Resolution 2685 - Annexation - Grandview HeightsRESOLUTION NO. 260 A RESOLUTION EXTENDING THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF PHE CITY OF XALISPILL, MONIANA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0? VQI&SIL, XONTANA. SZCT30N 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Rcso!nvlon No. 2677 entitled "A Resolution of Intention to Ext,nd The Corp ornre LWIns V roa City of Kalispell, Montana", and after a haarfr; hele A rLxw!-- of said City Council, In the Council Chambers of rh� City 11 in Ka''n nna, at 7:30 P. H. on. May 13, 1968, pursuant Wo said rpsolute loi _ notly 1.1 5y publication, as roquired by law, the tnwories or corpora- L linit; Qlispell, Montana ara hereby oxte&vd so as to embrace nuo inc0de ..: . c- a! land des- cribed in said resolution of intention No. 077, and bor nwtsi to . awd, and the said described tract of zed is hereby declass_ to be aan& to e a part of the City of Xalispell, Montana, and within vhe p cororalWi te ts -her; f. The time when chis resolution shall go into effect ana the excansion of the hour cs-1 - -ky of Kallsp31, Tbatana, o, made hy the acluslon of sa': tract n. or corpor&ze limits of the Ciay. of 1, 3s Montana is huishy declared to be June 3, 1960. SECTION ?. -haz the tract of land so ambracr! and irsindoa win hin "to boundar S of the Qvy o. Kalispell, Montana, is more partIcularly describad an zo.wws. HEIGHTS ADDIT"ON NIJ,,1BER ONE PASSED : W APPROW BY = CITY COUNCIL OF TEL CITY OF NALISPELL, WNTAYA TUV, 3RD DA" —F 1965. Laurence G. Bjoraeby, A W"� -Q-202, Y 1�1 N " $1 10eC1j-'CLZRK k of tile City of Wipell, he I ... A-Ig"nod, Ct�� Cl�. r lo, 1 trup, and correct copy of the resolotion duly In; the City of Kalispell, Montana, at a regular meeting on rtify that tho fors - the City Council of 1968 Ity Cle of tbejlty of Kalispell, Montana STATE OF MOIVTANA W"W of nw"d Filed for MOM at t a mWeS Of ........... thim.a.S.,day ol ....... ... -of o'clock, �t N. Wd Recorded in Vol-, Records of Flathead County, Stolle 01 "Ai not, 1^' 5 . ............... Clerk R.=­� ccA poly . ......... .. .. ..... ...........