Resolution 2701 - Resolution of Intent - SID 310400 R2SOLUTION NO. 2701 NIE"'ryON T�) C-.�ZJ ST;Z:C 'P20W LENT DISTI ICT NO310 N1, IL or C I :y 0 BE IT R=I-OLV-90 BY T112 CZ141y COU � m . F IU.LISPELL, MqOWM-�,1%- SECTION 1. £jjat it jo tlta iate-tion of tha City Council of the CitY Of Ca"S '6--,ntxaa to creatu L-C;,acizil "0' 310 for thz followinZ des- crib;�d areat Bloct: I Lot I 7, inclusive; Black I 1.0ts 10 tnr%; 12, Black 2 Lots 5 tl-=u 12, inClusiva, Blocl-' 3 I-Ots I threw 12, inclusive; Block 4 is I and 2 All of ='ILEY ADDITION SZCTZQ1L�T 2. That thcacral cha=cL�-,,r of thze to be 4ILd-,B in Sal"I p- %Z a o 2 - ez. �rQposed Special District Is tl a sanitary saw SECTION 3. Zkh4at thf-I ustimated Coat of slaid Is i10'000.00. ;,ZCTION 4. That entll'a =t Of said. ial�prove-ment-- shall be a0sessed a3ainst C-::'a lot %VIthin �,I�.'Fstrjct to be assc�sCed for that part Of the Uncle cost vialcla a :.aria bcaro to the area of the entire district. 5. 'Chat said ztr�z'_'- be-, for -n iZuli upon completion of ,zhe contract, or ah;<»Jl be paid in 10 r-vua— hereby extended Oven a period of 10 yea-ca. Said shall a fund to be knou.. Special 1-aprovemant District ivy. 310. SECTION 6. That said lranrova�mento be for i"'a spc�cial lxuprcjvem�nt District Warrants isauza azalat za�"'d diLvtricz it-, z"Ot to cxcacd $1,000.00 each, bearing interest at a rate not to erceca 21= purcent (6%) par aam,= from date of registration until called for radeaaptioa or paid in full. SECTION 7. That on the 3rd day of Sc.•,ptembar, 1968, at 7:30 P. M. in t%", Courlall C4&mbers of the City Hall 2,q the City of illliontrr­" at C Jat- lag thereoft the City Council will hear and pass on any protests that may be made a3ainst the makii%& of said improvomenas or the creation of said district. SECTION 8. The City Clezk is hereby authorized and directs' to give the proper notice of the passage of this resolution by publication and malling as r'�qulrzed by law, such publication to be made in the Daily Yater Take, a daily newspaper published In the City of Kalispell, Montaaa. PASSED'Aam) A PROUD BY THE C13YCOURCIL OF TUZ CITY OF ICAALISPZLL� MONTARk, THI OF AUCUST1968'. zzzt Laurence G. Ejolne'w" MkYOR Is the uzld ty '-.f th�i� City Of he-rc C 'oy cc,rtIf y M . o a vOPY Of t' w o f:arL dutly passed by 'clac, C-ity Cour,cjlj of to ty of 1<a1 ispel" at 'a g'U rezar Mcotlnz on Aj us t 51 6) E9 Cs; v aeark h cit* of Kaliso--11, Morjt— ana