Resolution 2679A - VOID - Sewer Revenue BondsV 0 1 D V 0 1 D V 0 1 D SEE PAGE 236 RESOLUTION NO.2679 A %E301UTION OESCRInTNG THE P02M An) OSTAIIS POR DIRECTING MIS EXECUTInN AMID DELIVERY OF $134,000,00 OF SEIN�Z.ii, PEVENUE BONDS OF = CITYLI OF XASPELL, MONTAN%1% AND AWARDING TEE SOLS 02 712 BONDS WBEREAS, the voters of the City o2 Tallapall, Montana at a Municipal Bond Election have approved the is.nzs of $124,000.0 of Sever Revenue Bands.for 0S purpose of installing sanl=y s,wcz 2=11.Ves, NOIN7 THIERZF'Od., BE IT DIES"O"VED, by zeie City Council OF the City of Kalispell, bontana, us fo11=54 1. That for the purpose of obtalnin,i and yroviQna funds to pay the cost of the above project. and Purauant to zhe nuVoyinew of t, stat,tes of the noate of f5stana and the proceedings recited in the procn-,',:Ala lhereto, and :,'nail forthwita be prepared Ear exccution a7l Q11vory Sower Revosun nonds in the Prinlipaz :�ouat of ONE HUNDRID THTRTY-FOUN TZOUSAND DOIZARS C$134,500,00):, which bonds 0111 be dated May 1, 1963, and stall beer interest an the ozz 017 Four and eighty five hundredths peraent (4.85%) per annum, payable sea! -annually. 2. The interest on sod bcnds shull be pnjoble semi-annually ounhe first day of bly and an the firw Sny c: Navoohnn Z nM% Said bonds shall maturn nz! shaLl be zedwomabla by che Treasuzer of the My of KalEpee l, Montana as fakin='. BWDNM0MS 11_7"1111"`,11:_`,,,� �`_CNY TOT! I n& olive) 7-12 V1,00ox"i 1�, 1, tog $6,000.00 IS-113 $1,0,00 NOVC&O"C 1, 15Aq ss,ccc,00 19-24 $1,030,00 Asny 1, 1970 $6,000,0"'D 25-30 $1,000,co November 1, 1170 $6,003.00 11-36 RAW& may 1, 7S71 16,000,00 37-40 01,030,00 November 1, 1971 $4,000,00 41-44 0,03Q00 yay 1, 1972 04,Oco.00 45-011 $1,000100 November 1, 1972 $4,030.00 49-52 11,000,C0 Ry 1, 1971 $4/00.00 5?_01 01,000.00 Nove"Mar 1, 1971 0,00.00 57-60 V1,000m yay 1, 1974 $4,000WO 61-641 41,000100 November 1, 1974 $4,000.00 65-6B $1,000.00 May 1, 1975 14,00000 69-72 $1,000oo Novf.�,aibcr 1, 1975 73-76 $1,000,00 May 1, 1976 WOOG.00 77-80 ;1,000,00 P oveinlber 1, 1976 s1�,000.00 0_0 0,000.00 May 1, 1977 $4400000 85-88 $1,000.00 Novenber 1, 1577 $4,00ZOO 89-92 $1,000.00 May 1, 1978 $4,000.00 91-96 $1,000.00 Novzvler 1, 1978 $4,00000 97-100 $1,000.00 May !, 1979 $4,00000 101-104 $1,000.00 NovQwher 1, 1979 $4,000.00 105-3ILO $1,000.00 May 1, 1930 $6,000.00 111-116 $1,000oo NovWer 1, 1980 $6,000.00 117-122 $1,000.00 may 1, 1911 $6,000.00 123-128 $1,000.00 November 1, 1961 $6,00a 00 129-134 $1,000.00 May 1, 1932 216-0120202MI, $134,000.00 3. Said bonds and the Interest coupons to be thereto attached� ani regIstration certificate to be endorsed thereon, shall be in substantially the fora attached hereto as EXHIBIT A and by the reference made a part hereof. 4Said bonds she'll be forthwith prepared for encution aad Shall be exmted on behalf of the City & Q10pell, Montana, by the signature of the Mayor of the City Of QIIS7t allCeSOCe by 0C My 0117k Of 2h, QQ OF &11WPL1,-, �_'A,� by aflivans"n UA 4 07:0,wh n a! 1-0 &,113101, and the intlYS&L COUPOnS Shall On . :WILVI Z -U . j ZOWt& t� 2AW Wnq70V0d 00 11 VVQZaphic faesimile 0:2natuTcs 01 5 00.01., W4704 za:t &..n bo so realend in the V%71s, and said bonso shall then Le vallsonred bw thu Ati 2reasurer. When th(a :in La 011p >NO& V& Vq, ny vp dity Treatulue Adil thN, to J�r� y