Resolution 2677 - Resolution of Intent - Annexation - Grandview HeightsRESC�LUTIGN NO. 2677 A RESOLUTION 07 INTENTTCN To EXT2ND TIZ CCRPORATT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF 1AIIS3=ELL, MONTANA, BE IT RESOLVED BY T2S CITE COUN0,;'L -,? 71,Z 4'-111', "I'll", X-40—islIET'L, MONTANA, SWTION 1, That it in :An intention of the City Wuncil of the City of Nalispall, Qntara, to extend t%o cnryorrc !Lnon, and to anvm Enation 247 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of , K=Loa of 1347, prescribing the limits W seid City. SECTION 2, That the Y;Wlosed n6dioacnal aran to be includco within the Corporate limits of the City of Tali spoll, montoja, is mwv yWWQi0U!wr:y jescribad az follows.' SECTION 3. That the e:xnnsiol of Zia boundorics & the City Of 032SX11, Montana, as described abovo, will 4. in the ,.an interests of tear City of Kalispell, and t& uhurcof, and to the Wabitants of the contiSuous tract above dese1lb2d, and to be included w0hin Ge limits of said City, and further, that such addition will not materially mnr M symacry and order of the City of Kalispell, and that such tract propzsad to be included within the corporate limits of said City is conta2uous to scid City. SECTION 4. That tin saKd tract of land above Wscribed, and to be included within tho corporate lWits of the City of al pall as aZoresaid, is duly and regularly platted, an required by law, and is to be classi2jad as NO. I RESIDENCE WE. SECTION 5. That an thn 6th day of >y, 1060, at 7110?. Y, in Us Councli chambars of the Kay on!! ia Kalispell, moninna, at a rosular meeting thereof, the City Council will hear and ..upon any Protests that may be made agatast the enteasloa of these boundaries. Ths closing tive for the filing of Yzitten protests Is hereby declared to be 500 P. V, May-3, 196& SECTION 6. Tat the City CMS in howeby onthorized and directed to 91ve the proper notice of the passage of this resolution, by pablitatios, as raluired by law, such publication to be Ma6c in the Kalispell Aws, a weekly aeWspaper subliKed in the City of valaspall, Montana. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OWN= 01? 7112 CITY OF XkLISPSIV, MOOT NA, TI115 IST SAY OF APRIL, 63 -d 027770 dA 1, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct copy of the resol uti'' drat passed by the CAY Council of rho City of Kathy, 1, Montana, It a 'K�;'Uli-a meeting on CIN Clerk A the City,if Kalls,115 hkmana