Resolution 2690 - SID 309 Bonds - Form and DetailsRESCUTTICII NO. 2690
W7717AN, there hns been created under the Statutes of the State of moncanm 5y
W My of Kalispell, Montana, Special Improvement 01strict No. 309 for the
purpoLw of layl, water mains and appurtenances in Parkway Drive Water Extension
Arcuof Kalisoell,
RESWAS, the estimated cost of said project is $13,500.00,
XCW TPOWFORT, n2 IT 'RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Kalispell,
Wtain, as follows'
1. That for the purpose of obtainini, .and providing funds to pay Vie cost of the
a%ovw yrojQct, and pursuant to the authorities of the Statuteg of the State of
Montana and the proceedings Acited in the preamble hereto, and shall forwith be
prQparwd for execution W delivery Special Improvement District No. 309 Bonds aL
the City of Kalispell, Montana, in the aggregate principal amount of FIFTEEN
A 11MIMND FIVE UUNORE11 WWS ($13,500.00) uhich Is the estimated cost and expens
of the foregolnZ, which bonds shall be dated duly 1, 1968, and shall bear interm,
at thQ rate of six per cent (6%) per annun, payable annually. Said Bonds shall he
t%Irty-onc (11) In aunber, and numbered serially from one to thirty-one, both in-
Husivo, and saki bonds shall become due and payable on the first day of January,
Said nonds sharp be redeamahle by the Triasurer of the City of Kajtspall,MontanU
at par and accrued interest, when there are funds in said Special Improvement
District No. 300 Fund, a3ainst which said bonds are issued, available therefor,
and said redemption shall be made in the manner provided by lam, provided that
the Treasurer shall first pay out of said Special Improvement District No, 309.
Fund, annually, the Interest on all outstanding bonds upon presentation of the
coupons beloating thereto, and any funds remaining shall be applied to the payment
Of the principal and the redemption of the bonds.
2. The interest on said bonds shall be payable annually on the first day of Jan-
unry 07 each year commencing January 1, 1969.
3. Soid bonds and the Interest coupons to be thereto attached, and registration
certificate to he endorsed thereon, shall be in substantially the fonn attached
hereto ns EAlibit "A" and by the reference made a part hereof.
4. Said bonds shall be forthwith prepared for execution and shall be exccut&
an bohalf of the Special Improvement District No. 109 of the City of Kalispell,
Montana, by the signature of the Mayor of the City of Kalispell, attested by the
City Clark of the City of Kalispell, and by affixation, of the official seal Of
the City of Kalispell, and the interest coupons shall be executed and authentica-
ted by the engraved or lithographic facsimile signatures of said officers, which
fact Shoji be so recited in the bon4s, and said bonds shall then be registered by
;40 City Treasurer. I,then the bonds have been so fully executed and reSistered,the
City Treasuerc shall then deliver them, or cause them to be eellvercd to the Puy -
chaser upon payment to the City Treasurer of the purchase thcrotofore agreed . UPOr
5. Tho Mayor, the City Council, and the City Treasurer of the City of KalisP011
are authorizei and directed to prepare and furnish to the purchaser of said bonds,
and to its AtLorneys' certified copies of all procceeinzs and records relating to
said bonds and such other certificates and affidavits as may be required to bring
Zhe facts w1t%1& their vnoulcdZe, all as shown by the books and records under their
custody and control relating to the validity and marketability of said bonds, and
said as of certificates and affidavits, including any thereof hereto-
fore , furn""lctl � shall constitute n representation of the city of Kalispelllontana
as to each fact yton'tod to be shown therein.
CNA/0 crk is 1116nd directed to order the printint of the Donds
and C-0pon
PA 0 0 AY I R OVE 011 HE A Y'11� 71"is i0t'h �+"y ' �7 JUN2, 3q63.
lee CITY C=Rv Laurence C. Djorne!'' ?"W',
1 77
STA7' Cr
Tnturest at the rate of 6% per annua-,
Payable January 1, 1969, and unnually thcruaFter
on the 1st day of January in each year.
I S 7 �01, IMPTROVEMCN7 07 —1,T T n , 'P
Issued by We City A KalisPeW
Flathead County,Montana
The Trei,surwr of the City of Kalispell, Montana, will YPY to the bcarar
on on befora January 3, 1920, from the funIs of its 52100 DistfiaL
No.309 the sum of FIVE FUNDRW WYAnS as authorized by Resolution No. 2675 as
pasncj on the Ist Jay of April, 1960, creatirg Special 0provamano District
!3. 209 for the WorsLructlun Of the Improvements and the wor% Ferformod as nuth-
orizoe by said resolution to be dome in Said %SWICL, ani all laws, regulations
and cralpanews rolatinj Vherct,, in payment cf the contract it accordance QW0-
wich. The principal and interest of this bond are payable at the office of the
City Treasurer of Kalispell, Yontana.
This bond bears interest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum fro'.n
the date of rnaistration of this boni, as expressed herein, until paid or until
the date callej for rcicmpWon by the City Treasurer. The injercst on this bond
Is payable January 1, 19694 and annually thereafter on the 1st day of ia"wary
in each year, unless paid prLVIOUS thereto, and as WWWO'd by the interest
coupons hereto attached, which bear, the printed facsimile signatures Of the
ilyor and City Clerk.
This bone is payable frcm the collcctioa of a Special tan or Lsscssmcnt
whic! is a lien 'Zoinst the real estate within said Tmprovement District, an ee-
scribed in said resolution hercinbcforc referred to.
This bond is redcemable at the option of the City at any time there are
funds to the Credit of said special improvement district fund for the redemption
thereof, and in tim manner provided for the redemption of the same. The 6vtc of
redemption shall be fixed by the TICaSMU, Who Shall aiva notice by publicatioli
coca in a newspaper in majispell, or at the option of the Treasurer, by written
notice to the holders of such bonds if their addresses be known, of the nunTers
of bonds and the date of which poyLont will be made, which date shall not be less
than ten days after the date of publication or of service of notice, on which
data so fixed interaso shall cease.
IT IS UEREBY CEATIFIEO AND RECITED that all tbin> required to be done
precedent to the issuance; of this bond, have been properly done, happened and
been POHOrMel, in the manner prescribed by the laws of the State of Montana
and the resolutions and ordinances of the City of Kalispell, Montana, relatinz
to the issuance thereof.
(SEAL) -
Dated at Kalispell, Montana, this lsL day of July, 1963.
,City Cleft<
1, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, hereby certify
that the foregoing Is a true and correct copy of the resolution, duly
passed by the City Council of th9411 ty of Kalispally"10 na, at a
regular meeting on
lock of Yho City of ralispall,