Resolution 2688 - SID 305 - Sale of BondsAOUV RESOLUTION NO.;2683 VNERLILS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of yalispoll, in cc= - cc with the statutos of the State of Montana provided, have created I=r�rovamant Dlatrlct NO- 335 of tlqn cit-11, Mf xnlqq»nll fnMIA sEi� O'e defrnytnw, the cost of the Installation of water ziains within the District in accord=ce with the terms and conditions as specified In R, ",olutlon 2642, eatitlod a Resolution of Intention to Create Special lmpzoveneat ulna Number 305 and Resolution Number 2644, entitled a 2 ,,asolution CraaZ*1zq; zald District. NOW be It resolved by the Hayor and City Council of the C'-ty 01", Montana, as follows: 1. That there shall be sold and issued at this time the bonds - Spci,ial li,4provement District No. 305 of the City of Nalispoll, Montana, In the amount of SIX -THOUSAND, FIVE -HUNDRED DO ($6,500.00), which bolad,µ shall be dated August 1, 1966, and shall be of th- e—A—V-4— AP r1Vz-H'j'1qSaED DOLLARS ($500.00) each. 2. That the City Council reserves the ri&ht to redeem any or all of s,ald Londs issued when there are funds in said Special Improvezoat District No. 305 fund against which said bonds are issued, available therefore; pravl4zd that the Treasurer shall first pay out of said Special Improvement Districct No. 305 Fund annually the interest an all outstanding bonds upon prcsontatio" o�; tho coupons boloaZiaS thereto and any funds remalniuZ shall be applied to tho payzont of the principal and the redemption of the bond In tha order of their registration. That the Notice of Sale of the foreZoing Special Improvement District No. 305 bonds of SIX -THOUSAND, FIVE -HUNDRED DOLLARS ($6,500.00) shall be In substantially the following form: (4ofer to Mchibit "A" attached hereto) Z(31 VnInTT "A" NOTICE 07 SALE OF CITY OF KALTSPELL, 1,<%1IANA. SPECIAL TMPIROVEIMENT BONUS At -ice is hereby liven by the City C-01 of the Coy & lansyll, nontars, that the said City Council Will, On the Ah day Of July, 1963, wL the hour of 700 O'clock P. M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall '!n 11-10--Lana, sell to the hi hest bidder for cash, serial bonds cif $PUCK! Improvement District 305. S Spw,.cial TmprovCme'r-L District No. 105, in the amount of Sit 71OUSANn, TTVZ-PUNwr) :)OLIAR'S (;6,500.00) for the purposo of defraying the cost of construction of swor !Wes within the district. Swrj8l bonds will be issued and soie; said bonds will be in the amount of FIVE-IIUNDRED WLLARS Q500.00) each. Ponds will bear date of An3use 1,1968 and will bear interest at a rate not excecdinZ six per cent 00, payable annually on the First day of January in each year, and said bonds shall be- =w due and payable on the first day of January, 1978, provided, however, that said bonds and each and all of the same shall be redeemed by the Treasurer V said City when there are funds in the Special Improvement District Fund No. 005 alainu Which said bonds are issued, available therefore; provided that the Treasurer shall first pay out of each Special Improvement District Fund annually the Interest on all outstanding bonds upon presentation of ;he coupons bel000int thereto, and any remaining funds shall be Applied to the payment of the Principal, and the redemption of the bonds in the order of their wazistra- tion, Said bonds will be sold for not less than their par value with accrued interest to the date of delivery, and all bidders must statc the lowest rate of interest at which they will purchase the bonds at par. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to sell said bonds at private sale. All bids must be accompanied by a Cashiers or certified check in a sum equal to five per cent (5%) or TEREE HUNDRED TANTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($325.00) payable to the order of the City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Montana, which will to forfeited by the successful bidder in the event he --hall fail or refuse to complete the purchase of said bonds In accordance with the- terms of his bid. All bids shall be addressed to the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, and delivered to the City-, Clerk of said City. DONE BY WE ORDER OF 774E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF XALISPELL,mONT.IkNA, this 3rd day of June, 1968. City Clerk Publish: June 13, 20, 27, and July 4, 1968 PzLSSED AND kPI'ROVED al' 7HE MAY01 AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPM, t!7,ls !;zd day of June, 1963. Mayor 1,. the undersigr.ed, City Clark of the City of Kalispell, hereby certify t'x,,at the foregoing is a true a correct copy of the resolution duly passed by the City Council If City of Kali 11, Montana, at a regular meeting on June tlV968 ty qler*/of thotity of Kalispell, Montana