Resolution 2680 - Annexation - Bagenstos AddnRESOLUTION NO. 2"0 A RESOLUTION EXTENDING ruE coRCoRATE LEMITS OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, OF ME CITY OF KALISPEIX, MONTANA: SECHON 1. 'Chat pursuant to the provisjons of ResolutSotl No. 2669 entitled "A Resolution of Intention to Extend The Corporate Limits of the City of Kalispell, Montane ", and after a hearing held at to regular meeting of said City Council, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall in Kalispell, Montana, at 7°30 P. H, on April 8, 1968, pursuant to said resolution and netice duly given by publicavlon, as required by law, the boundaries or corporate 11milts of the City of Kalispell, Montano are hereby extended so as to embrace and include the tract of land described ;n said resolution of intention No. 2669, and berelnufter described, and the seld described tract of laud Is hereby declared to be annexed to and to be a part of the City of Kalisnell, Montana, and within Loa corporate Iiialts thereof. The time when tkis resolution Shall go into effect and the extension of the hounclarjes of tim City of Kalispell, Montana, be made by the inclusion of said tract of land within the hotindarles or corporate limits of the City of Kalispell, Montano is hereby declared to be April 8, 1968. SECTION 2. That the trac.t of land so embraced and included within the boundaries of the City of Kalispell, NontAna, is more particularly described as follcws: BAGENSPOS AMMON TO KALISPELL 1-AASSFD AND APPROVED 14y THE CITY' COUNCIL OF T14E CITY OF KALISPELL, 1,10,NTAKA THIS 8TH DAY ON APRIL, I(J68. -7 Laurence G. 11jornehy17) tF— Geor -LERK slee, CITY MATE OF MONTANA Cotf FRih-d Filed J.' ... I at the request thisA.y "I .,ds d rktb-d c...ty, State of V Montana, on P.g . ....... ... ... c.unty Cl-A v By............ - F b.e�y .. ... ........ — ............. - ............. ..........