Resolution 2693 - Resolution of Intent - Harmon AddnRESOLUTION NO. 2693 P,. azOLUTION OF INTEI�TION TO TLIE C:()11jP0f0,T2 LUMITS Or YfJE CL'.Vy W-7 KALISPLI-L, r 'U RESOLVED BY "M12 cin( CIO 4CIL a-, Tiftl-? CITY U1%ON S3,'TION 1. That it ItLi, intelition of the City of t«-a city of Kali's -'Lirnits and "10 247 of ch(Revised of 1:"Q C"'ty �Z 111111ts Of ,:,nid Cl'-y. 2. That Lhu propo!;ad additional area to be jrjclucl�,j E.$tlain the corl,')orate limit: of the. City of K'alispell, Montana Is more pxXticularly described as f011OvJsz (6), o C. 4% tract of land in CZ�Va 'MierlL Lots f6UTteE-In (14Sact'! ft S i) Of T 231, -1121W., P, M. M., Flathead Coxinty , Mco,-Rana a%id ' roe paWirtieularly described as follovi-1, to W10 Ba2i)Anin.g at a point ca the SoLeth Line of said Section 6, which point is 225.4 first S 89 degree 24, W., of thea southeast cosier of said Lot 14 and the, tiue of baggizvain& of the tract of land being described, t,- ence S and along, the southerly boundary lirte of s42id `ot 14, thellee N 3 degree 011 E., and zj the 11XI'a OL said lot 14, ' 158.0 feat to a th,2xtce ! 29 dcL:rue to the southerly bounday lir.c of z2�aud 14, to a Joint on the westezly bcu,.,. "':--,y 1, 11-le �-" Buffa,'-)o 1 S 3 degree 0 11 W. , a lid a 10 n g the - -- r '-' y llb� -L , :kd ar y I i, -1,e o 2" 1-1111 Drive:, '158.0 feet to thL� o'.-- b.:;Z-1-,-,ning, and 0.435 acres of land, muL&- o:r lco�; Ln'-' t"I'at sa-'- to 'L'ziow� as feet granted to th'a C--"ty cf SECTION 3. That thc4 of L�OundL-. of the C•11:'11' Mon�tiana, as describt�,,d and ld-entlfLad a�i:;ove� W111 be in t'l-i, t of tile City of Xzlispell' a-:,d i"habitants thercof, 4.1"Z to L'�'�e of the contiguous tract above dcnllcyibud C.1 & a ?D_ in the.. limits Of said City, furtlke-z-, the t 2wch 'L,2.111 mar the symmetry and order o4f- tLc, City c47 1,1.alis, a a a`t �'uc% p--oposed to be included within thz� of «=lc C2Ly Is to said City. SECTION 4. That thL- L4--`j 0-2 2�,-crlbL�d Lnd id-.tiLJLd, and to be lw;Tuded Within r,oz a ta 1 0 f t1l'a C<ty o! Ica I , " 1, as - aforesaid, is duly as rc,;ulrcd by IL%� and is to be Classified as NO. I 1'2*�IDZNTIP—" ZONE, SECTION 5. That on the 'nth ::ay of CCtvber, 4t 7.30 lrl� !,!� in the Council Chambers at a regular meetiia& the c"7ty C3.Tj-Lcjl "ay prdilests that may be msde again st c'ztensloa of '-'he closia' time for the filing of wr"'tten is 14,zj_'LiL,y t3 ba 5tOO PM. Sept,elftb&r 20, .1968. rlxotests L� bz� at 31-­f-!,e of City SECTION 6. -TI-Le City Cje,: Cby :author izc�d L"Id notice of the passage of by P'U'Ll" lcat'iora:-� -'Iiwad Ly '-'«W' Such publication to be made in the NEWS, zl -,Aly p bl iz,',n,�d in t' Kalispell". Montana. U f P, ASSED ANPAPr'ROVED By I%HE 0127 OF THE CITY Gr 10TH DAYOFJUNE 1968. 1, --h' City of the-. C' oZ a. true aad corrc-t canv c, y Ju e 0 9 T.