Resolution 2766 - Resolution of Intent - Annexation - Addn 14RI,',S0TLTJTT,')N NO. 2'�66 P PES01117JO!', CV 1NW,,,Nrrl0N TO t i c tID THE CORPOR,ATB LTTITTS OF THE CITY OF Z, 17' BY TIUCITY COUNCIL OF TIT,, CITY OF KALTSPE-T", MONTANA: �tentior of the city Council, Of the city of �CTIOII� 1, Tha."t 51 t is the t�, Ispoll 770 -i` t�, -the - a amend Ordinance , " ,,I ." -1,, to ex nd , corporate limits, nd to , n `-24 (Section 247 if 1�cvllsed Grd inan ce s of the City of Kalispell, 19�,?) ribl nC the limits of said City. 2. Thtt the projposed additional area to be included within the Corporate limits of the City of Xall-�pell, Montana, is more particularly described, as follows. ADDTTIOTI NO. 14 TO KALISPELL "lixt, the extei)e,-non of the boundaries of the City of Kalispell, No,j LF -Lna, nF, 1<.+scribed, will be In the best, interests of the City of Kalispo11, and the 1rhabitants, -thereof, and to the iiihabitants, of the contiguous traot, above described, and to be included within the limits of said City, and further that said addition will not materially mar the sy;,vmrtry and order of the City of Kalispell, and that said tract proposed to be included within the corporate limits of said City is contiguous to said City and is duly and regularly platted as required by law. SIPCTTON 4. That the said 'tract of land above described and to be in- cluded within. the corporate limits of the City of Kalispell, Montana i°: to be classified as No. 1 RESIDENCE DISTRICT. StCTIOtl 5. That on the 6th day of April, 19?0 at 7:30 P. M, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall in Kalispell, Montana, at a regular meeting ,hereof, the City Council will consider any expresnion;-­, of approval or disapproval, in wxiLin�,r, of the proposed extensAon of the boundaries of said City, from resident freeholders of the above described tract proposed to be embraced, whJch expre,-dons in wx.itlng, have been filed with the, City C-Jer:k within 20 (lays of the first publication of -notice. SECTXH'' 6. 'ri-ie City Clerk is hereby directed to 7 ,A,ve proper notice of the pas�sa,e of Lhi;;; resolution, by pu7blication, as regnzireby law, such pub- -�Icat',on to be made in the Kalispell News, a weekly newspaper, published In the Ca.ty of Kalispell, Montana. E NT AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISP LL, M 0 ANA TIkE 9TH DAY OF MARCH, 1970. Laurence G. B jorneby, MA R Z e lee,, CYTY CIERK lv'tie undersigned, City Clerk of _thp i l-, y of Kalispe�..�ereby certify that the foregoing is a true and 4. e - copy of th resoyution duly passed by the City Council of the of Kaji.p�tl, Moana, at regular meeting on _March 9, 197V, ity-tlerK/of the Chit of Kalispell, Montana