Resolution 2703 - SID 305 - Form and DetailsRESOLUTION XO. 27n3 A RESOLUTION "_CO" , .: I f AND DELIVERY G7 Q6,500.00 OV SPICIAL 1ATMEMENT DISTRTH NO. 305 MAS MEREAS, thorn has ocen created un2ar the Statutes OF tho Stste Of 15"A' ,, ,, Olt, of yontana, Special improvounnu Distriec %� 30-5 for tho purpose of laying cower lines and Mllrcenances 5n vls!" Ad"" of Kalispell, WHESEAS the estimated cost Of said Project is $5,500-0" NOW THEREMOM, nE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of 011SP01, Nontana, as follows; 1, That for the purpose of obtaining MY ProvidiM TuMs to MY the COSC of the above project, and pursuant to tho authaYltigs af the StaMes Of the State of Nontana uM the prc):2e&din;'-"s in t:bc' pfe"L.."a",jc! there shall forthwith be pr2pnrICI for cxocut ion ond delivery Spcclal im- provement District No. 305 Bonds of the City of 011spall, Tkntnra, in the aggregate principal amount of SIX TODUSAND FIVE FUNDR0 MIMS Qn,500,00), which is the esMated cost and expense of the foregoing, whieb bonds M31 be dated August 1, 196S, and at;!! bear interml at M, Tate OF M P.r cent (6%) per annum, from date of issuc, payable anpunily. Said bonds shall be thirteen in nunhar, and numbered sprially from one to thirtnan, both inclusive, and said bonds stall due z:,�nd' urn the first. day of January, !973. Said bonds hall to redwarabla by the Trvasuyvv of Hn My oE Kalispall, hontana, at par Rnd accrued intirqst, Man chore nfu fonts in sold Specla! Improvevant District No. 305 Fund, againsc Mch EmM hunw arsuco-, available therefor, and said redemption shall be mnde in the maimer pon- vided by law, provided that the Treasuray shall first pay ouc n? sals, Special improvement District No. 305 Fund_nno,-,-A-1j, fl',Lc_..L_.._.,, r,a nll outstanding bonds upon presentation of Cho coupons bulonging thoreto, and any funds remaining shall ba applied to the payment of tho principal and the redemption of the bonds. 2. The ,Mnyor be auchoyized to sell this issue of bonds at public or pri- vate sale. 3. The interest on said bonds shall he payable annually 6n the first day of January of each yeRr commencing January 1, 1969, 4. Said bonds and the interest coupons to he thereto ittsohw� , and raZis- trarion certificate to be endorsed thereon, shall be in subscancially the form attached hereto as Exhilit "A" and Which, by the referenca, is made a part hereof. 5. Snid bonds shall be forthwith prepared for execution and shni! be exocMed on behalf oE the Special Improvomejo Di,tri,t No, 305 Q vhe City of Kalispoll, klontana, by the signature of the layer of the Jjty Kalispell, actested by the City Clerk of the Quv of Kal!spelj, �nw affixation of the official sea! of the City of Kajispell, and the colyons shall he executed and authenticated by Cho ennrave d or lichnpranhIc facsimile signarures of said officers, which fact ohall be so rocked in the hands, and said bonds shall Chen be registered by the City Trvssurarw Man the bonds have been so fully executod Rnd rogistarcO, chn Treasurer shall then deliver them, or cause them to be delivurQa a pno purchaser upon paypont to the City Trensurer of the purchass pr5w . thcya_ More agreed upon. 6. The Payor, the City Council, and the City Treasurny of the City Nrlis?ell are authorized and d1rumcd to propDre and fuvoish to S'n ;ny. chaser of soid hon0s, and to its Attorneys, certified copies of all p­_ 000dings and records relating to fa.i(l bonds alid _ex C 0 a L: aftaeav5ts no say he reculred co bring the facts within their knowlvdso' :11 as showr hy tho honks and recoris undet their custody and contril re- Vilng to the vVidity and mark ausbiliky of said bcn%, and said certifleel caplas pf and affidavits, including any tbereof heravafam �nnnlshrj, 1AS11 ronstItutc a mpresenuation of the Cloy of Kall"Pelly invann, VS to to cruth of aach `act to be 7. The City WnrR 0 nythorizod and dirrated to order thn pninting ' WDI 50nas and coupons. OY THE �AYOR AND CITY COUNCIL THTS 77 H DAY OF AUGUST Acts. Y, ono., !, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, hereby certify that the foregoing in a true and rect copy of the resolution duly Pat-od by the City Council of ty of Nalispell, Montana, at a rezular mlating on August 7. 968 CitylQ#k of the)City of Kalispell, "EXHIBIT A" UNITED SVTES OF AMER ICA ST-kTE OF VIONTAN',k SPECLU IMPROVEMENT DISTAICT NO- 305 at the rate of 6,00% Per an"um Payable J�iiLuary 1, 1969, and annually thereafter on t;l-.e 1st day of January in each year. SPECIAL IMPROVE."XIENT DISTIUCT BOND Issued by the City of Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana No. The T-reas,ur,,;r of the City of Kalispell, Montana, will pay to bear--r o'a or before January 1, 1978, from the funds of its Special Inprovema!nt D'IstricL No. 305 tne _-um of FIVE HUNDR2D D317URS as authorized by Resolution No. 26,14 as passed on the nth day of Octobez1967, creating; Special Improve,,T.:,.L-Lt District No.305 for the construvtion of thze ivaproveazants and the work perforraed as auth- orized by said resolution to be done in said District, and all laws, reuulatioo's and ordinancas relatinl- thareto, in paycriant of the contract in accordance- there- with. Th"e� principal ancl interest of this bond are payable at the office: Of the City Treas'.srcr of Kalispell, Montana. This bond bears intere--t at the rate of six and no onz-huadrLths per cent (6.001.) per from the date of registration of this bond, as expressed htirz:in, until paid oz until the dote called for redeuiption by the, City The interest on this bond is payable ja,.�uary 1, 1969, and annuLJly theraafter on the 1st day of Jaauu,xy in each year, ual"s paid previous thereto, and as expressed by the interest coupons hereto attached, %ehich bear-- the printed facsimile sib Utures of the Mayor wnd City Clerk. This bond is payable from the collection of a special tax or aasesSMeat waich is a lien aga-lnet the real estate within said Improvement District, as de- scribed In said resolution here-Inbefore refarred to. This bond is redeemable at the Option of the City at any time there are funds to -',L- credit of said special improvument district fund for the redemption thereof, end, in the manner provided for the redemption of the saint.. The date of rade-mption shall be fixed by the Treasurer, who shall give notice by publication once in a newspaper in Kalispell, or at the option of the Treaserr r, by Written noticL- to the holders of such bonds if their addresses be known, of the nvnibarr, of bonds and the date of which payment will be made, Valch data shall not be less than ten days after the date of publication or of service of notice, on which date so fixed interest shall cease. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all things required to be done precedent to the Issuance of this bond, have buo n properly done, happened and been parformed, in the manner prescribed by the laws of the State of Montana and the resolutions and ordinances of the City Of Kalispell, Montana, relatiag to the issuance thereof. (SEAL) Dated at Kalispell* Montana, this "EMILIT A01 CITY OF rQUISPELL By: pity C11C:1:'& "ZXR1BTT A" tcroci at the ofIce of the City Treasurer of Kalispell, Montana, this _City Treasurer (Form of Coupon) Unless the bond described below is called for earlier redempti,on,.o" t7L,C firs% day of January, 19 the City of Kalispell, Montana,'°,will pay to be r at the offjc6 of the City Treasurer of Kalispell, Montana, the amount hereon in lawZul money of the United States of America, from the special as.,;czsmjnt referred to In the bond to which this coupon appertains :for ­t then due on Its Special Improvement District No. Bond., dated (2zcsinn,ile signature) (Facsimile signature) City Clar1c. Mayor