Resolution 2714 - Resolution of Intent - Annexation - Kalispell Addn 9F07 awmunw NO. 2714 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO EXTEND DIE CORPORATE LIMITS OF TEE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA. BE IT RESOINED BY TOE CITY COUNCIL OF ITE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTAN0 SECTTON 1. That it is the intention of the City Council, of the City Of 01HP01, VOnvanal to extend the corpyatc limub, a& to amenO Section 247 of the Revised OrdinA"ces of the City of Kalispell, Montana of 1947 prescribing the limits of said City. SECTTON 2. That tbp proposed &Oivional arc* to he inclu60 within the corporate limits of the City of ynjispcil, moDLann, is more particularly described as follows' Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 2, Block 1, Beakcrls Addition to Kalispell, Montana, thence; N. 76 degree III E� a distance of 8.0 feet thence; S. 13 degree 491 E. and parallel to the Easterly line of 5th Avenue E. a distance 1310 feet more or less to its inter5ection, with the section line comnon, to Sections 17 and 20, T.S. 28 N., R, 21 W. thence; S. 13 degree 211 E. and parallel to 5th Avenue E. as distance of 728 feet more or less to the Southerly end of 5th Avenue East, thence; S.76 degree 371 W. a distance of 366 feet more or less to a point 150,0 feet Westerly from the Westerly line of 5th Avenue East, thence; N. 13 degree 211 W. and parallel to the Westerly line of 5th Avenue East a distance of 815 feet more or less to its intersection with the oection line common to Sections 17 and 20, T.S. 28 N., R. 21 W., thence; N. 13 degree 491 W. and parallel to 5th Avenue East a distance of 1365 feet more or less to its intersection with the Southerly line of 14th Street East also the present city limits, thence; following along the present city limits Line Southeasterly to the point' of beginning. SECTION 3. That the said tract of land above 6escribed, and to be included within the corporate limits of the City of Kalispell, Montana is to be identified as follows: KALTSPELL ADDTTION NO. 9 SFCTTON 4. That the extension of the boundaries of the City of Kalispell, Montana, as described and iQntified above, will be in the best intaAests of the City of Kalispell, and the inhabitants thereof, and to the inhabitants of the contiguous tract above described, and to be included within the limits of Said City, and further that said addition will not materially mar the symnetry and order of the City of Kalispell, and that said tract proposed to be included within the corporate limits of said City is contiguous to said City. SECTION 5. Thatthesaid tract of land above described and identified, and to be included within the corporate limits of the City of Kalispell, Montana is to be classified as No. 2 RESIDENCE ZONE. ( I ) Resolution No, 2714 VnWON 6, That on the 3rd day of February 1969, at 7:30 K M. in the Council lvRrheys of the City 00 in Kalispell, Montana, at a rogulnr meeting thereof, n- Cm Gouimil will cunsider any expressions of approval or disapproval, in ly ring. of the propnrcd ewcnsion of the boundnries of said City, from resident 0—holdurs of the abovu duse ribed .tract proposed to be embraced, which ex- -, :--Jow; in writing have been filed with the City UP& within 20 days of the Im publication of notice, SECTION 7, The City Clerk is hereby directed to give the proper notice of the pnnsage of this rysojuvion, by poblicaticare, as required by law, such publicarion to be made in the K011spoll News, as weekly newspaper published in the City of K,Wpell, Montana. S17TFDN 8, The map outlining the area proposed to be annexed, marbed "Exhibit A", i 'by node a part of this resolution, T . nD AND APPROVED BY IME CITY COUNCTL OF THE CTTY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA oili �,IAY OF RUNI.WtY, 1960 nee G. Bjvraeby, 142ASYUR I, the undersigned, City Clerh of the Kalispell, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct c e resblutioq,d passed by the City Council of the City of Kalispenfl;;IV, at a regular greeting on City CWrk of thg/City of Kalispell, 2 r 5o� 1- EA M u, i�n _ _ S'UA"f E Cal MOO PANA ssr- County Of F1 ) u / Filed far/ record a request of tii9s df day of � e �% 194 -- o'clock_}d—�M�nd recorded in Vol. S 3 I'age�Ftecords of, Flathead County, Sfaa7te of Montana. Flathead County,, Clerk & Recorder ft C E iT 7' 0 4 G"A i^%G`p j3y Bep;i y/