Resolution 2661 - Creates SID 308TAT =01UTIO1 NO— 2661 A RESOLUTION MATING WEVAL JAMWEYT DIST&wi NO. 303. BE IT RESCIVED By TEL CITY COUNCIL C1 TEE CITY OF YALISPELL, MONTH NA: SECTION 1. That Spe0jal lmyzovcment District No. 03 15 hereby created for the Pu0nne W inazallinZ a sanitary sewaz In that certniS aXna WC=Abad in Rnwolution No. 2618 and uhich area is commonly callcd t� char Addition Sawer Area. SECTION C® That aaid destrict !a creSou d 3object to the tea:: and canditiono as speclMG in RESOLUTZON NO- 2653, catlt&6 IMSSOLUTIC0 OF 1NANTION To CXZ%TZ SPEC= INEMOVEMENT DISTRICT 70. 108", passed and approved by the City Council of the City & Talispee l, Montana, on the 18th day of Decemberp 1967. PASSED AND APPROVED BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WISPW, OW A, TEIS 15TU aXY OF JANUARY, 1963. laurence G. Bjorneby "� 1. 1, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, hereby certify that the foregoing is rue and correct copy of the resolution duly passed by thq(Cjty Council of thp.stry el-c� Kalispell, Montana, at a regul4i meeting on Janury 171968. City Clerflof the City Q Kalispell. Montana