Resolution 2702 - Resolution of Intent - Annexation - Hafer AddnKC� 27-02 Tlul OF 'fN7Z,NT1,01,1 TO 2.�=,ND T�-L "T�' LU -1-TS 02 THC CID.' OF RALIK'E'LL, 'CITY COUNCIL OT 7,1.11 2 IAL 0 CIS ELLYTWTANAR I, Tn - of Mac City Council of the City of Kalisp--ll. 7 to stiaLLScctioc, of a Revized -�s ty IV-0' the c."f y 2. zl-e aro-,a -,o be J-,jejkldej jqLtj-4jn the co-cpo-.-ote of ".he C--' '=y of I,--- '-' -';'-'z1s, "40'ara-Lia , 10 more 'Particularly descr iba i as Lma ADDI.=',,N TO r,"L15:?2LL . ..... <!t a-ctension © Of tl'jk: City of Kalispell, M'Ontana'. 7W--'I'll bC1. 1-6 t:,a lb'cst l4ut i6 G of the City of Kalispell, axad tho 1' 4Ll-bitants of the Co i--uoL2 tr ct above the liuilts of said City, and. further, that tz= the syxsctry and order of ti-ic City of t�h' t sr t 0,a ., ad to 't a i no I ud e d within the corporate I im 1 t s City is to sa-I,., City. 4. -=Z�.ct of above dc--cribed, and to be i�cludcd -hc ®s the Cil'-y of Kzalissycll as aforosaie,, isleluly "nd i:ci�uSzcd by law, and is to be classified as NO. 2 RESIDENCE o' c! - -Y CE sn-ptc-lber, 197. 68" az 110 P. M., in the Counall Lh3-' - C-2'i o"' L", - " " '% I lispoll, Mon'Lar-:" at a re�ulzlr Treeting the 'a y V'a" " I r of', :;s U':"on ar."y pzotLsts that may b,,a made agLInilit MO'A of L1-1-'1'-.-' _ "e alooin- time for the filing of wriz="n iz y Lc-Izrud CO b-a 5,00 P. M., Septemb---z 5, 1968. 6 . T,--, a t tcn City CAaz% 1;;. authorized and directed to fgive tha 3Licz 0,- t'"�u -ra of - this re solution, by public�-tjon as required by pao 'a p-�blicatio'a to be r-"ada in the Kallopell News, a weekly newspaper in tlic City of Kalispall, Montanan. A?-IROVED BY TPIZ CITY C01N, CIL OF 7174Z CITY OF XALISPELL, MONTANA, jYZ" DAY Ole AUGGST, 1963. 7,, tj-,c, underalgrzd, City Clerk Of the City of Kalispell, her;-y C t'hc foregoin"; a t::-Ve and co . t of the resolulzicn duly ��a by t"he Clay co=ncil of the ity llspell ant nay ata -D,�atin,7 01, August 5 68