Resolution 2751 - Resolution of Intent - Adopt 1969 Flammable Liquids CodeRJ3SOLUTION NO. OF INT1i'NTIOM TO ADOPT, BY TREFERENCr, TIFF FLAM',TABLE J) CO�';3(15TIBLT3 LTOWIDS CODE, 1969, NATIONAL FIRE PROTFCTION s,'SOCIATION 930. i3,11N I': rtE.S(_')LWD 13Y CITY COUnCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPrML' 1. is the intontion of the City Council of the City of Kal- N11c)..'Itana, to adovt, by reference -and- in. wits entiretyp the and Co,.iLbv.stible Liquids Code, 1969, National Fire Pro- Associ.,ation 430; and ' I is the intertzion of said Council by said adoption to r,apeal .. _'dinarf nce heetoore adopted by said Council in conflict -'it1l; and '­,e Ci4 - 'y Clerk is hereby directeCi to givo and publish pro-sicr C1 he State of of", -�J intention in accord with the laws of tl ("D:v Clerk _s also !iereby directed to immediately obtain (3) cpies osaid Code and file same in his office for aoy the public; and �aal action on the adoption of said Code will be taken by its rogularly scliedulod meeting of November 3, 1,969. 1 ROVZID 6Y THE CITY COUN-11, OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, Al I � ) _-1 �� k' ''N 1!i a 6TH! D AY glecic1,BEP, 1969. I 1, the undersigned, City Clerk that the foregoing is it true a passed by the City Council of �td regular meeting on October 6 the Ciky of Kalisp orrept copy of ,th� Cit/y of Kallsp� ll, 1%9 . / -- hereby certify olution duly tana, at a ity C)lerKorthe City of Kalispell,