WISTM11, MONTANA: 301MON 1. ThQ pursimpt to kho 1wovinjons of Resolution No. 2738 entitled "I PWANT10H OF TOUtTIOW TO 4XT21D 91.R TApTT,I 01i' TH'E CITY ()!,' 71WAIA", and Rfter a hearing held at a regular meeting of said City Council, in To Council Chumburs or the city Hall in Kalispell, Montana, at 7:30 P- M, on Au:y& 4, 1969, purEunnt to said resolution and notice duly given by publination v" v,qulred by law, the Wundarles or uorporatv limits of the City or Kalispell, a-hornby Wended so as to embrace and include the tract, of land drs- nrlhrd in said rnnoluUan of intention no. 2738, and hereinafter de2nribcd, and Lho nald described tract of land Is hereby dcclared to be annexed, to and to bn a Part or the City of Kallsimll, Montana, and within the corporate limits thereof. The Wc when this rroolution shall go into Wept and the extension of the WmndarW of the City of Kalispell, Montana, ho made by the incksican of said tract of land withIn the boundaries — Porporntr limits of the City of Kalispell, Montana in Wroby declard to bn October 13, 3969, SNOTION 2. That the tract of land so Pwracr-,6 a,nd inoluded wlthln the bcundarics of tho City of Kalispell, Montana, in more porticular3y described as followot OTSON ADDITION PASSWO AND APPROVqD BY THE MAYOR AND TIT CITY COUNCTL OF THE CITY (.)I-' KALTSFIELL, VONTANA, THIS 13TIl = ov OCTOBER, 1969. 1, the undersigned, City Clerk of the Cit of Kalispell, hereby certify "of ""I f6O that the foregoing is a true and cl c y of the resolutio 4ply team passed by the City Council of the C y of lispell, Von ana' regular meeting on October 13� 969 . - j ijil-ijopk of,51e City op Kalispell, Montana